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Party Attributes

6 Dec 2010

Q. Here is a list of things both favourable and unfavourable that have been said about Federal political parties.  Which statements do you feel fit the Labor Party/Liberal Party/Greens?

Labor Liberal Greens
Keeps its promises 10% 13% 9%
Has a good team of leaders 16% 23% 12%
Moderate 18% 23% 12%
Understands the problems facing Australia 23% 30% 19%
Looks after the interests of working people 22% 17% 8%
Too close to the big corporate and financial interests 15% 29% 3%
Extreme 6% 13% 39%
Out of touch with ordinary people 38% 37% 31%
Divided 30% 20% 10%
Will promise to do anything to win votes 50% 36% 22%
Clear about what they stand for 10% 21% 29%
Have a vision for the future 20% 23% 23%

Compared to the other two parties, Labor are thought more likely to promise to do anything to win votes (50%) and be divided (30%). Only 6% think they are extreme and 10% think they are clear about what they stand for. Key attributes among Labor voters are – understands the problems facing Australia (48%), looks after the interests of working people (44%) and have a vision for the future (41%).

The Liberal Party is more likely to understand the problems facing Australia (30%), be too close to the big corporate and financial interests (29%) and have a good team of leaders (23%). 21% think they are clear about what they stand for. Key attributes among Coalition voters are – understands the problems facing Australia (63%), has a good team of leaders (47%), have a vision for the future (46%) and clear about what they stand for (45%).

The Greens are more likely to bee seen as extreme (39%) and clear about what they stand for (29%). Key attributes among Greens voters are – understands the problems facing Australia (71%), clear about what they stand for (63%) and have a vision for the future (60%).
