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  • Apr, 2011

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    Attributes of the Labor Party

    Q. Here is a list of things both favourable and unfavourable that have been said about various political parties. Which statements do you feel fit the Labor Party?

    6 Jul 09 14 Mar 10

    27 April 11

    % change
    Will promise to do anything to win votes 57% 63% 72% +9%
    Divided 30% 36% 66% +30%
    Out of touch with ordinary people 44% 48% 61% +13%
    Moderate 65% 63% 51% -12%
    Too close to the big corporate and financial interests 46% n.a.
    Have a vision for the future 43% n.a.
    Understands the problems facing Australia 62% 54% 40% -14%
    Looks after the interests of working people 39% n.a.
    Extreme 25% 26% 38% +12%
    Has a good team of leaders 60% 52% 34% -18%
    Clear about what they stand for 28% n.a.
    Keeps its promises 44% 33% 20% -13%

    The Labor Party’s main attributes were – will promise anything to win votes (63%), divided (66%) and out of touch with ordinary people (61%).
    Since these questions were last asked in March 2010, all of Labor’s positive attributes have declined and the negative attributes increased. Main changes since last March were divided (up 30% to 66%), has a good team of leaders (down 18% to 34%) and understands the problems facing Australia (down 14% to 40%).

    Note that the 2PP voting intention for 14 March 2010 was 56%-44% to Labor compared to the current 46%-54%.

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  • Apr, 2011

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    Party Attributes Comparison – Labor vs Liberal

    Labor Liberal

    % difference
    Divided 66% 49% +17%
    Will promise to do anything to win votes 72% 65% +7%
    Out of touch with ordinary people 61% 54% +7%
    Extreme 38% 36% +2%
    Looks after the interests of working people 39% 38% +1%
    Moderate 51% 55% -4%
    Have a vision for the future 43% 48% -5%
    Has a good team of leaders 34% 40% -6%
    Understands the problems facing Australia 40% 51% -11%
    Keeps its promises 20% 33% -13%
    Too close to the big corporate and financial interests 46% 60% -14%
    Clear about what they stand for 28% 44% -16%

    When these questions were last asked in March 2010, the Labor Party had significant leads over the Liberal Party on all positive attributes.

    For this survey, the only attribute on which there is any significant advantage for the Labor Party is  “too close to the big corporate and financial interests” (Labor 46%/Liberals 60%).

    The Liberal Party is seen more favourably in terms of being divided, clear about what they stand for, keeps it promises and understands the problems facing Australia.

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  • Apr, 2011

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    Difference between Labor and Greens Policies

    Q. How much difference do you think there is between the policies of the Labor Party and the Greens?

    Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    They are completely different 8% 10% 10% 12%
    Different on most issues 15% 15% 16% 26%
    Different of some and similar on some 41% 54% 33% 47%
    Similar on most issues 14% 7% 22% 8%
    They are exactly the same 5% 2% 7% 1%
    Don’t know 17% 13% 13% 5%

    19% think the Labor and Greens policies are similar or exactly the same, 23% think they are mostly or completely different and 41% think they are different on some and the similar on some issues.

    Labor voters are more likely to think they are different on some and similar on some (54%), Liberal/National voters more likely to think they are similar or the same (29%) and Greens voters more likely to think they are different (38%).

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  • Feb, 2011

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    Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd

    Q. Do you think that Julia Gillard has been a better or a worse leader than Kevin Rudd?

    Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    Total better 28% 47% 13% 30%
    Total worse 33% 18% 48% 35%
    A lot better 7% 15% 2% 3%
    A little better 21% 32% 11% 27%
    No difference 33% 32% 37% 30%
    A little worse 15% 10% 17% 23%
    A lot worse 18% 8% 31% 12%
    Don’t know 6% 3% 2% 5%

    Overall, respondents were split over whether Julia Gillard has been a better or worse leader than Kevin Rudd – 28% thought she had been better, 33% worse and 33% no different.

    Labor voters were more likely to think she had been better (47%/18%) while Liberal/National voters though she had been worse (13%/48%). Greens voters were split 30% better/35% worse and 30% no different.

    By gender – men split 24% better/37% worse compared to women 31% better/29% worse.

