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  • Aug, 2021


    Concern about the impact of Covid-19 lockdowns on adults

    Q. Thinking about Covid-19 lockdowns across Australia, to what extent are you concerned about the effect of lockdowns on the following?

    TOTAL: Concerned Aug’21 Jul’21
    My financial situation 54%
    My mental wellbeing 51% 50%
    My physical health 50%
    [Asked only to those currently in paid work] My risk of unemployment or reduced hours 48%
    My personal relationships 43% 39%
    [Asked only to those currently in paid work] My work-life balance 43% 49%
    • The effect of lockdowns is not getting any easier on people’s mental health, with 51% saying they are concerned with their mental wellbeing (50% in July 2021). 43% say they are concerned for their personal relationships (39% in July 2021), and 43% of people in employment are concerned about their work-life balance (49% in July 2021).
      TOTAL: Concerned TOTAL:

    Not Concerned

    Very concerned Moderately concerned Not that concerned Not concerned at all
    My financial situation 54% 46% 21% 33% 28% 18%
    My mental wellbeing 51% 49% 21% 30% 30% 19%
    My physical health 50% 50% 16% 34% 32% 17%
    [Asked only to those currently in paid work] My risk of unemployment or reduced hours 48% 52% 17% 30% 28% 24%
    My personal relationships 43% 57% 14% 29% 34% 22%
    [Asked only to those currently in paid work] My work-life balance 43% 57% 13% 30% 37% 20%
    • The biggest cause of concern for people is their financial situation (54%). Around half are concerned for their mental wellbeing (51%) and physical health (50%).
    • 48% of those in employment are concerned that the lockdowns will result in unemployment or reduced hours.
  • Aug, 2021


    Concern about the impact of Covid-19 lockdowns on children

    Q. And now thinking about Covid-19 lockdowns and their impact on children, to what extent are you concerned about the effect of lockdowns on the following?

    [Asked only to those with dependent children in the household]

    TOTAL: Concerned Aug’21 Jul’21
    My child(ren) missing out on socialising (with their friends, peers, teachers, etc.) 69%
    My child(ren)’s mental wellbeing 65% 59%
    My child(ren) falling behind in their learning at school 61% 55%
    My child(ren) developing behavioural issues 51% 49%
    Base (n) 392 433
    • Parents’ concern for the impact of lockdowns on children has increased since July.
    • 65% are now concern for their children’s wellbeing (59% in July), and 61% are concerned their children are falling behind at school (55% in July).
    Asked only to those with dependent children in the household (n=392) TOTAL: Concerned TOTAL:

    Not Concerned

    Very concerned Moderately concerned Not that concerned Not concerned at all
    My child(ren) missing out on socialising (with their friends, peers, teachers, etc.) 69% 31% 34% 35% 16% 15%
    My child(ren)’s mental wellbeing 65% 35% 31% 34% 18% 17%
    My child(ren) falling behind in their learning at school 61% 39% 30% 31% 18% 21%
    My child(ren) developing behavioural issues 51% 49% 23% 27% 26% 23%
    Asked only those with school-aged children, teenagers, or older dependent children in the household (n=275)    
    My child(ren)’s readiness for life beyond school (e.g. university, work) 58% 42% 29% 30% 20% 22%
    My child(ren) suffering from exam stress exacerbated by lockdowns 56% 44% 21% 34% 19% 25%
    • The greatest concern for parents is their children missing out on socialising (69%), followed by children’s mental wellbeing (65%).
    • Among parents with school-aged children, teenagers or older dependent children, 58% are concerned that the lockdowns will affect their children’s readiness for life beyond school, and 56% are concerned about extra exam stress.
  • Aug, 2021


    Views towards level of lockdown

    Q. Thinking about the latest Covid-19 lockdown in your state, do you think your state government…?

    [Asked only to those in NSW, VIC, and SA]

    locked down too harshly 11% 23% 6%
    locked down at about the right level 39% 71% 85%
    did not lock down hard enough 50% 6% 9%
    Base (n) 352 276 86
    • Half (50%) of those in NSW think their state government did not lock down hard enough. 39% think their state government locked down at about the right level, and 11% think they locked down too harshly.
    • In contrast, the majority of Victorians (71%) and South Australians (85%) think their state governments locked down at about the right level.
    • 23% of Victorians think their state government locked down too harshly.
  • Aug, 2021


    Views towards sufficiency of lockdown support

    Q. As far as you know, is the Australian Government doing enough, not enough or too much to support people affected by lockdowns?

      Total Federal Voting Intention State
      Labor TOTAL: Coalition Greens TOTAL: Other NSW VIC QLD SA WA
    Not doing enough 37% 49% 19% 63% 45% 33% 43% 36% 42% 33%
    Doing enough 47% 39% 66% 29% 36% 50% 45% 47% 44% 50%
    Doing too much 6% 5% 7% 2% 12% 6% 6% 7% 5% 6%
    Unsure 9% 8% 8% 6% 8% 11% 6% 11% 9% 11%
    Base (n) 1,098 371 402 90 128 352 276 220 86 111
    • Just over a third of people (37%) think the government is not doing enough to support people affected by lockdowns, while just under half (47%) think the government is doing enough about this. 6% think they are doing too much and 9% are unsure.
    • Greens, Labor and minor/independent party voters are more likely than Coalition voters to think the government is not doing enough to support those affected by lockdowns (63%, 49% and 45% to 19% respectively).
    • In all states, around half of people think the government is doing enough to support those affected by the lockdowns. However, Victorians and South Australians are more likely than other states to think the government is not doing enough to support people affected by lockdowns (43% and 42% respectively).
  • Jul, 2021

    , ,

    Speed of NSW lockdown

    Q. Overall, do you think NSW moved too quickly, too slowly or at about the right speed in terms of enforcing lockdown restrictions?


