05 September 2013, 050913, 2PP, election 2013, Greens, Labor Party, Liberal Party, two party preferred, Voting intention
Q. The Federal Election will be held next weekend on 7 September – to which party will you probably give your first preference in the House of Representatives? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward?
The table below shows weekly figures through the election campaign.
First preference/leaning to |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
5/8/13 |
13/8/13 |
19/8/13 |
26/8/13 |
2/9/13 |
5/9/13 |
Liberal National |
43.6% |
43% |
44% |
43% |
43% |
44% |
43% |
Labor |
38.0% |
37% |
41% |
39% |
36% |
35% |
35% |
Greens |
11.8% |
10% |
7% |
9% |
11% |
10% |
10% |
Other/Independent |
6.6% |
11% |
9% |
8% |
10% |
11% |
12% |
2 Party Preferred |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
5/8/13 |
13/8/13 |
19/8/13 |
26/8/13 |
2/9/13 |
5/9/13 |
Liberal National |
49.9% |
51% |
50% |
50% |
51% |
53% |
52% |
Labor |
50.1% |
49% |
50% |
50% |
49% |
47% |
48% |
Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2010 election.
02 September 2013, 020913, 2PP, Greens, Labor Party, Liberal Party, two party preferred, Voting intention
Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward?
Q. If don’t know -Well which party are you currently leaning to?
Sample size = 1,856 respondents
First preference/leaning to |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 5/8/13 |
2 weeks ago 19/8/13 |
Last week 26/8/13 |
This week 2/9/13 |
Liberal |
40% |
41% |
40% |
41% |
National |
3% |
3% |
2% |
3% |
Total Lib/Nat |
43.6% |
43% |
44% |
43% |
44% |
Labor |
38.0% |
38% |
40% |
38% |
35% |
Greens |
11.8% |
9% |
8% |
11% |
11% |
Other/Independent |
6.6% |
10% |
8% |
9% |
10% |
2 Party Preferred |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 5/8/13 |
2 weeks ago 19/8/13 |
Last week 26/8/13 |
This week 2/9/13 |
Liberal National |
49.9% |
51% |
50% |
50% |
52% |
Labor |
50.1% |
49% |
50% |
50% |
48% |
NB. The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived from the first preference/leaning to voting questions. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2010 election.
26 August 2013, 260813, Greens, Labor Party, Liberal Party, two party preferred, Voting intention
Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward?
Q. If don’t know -Well which party are you currently leaning to?
Sample size = 1,795 respondents
First preference/leaning to |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 29/7/13 |
2 weeks ago 13/8/13 |
Last week 19/8/13 |
This week 26/8/13 |
Liberal |
41% |
40% |
41% |
40% |
National |
3% |
3% |
3% |
2% |
Total Lib/Nat |
43.6% |
44% |
43% |
44% |
43% |
Labor |
38.0% |
39% |
39% |
40% |
38% |
Greens |
11.8% |
9% |
8% |
8% |
11% |
Other/Independent |
6.6% |
8% |
10% |
8% |
9% |
2 Party Preferred |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 29/7/13 |
2 weeks ago 13/8/13 |
Last week 19/8/13 |
This week 26/8/13 |
Liberal National |
49.9% |
51% |
51% |
50% |
50% |
Labor |
50.1% |
49% |
49% |
50% |
50% |
NB. The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived from the first preference/leaning to voting questions. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2010 election.
19 August 2013, 190813, 2PP, Greens, Labor Party, Liberal Party, two party preferred, Voting intention
Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward?
Q. If don’t know -Well which party are you currently leaning to?
Sample size = 1,902 respondents
First preference/leaning to |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 22/7/13 |
2 weeks ago 5/8/13 |
Last week 13/8/13 |
This week 19/8/13 |
Liberal |
42% |
40% |
40% |
41% |
National |
3% |
3% |
3% |
3% |
Total Lib/Nat |
43.6% |
45% |
43% |
43% |
44% |
Labor |
38.0% |
39% |
38% |
39% |
40% |
Greens |
11.8% |
7% |
9% |
8% |
8% |
Other/Independent |
6.6% |
9% |
10% |
10% |
8% |
2 Party Preferred |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 22/7/13 |
2 weeks ago 5/8/13 |
Last week 13/8/13 |
This week 19/8/13 |
Liberal National |
49.9% |
51% |
51% |
51% |
50% |
Labor |
50.1% |
49% |
49% |
49% |
50% |
NB. The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived from the first preference/leaning to voting questions. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2010 election.