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  • Feb, 2011

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    Attributes to describe the Prime Minister

    Q.  Which of the following describe your opinion of the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard?

    5 Jul 10 4 Oct 10 7 Feb 11 Difference
    Intelligent 87% 81% 75% -6%
    Hard-working 89% 82% 76% -6%
    A capable leader 72% 59% 52% -7%
    Arrogant 37% 39% 44% +5%
    Out of touch with ordinary people 35% 44% 50% +6%
    Understands the problems facing Australia 68% 55% 52% -3%
    Visionary 48% 38% 30% -8%
    Superficial 51% *
    Good in a crisis 61% 46% 46%
    Narrow-minded 28% 35% 43% +8%
    More honest than most politicians 45% 37% 37%
    Trustworthy 49% 42% 40% -2%

    Julia Gillard’s key attributes were hard-working (76%) and intelligent (75%).

    Major changes since this question was asked in October 2010 were increases of 8% for narrow-minded (to 43%) and 6% for out of touch (to 50%) and decreases for visionary (down 8% to 30%), a capable leader (down 7% to 52%), intelligent (down 6% to 75%) and hard-working (down 6% to 76%).

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  • Feb, 2011

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    Flood Response – Parties

    Q. Who do you think has the best approach to funding the damage from the recent floods across Australia?

    Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    Julia Gillard and the Labor Party 36% 79% 4% 55%
    Tony Abbott and the Liberal Party 28% 3% 60% 8%
    Don’t know 36% 19% 36% 37%

    Q. Who would you trust most to manage the program of rebuilding infrastructure after the recent floods across Australia?

    Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    Julia Gillard and the Labor Party 36% 78% 3% 63%
    Tony Abbott and the Liberal Party 35% 5% 75% 6%
    Don’t know 29% 17% 22% 31%

    Overall, respondents tend to favour the approach of Julia Gillard in funding the flood damage – 36% prefer the Labor Party approach, 28% the Liberal party and 36% don’t know.

    However, in terms of managing the rebuilding of infrastructure, 36% favour Julia Gillard and the Labor Party and 35% favour Tony Abbott and the Liberal party.

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  • Dec, 2010

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    Party Attributes

    Q. Here is a list of things both favourable and unfavourable that have been said about Federal political parties.  Which statements do you feel fit the Labor Party/Liberal Party/Greens?

    Labor Liberal Greens
    Keeps its promises 10% 13% 9%
    Has a good team of leaders 16% 23% 12%
    Moderate 18% 23% 12%
    Understands the problems facing Australia 23% 30% 19%
    Looks after the interests of working people 22% 17% 8%
    Too close to the big corporate and financial interests 15% 29% 3%
    Extreme 6% 13% 39%
    Out of touch with ordinary people 38% 37% 31%
    Divided 30% 20% 10%
    Will promise to do anything to win votes 50% 36% 22%
    Clear about what they stand for 10% 21% 29%
    Have a vision for the future 20% 23% 23%

    Compared to the other two parties, Labor are thought more likely to promise to do anything to win votes (50%) and be divided (30%). Only 6% think they are extreme and 10% think they are clear about what they stand for. Key attributes among Labor voters are – understands the problems facing Australia (48%), looks after the interests of working people (44%) and have a vision for the future (41%).

    The Liberal Party is more likely to understand the problems facing Australia (30%), be too close to the big corporate and financial interests (29%) and have a good team of leaders (23%). 21% think they are clear about what they stand for. Key attributes among Coalition voters are – understands the problems facing Australia (63%), has a good team of leaders (47%), have a vision for the future (46%) and clear about what they stand for (45%).

    The Greens are more likely to bee seen as extreme (39%) and clear about what they stand for (29%). Key attributes among Greens voters are – understands the problems facing Australia (71%), clear about what they stand for (63%) and have a vision for the future (60%).

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  • Oct, 2010

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    Leader and Party most trusted to handle the war in Afghanistan

    Q. Which leader and party would you trust most to handle our involvement in the war in Afghanistan?

    Julia Gillard and the Labor Party 33%
    Tony Abbott and the Liberal Party 32%
    Bob Brown and the Greens 7%
    Don’t know 28%

    Respondents were split over which leader and party they would trust most to handle our involvement in the war in Afghanistan. 33% prefer Julia Gillard and the Labor Party and 32% prefer Tony Abbott and the Liberal Party.

    Those aged 55+ prefer the Liberal Party over the Labor Party 40% to 34%.

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