      Total Gender Age Group Federal Voting Intention
      Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Labor TOTAL: Coalition Greens TOTAL: Other
    Moved too quickly 10% 9% 11% 14% 9% 7% 9% 8% 9% 21%
    About the right speed 51% 50% 51% 51% 50% 51% 41% 62% 49% 44%
    Moved too slowly 39% 41% 38% 35% 41% 41% 50% 30% 43% 35%
    Base (n) 553 268 285 147 203 203 182 226 41 44
    • Half of NSW residents think the state government imposed Covid-19 lockdowns at the right speed (51%), 39% think the decision was too slow and 10% think it was made too quickly.
    • Coalition voters are most likely to think the government acted at the right speed (62%), while Labor and Greens voters are most likely to say it was too slow (50% and 43%).
  • Jul, 2021


    Effect of Covid-19 lockdowns on adults and children

    Q. Thinking about Covid-19 lockdowns across Australia, to what extent are you concerned about the effect of these lockdowns on the following?

    TOTAL: Concerned TOTAL:

    Not concerned

    Very concerned Moderately concerned Not that concerned Not concerned at all Base (n)
    My mental wellbeing 50% 50% 19% 31% 28% 21% 1,099
    My personal relationships 39% 61% 15% 25% 32% 28% 1,099
    My work-life balance


    49% 51% 18% 31% 34% 17% 507
    My child(ren)’s mental wellbeing


    59% 41% 27% 33% 23% 17% 433
    My child(ren) developing behavioural issues


    49% 51% 21% 29% 27% 23% 433
    My child(ren) falling behind in their learning at school


    55% 45% 23% 32% 22% 23% 433
    • Half of people say the Covid-19 lockdowns are giving them concern for their mental health (50% either very, or moderately concerned). There is less concern for the effect on personal relationships (39% concerned).
    • Of those in paid employment, 49% say they are concerned that the Covid-19 lockdowns are impacting their work-life balance.
    • Among those with dependent children in the household, 59% say they are concerned for the mental wellbeing of their children, 55% are concerned their children are falling behind at school, and 49% are concerned about their children developing behavioural issues.
  • Jun, 2021


    Victorian lockdown and federal support

    Q. The Victorian government has criticised the federal government for rolling out the Covid-19 vaccines too slowly, leaving quarantine up to state governments, and not providing businesses with enough support during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Which of the following statements is closer to your view?

      Total Gender Age Group Federal Voting Intention
      Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Labor TOTAL: Coalition Greens TOTAL: Other
    The Victorian government is raising valid concerns about the federal government’s performance 55% 52% 58% 62% 55% 50% 73% 38% 65% 45%
    The Victorian government is just seeking to shift the blame for its own failings 45% 48% 42% 38% 45% 50% 27% 62% 35% 55%
    Base (n) 1,104 542 562 347 364 393 346 404 108 141


    The Victorian government is raising valid concerns about the federal government’s performance 53% 61% 52% 55% 55%
    The Victorian government is just seeking to shift the blame for its own failings 47% 39% 48% 45% 45%
    Base (n) 349 278 225 89 108
    • 55% of Australians think the Victorian government is raising valid concerns about the federal government’s performance, and 45% think the Victorian government is just seeking to shift the blame for its own failings.
    • While it’s the majority view across all states, Victorians are the most likely to think the Victorian government is raising valid concerns about the federal government’s performance (61% to 53% of those in NSW, 52% of Queenslanders, and 55% of South Australians and Western Australians respectively).
  • Jun, 2021

    Views towards government support during lockdowns

    Q. As you may be aware, because support such as JobKeeper ended in April, people and businesses affected by the lockdown in Victoria have not been able to get financial support from the federal government.

    The Victorian government has offered its own support package but has said the federal government should be helping out too, as support for people out of work is usually the responsibility of the federal government.

    Which of the following is closer to your view?

      Total Gender Age Group Federal Voting Intention
      Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Labor TOTAL: Coalition Greens TOTAL: Other
    The federal government should provide financial support to people and businesses affected by future lockdowns 55% 54% 55% 58% 56% 51% 68% 41% 71% 50%
    If state governments choose to lockdown their populations, state governments should be the ones providing financial support to people and businesses affected 45% 46% 45% 42% 44% 49% 32% 59% 29% 50%
    Base (n) 1,104 542 562 347 364 393 346 404 108 141


    The federal government should provide financial support to people and businesses affected by future lockdowns 53% 58% 53% 57% 58%
    If state governments choose to lockdown their populations, state governments should be the ones providing financial support to people and businesses affected 47% 42% 47% 43% 42%
    Base (n) 349 278 225 89 108
    • 55% of Australians think the federal government should provide financial support to people and businesses affected by future lockdowns. This is the majority view across all states. Labor and Greens voters are the most likely voters to hold this view (68% and 71% respectively).
    • 45% of Australians think if state governments choose to lockdown their populations, state governments should be the ones providing financial support to people and businesses affected. Coalition voters are most likely to think this compared to all other voters combined (59% to 35% respectively).