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  • May, 2020

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    Government response to Covid-19

    Q. Overall, how would you rate the Government’s response to the Covid-19 outbreak?

      25/05 18/05 11/05 04/05 27/04 20/04 13/04 06/04 29/03
    Very poor 4% 3% 4% 4% 4% 5% 6% 6% 11%
    Quite poor 6% 7% 9% 9% 9% 10% 12% 15% 21%
    Neither good, nor poor 16% 17% 16% 20% 17% 21% 20% 21% 24%
    Quite good 43% 41% 39% 38% 44% 42% 40% 37% 34%
    Very good 30% 32% 32% 28% 26% 23% 23% 21% 11%
    TOTAL: Poor 11% 11% 13% 14% 13% 15% 17% 21% 31%
    TOTAL: Good 73% 73% 71% 66% 70% 65% 63% 58% 45%
    Base (n) 1,087 1,073 1,067 1,093 1,054 1,051 1,068 1,069 1,086


        Gender Age Group Location
      Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Capital Non-Capital
    Very poor 4% 6% 3% 7% 4% 3% 4% 6%
    Quite poor 6% 8% 4% 8% 7% 3% 6% 6%
    Neither good, nor poor 16% 16% 16% 21% 16% 13% 16% 18%
    Quite good 43% 41% 44% 48% 47% 34% 45% 38%
    Very good 30% 28% 32% 16% 26% 47% 29% 33%
    TOTAL: Poor 11% 14% 7% 15% 11% 6% 10% 12%
    TOTAL: Good 73% 70% 76% 63% 73% 81% 74% 70%
    Base (n) 1,087 534 553 341 364 382 738 349
  • May, 2020

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    State Government response to Covid-19

    Q. How would you rate your state government’s response to the Covid-19 outbreak?

      25/05 18/05 11/05 04/05 27/04 20/04 13/04
    Very poor 4% 3% 4% 4% 4% 5% 5%
    Quite poor 7% 8% 8% 8% 9% 9% 11%
    Neither good, nor poor 17% 17% 16% 18% 17% 20% 20%
    Quite good 38% 39% 39% 38% 41% 39% 38%
    Very good 35% 33% 34% 31% 30% 26% 26%
    TOTAL: Poor 11% 11% 12% 12% 13% 14% 16%
    TOTAL: Good 73% 72% 73% 70% 70% 66% 64%
    Base (n) 1,087 1,073 1,067 1,093 1,054 1,051 1,068


      Total NSW VIC QLD SA WA
    Very poor 4% 5% 3% 3% 2% 4%
    Quite poor 7% 8% 9% 8% 2% 3%
    Neither good, nor poor 17% 22% 16% 15% 12% 10%
    Quite good 38% 41% 37% 42% 38% 20%
    Very good 35% 24% 36% 32% 46% 63%
    TOTAL: Poor 11% 13% 11% 12% 4% 7%
    TOTAL: Good 73% 65% 73% 74% 84% 83%
    Base (n) 1,087 349 275 220 84 106
  • May, 2020

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    Easing restrictions

    Q. When do you think governments should start to ease the restrictions on travel and gatherings to allow offices, shops, restaurants, other workplaces, and public spaces to start operating again?

      25/05 18/05 11/05 04/05 27/04 20/04
    As soon as possible 14% 9% 13% 10% 10% 9%
    Within the next 1 to 2 weeks 10% 13% 12% 9% 7% 6%
    Within the next month 23% 23% 22% 21% 18% 14%
    By the end of next month 17% 22% 20% 15% 15% 13%
    It is too soon to consider easing restrictions 27% 25% 27% 37% 42% 49%
    Unsure 9% 8% 6% 8% 8% 10%
    Base (n) 1,087 1,073 1,067 1,093 1,054 1,051


        Gender Age Group
      Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+
    As soon as possible 14% 18% 10% 17% 12% 14%
    Within the next 1 to 2 weeks 10% 11% 10% 12% 9% 10%
    Within the next month 23% 24% 23% 24% 22% 23%
    By the end of next month 17% 17% 17% 15% 18% 18%
    It is too soon to consider easing restrictions 27% 22% 31% 23% 29% 28%
    Unsure 9% 8% 9% 9% 10% 7%
    Base (n) 1,087 534 553 341 364 382
  • May, 2020

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    Continuation of short-term measures

    Q. The Federal Government has introduced some short-term measures to help people financially deal with the Covid-19 outbreak. For each of the following, how long do you think do you think the schemes should continue?

      Should end as soon as possible Should end at current set date Should continue after the current end date Unsure
    Providing free childcare for children in early childhood education

    (Due to end 28th June 2020)

    14% 33% 36% 17%
    Increase to JobSeeker payments to $1,115 per fortnight

    (Due to end 24th September 2020)

    21% 28% 36% 15%
    Provision of JobKeeper wage subsidy of $1,500 per fortnight to eligible employers for each eligible worker

    (Due to end 24th September 2020)

    17% 36% 32% 14%


    TOTAL: Should continue after the current end date   Gender Age Group
    Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+
    Providing free childcare for children in early childhood education 36% 39% 33% 43% 34% 31%
    Increase to JobSeeker payments to $1,115 per fortnight 36% 39% 33% 42% 36% 30%
    Provision of JobKeeper wage subsidy of $1,500 per fortnight to eligible employers for each eligible worker 32% 35% 30% 38% 32% 27%
    Base (n) 1,087 534 553 341 364 382
    • One-third of participants say that providing feed childcare, and increasing JobSeeker payments should continue after the current end date (both 36%).
    • 18-34 year olds are most likely to say any of the short-term measures should continue after the current end date, whereas 55+ year olds are least likely to support continuing these measures.
    • Men are more likely to support continuing the increased JobSeeker payments after 24th September 2020 (39%) than women (33%).
  • May, 2020

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    Closer or more distant social connections

    Q. Since the start of the lockdown restrictions, do you feel closer or more distant from each of the following people in your life?