130813, 2PP, Greens, Labor Party, Liberal Party, two party preferred, Voting intention
Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward?
Q. If don’t know -Well which party are you currently leaning to?
Sample size = 1,899 respondents
First preference/leaning to |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 15/7/13 |
2 weeks ago 29/7/13 |
Last week 5/8/13 |
This week 13/8/13 |
Liberal |
42% |
41% |
40% |
40% |
National |
4% |
3% |
3% |
3% |
Total Lib/Nat |
43.6% |
46% |
44% |
43% |
43% |
Labor |
38.0% |
39% |
39% |
38% |
39% |
Greens |
11.8% |
7% |
9% |
9% |
8% |
Other/Independent |
6.6% |
8% |
8% |
10% |
10% |
2 Party Preferred |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 15/7/13 |
2 weeks ago 29/7/13 |
Last week 5/8/13 |
This week 13/8/13 |
Liberal National |
49.9% |
52% |
51% |
51% |
51% |
Labor |
50.1% |
48% |
49% |
49% |
49% |
NB. The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived from the first preference/leaning to voting questions. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2010 election.
050813, 2PP, 5 August 2013, Greens, Labor Party, Liberal Party, two party preferred, Voting intention
Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward?
Q. If don’t know -Well which party are you currently leaning to?
Sample size = 1,903 respondents
First preference/leaning to |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 8/7/13 |
2 weeks ago 23/7/13 |
Last week 29/7/13 |
This week 5/8/13 |
Liberal |
42% |
42% |
41% |
40% |
National |
4% |
3% |
3% |
3% |
Total Lib/Nat |
43.6% |
46% |
45% |
44% |
43% |
Labor |
38.0% |
38% |
39% |
39% |
38% |
Greens |
11.8% |
8% |
7% |
9% |
9% |
Other/Independent |
6.6% |
7% |
9% |
8% |
10% |
2 Party Preferred |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 8/7/13 |
2 weeks ago 23/7/13 |
Last week 29/7/13 |
This week 5/8/13 |
Liberal National |
49.9% |
52% |
51% |
51% |
51% |
Labor |
50.1% |
48% |
49% |
49% |
49% |
NB. The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived from the first preference/leaning to voting questions. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2010 election.
29 July 2013, 290713, 2PP, Greens, Labor Party, Liberal Party, two party preferred, Voting intention
Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward?
Q. If don’t know -Well which party are you currently leaning to?
Sample size = 1,912 respondents
First preference/leaning to |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 1/7/13 |
2 weeks ago 15/7/13 |
Last week 23/7/13 |
This week 29/7/13 |
Liberal |
43% |
42% |
42% |
41% |
National |
3% |
4% |
3% |
3% |
Total Lib/Nat |
43.6% |
46% |
46% |
45% |
44% |
Labor |
38.0% |
36% |
39% |
39% |
39% |
Greens |
11.8% |
9% |
7% |
7% |
9% |
Other/Independent |
6.6% |
9% |
8% |
9% |
8% |
2 Party Preferred |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 1/7/13 |
2 weeks ago 15/7/13 |
Last week 23/7/13 |
This week 29/7/13 |
Liberal National |
49.9% |
53% |
52% |
51% |
51% |
Labor |
50.1% |
47% |
48% |
49% |
49% |
NB. The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived from the first preference/leaning to voting questions. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2010 election.
23 July 2013, 230713, 2PP, Greens, Independents, Labor Party, Liberal Party, two party preferred, Voting intention
Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward?
Q. If don’t know -Well which party are you currently leaning to?
Sample size = 1,980 respondents
First preference/leaning to |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 24/6/13 |
2 weeks ago 8/7/13 |
Last week 15/7/13 |
This week 23/7/13 |
Liberal |
44% |
42% |
42% |
42% |
National |
3% |
4% |
4% |
3% |
Total Lib/Nat |
43.6% |
47% |
46% |
46% |
45% |
Labor |
38.0% |
34% |
38% |
39% |
39% |
Greens |
11.8% |
8% |
8% |
7% |
7% |
Other/Independent |
6.6% |
11% |
7% |
8% |
9% |
2 Party Preferred |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 24/6/13 |
2 weeks ago 8/7/13 |
Last week 15/7/13 |
This week 23/7/13 |
Liberal National |
49.9% |
55% |
52% |
52% |
51% |
Labor |
50.1% |
45% |
48% |
48% |
49% |
NB. The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived from the first preference/leaning to voting questions. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2010 election.