      My partner My children My extended family My neighbours My friends My workmates
    I feel closer 36% 35% 18% 13% 13% 11%
    It has not affected our relationship 53% 52% 55% 64% 52% 53%
    I feel more distant 11% 13% 27% 23% 34% 36%
    Base 797 716 964 942 1,012 680


    TOTAL: I feel closer   Gender Age Group
    Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+
    My partner 36% 36% 36% 49% 36% 24%
    My children 35% 32% 38% 50% 41% 22%
    My extended family 18% 18% 18% 24% 19% 13%
    My neighbours 13% 14% 12% 15% 13% 12%
    My friends 13% 13% 14% 19% 11% 11%
    My workmates 11% 11% 11% 13% 11% 8%


    TOTAL: I feel more distant   Gender Age Group
    Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+
    My partner 11% 11% 11% 15% 12% 6%
    My children 13% 13% 12% 11% 10% 15%
    My extended family 27% 26% 28% 31% 27% 24%
    My neighbours 23% 21% 24% 23% 21% 24%
    My friends 34% 32% 36% 42% 34% 28%
    My workmates 36% 34% 39% 47% 32% 24%
    • More than half of participants don’t feel closer or more distant to the social connections in their life, varying between 64% for neighbours and 52% for children and friends.
    • 18-34 year olds are most likely to say they feel closer to their partner (49%), children (50%) and extended family (24%) – but more distant from their friends (42%) and workmates (47%).
    • Participants over 55 are most likely to say their social connections haven’t been affected by the lockdown restrictions.
  • May, 2020

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    Likelihood of developing Coronavirus

    Q. How likely do you think it is, that you will develop Covid-19?

      18/05 11/05 04/05 27/04 20/04 13/04 06/04 29/03 22/03 09/03
    Very likely 6% 6% 5% 5% 7% 5% 8% 8% 8% 7%
    Somewhat likely 25% 24% 26% 21% 25% 28% 33% 36% 34% 24%
    Somewhat unlikely 48% 48% 46% 50% 52% 49% 45% 45% 45% 43%
    Very unlikely 21% 21% 23% 23% 17% 18% 14% 12% 13% 26%
    Base (n) 1,073 1,067 1.093 1,054 1,051 1,068 1,069 1,086 1,034 1,096


        Age group Location
      Total 18-34 35-54 55+ Capital Non-Capital
    Very likely 6% 8% 8% 3% 7% 4%
    Somewhat likely 25% 25% 29% 21% 26% 24%
    Somewhat unlikely 48% 43% 42% 59% 48% 49%
    Very unlikely 21% 24% 21% 17% 19% 24%
    Base (n) 1,073 339 349 385 730 343



  • May, 2020

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    Government response to Covid-19

    Q. Overall, how would you rate the Government’s response to the Covid-19 outbreak?

      18/05 11/05 04/05 27/04 20/04 13/04 06/04 29/03 22/03
    Very poor 3% 4% 4% 4% 5% 6% 6% 11% 9%
    Quite poor 7% 9% 9% 9% 10% 12% 15% 21% 20%
    Neither good, nor poor 17% 16% 20% 17% 21% 20% 21% 24% 26%
    Quite good 41% 39% 38% 44% 42% 40% 37% 34% 33%
    Very good 32% 32% 28% 26% 23% 23% 21% 11% 12%
    TOTAL: Poor 11% 13% 14% 13% 15% 17% 21% 31% 29%
    TOTAL: Good 73% 71% 66% 70% 65% 63% 58% 45% 45%
    Base (n) 1,073 1,067 1,093 1,054 1,051 1,068 1,069 1,086 1,034


        Gender Age Group Location
      Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Capital Non-Capital
    Very poor 3% 5% 2% 4% 4% 2% 3% 3%
    Quite poor 7% 8% 7% 10% 9% 3% 7% 7%
    Neither good, nor poor 17% 18% 15% 25% 16% 10% 15% 20%
    Quite good 41% 38% 43% 47% 38% 38% 43% 35%
    Very good 32% 31% 33% 14% 32% 47% 31% 35%
    TOTAL: Poor 11% 13% 8% 14% 13% 5% 11% 11%
    TOTAL: Good 73% 69% 76% 61% 70% 85% 74% 70%
    Base (n) 1,073 524 549 339 349 385 730 343
  • May, 2020

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    State Government response to Covid-19

    Q. How would you rate your state government’s response to the Covid-19 outbreak?

      18/05 11/05 04/05 27/04 20/04 13/04
    Very poor 3% 4% 4% 4% 5% 5%
    Quite poor 8% 8% 8% 9% 9% 11%
    Neither good, nor poor 17% 16% 18% 17% 20% 20%
    Quite good 39% 39% 38% 41% 39% 38%
    Very good 33% 34% 31% 30% 26% 26%
    TOTAL: Poor 11% 12% 12% 13% 14% 16%
    TOTAL: Good 72% 73% 70% 70% 66% 64%
    Base (n) 1,073 1,067 1,093 1,054 1,051 1,068


      Total NSW VIC QLD SA WA
    Very poor 3% 5% 3% 3% 2% 0%
    Quite poor 8% 7% 10% 8% 5% 4%
    Neither good, nor poor 17% 18% 15% 24% 13% 10%
    Quite good 39% 43% 38% 39% 39% 33%
    Very good 33% 27% 33% 26% 41% 52%
    TOTAL: Poor 11% 12% 14% 10% 7% 5%
    TOTAL: Good 72% 70% 71% 66% 80% 86%
    Base (n) 1,073 352 267 216 85 104