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  • May, 2010


    Approval of ETS Decision

    Q. The Federal Government has announced that it has postponed introducing an emissions trading scheme (ETS) to address climate change for 3 years. Do you approve or disapprove of the Government’s decision not to introduce an ETS for 3 years?

      Total Labor voters Lib/Nat voters Greens voters
    Total approve 38% 40% 47% 21%
    Total disapprove 41% 40% 37% 76%
    Strongly approve 12% 9% 19% 7%
    Approve 26% 31% 28% 14%
    Disapprove 27% 31% 25% 30%
    Strongly disapprove 14% 9% 12% 46%
    Don’t know 22% 20% 16% 4%

     Opinions are divided over the Government postponing a decision on introducing an ETS – 38% approve and 41% disapprove.

    Labor voters are evenly split (40% approve/40% disapprove) while Liberal/National voters are a little more likely to approve (47% approve/37% disapprove). 76% of Greens voters disapprove and 21% approve.

    46% of men approve (39% disapprove) compared to 31% of women (43% disapprove). Comments »

  • Apr, 2010

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    Federal politics – voting intention

    Q. If there was a Federal election held today, to which party would you probably give your first preference?  

    Q. If you ‘don’t know’ on the above question, which party are you currently leaning to?  

    1,847 sample size

    First preference/leaning to 6 months ago 4 weeks ago Last week This week


    Liberal 33% 36% 37% 36%
    National 3% 3% 2% 3%
    Total Lib/Nat 36% 39% 39% 39%
    Labor 50% 43% 42% 42%
    Greens 8% 9% 11% 9%
    Family First 2% 2% 2% 3%
    Other/Independent 5% 7% 7% 7%


    2PP 6 months ago 4 weeks ago Last week This week


    Total Lib/Nat 41% 46% 46% 46%
    Labor 59% 54% 54% 54%

    NB.  The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived the first preference/leaning to voting questions.  Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. 

    * Sample is the aggregation of two weeks’ polling data.   Comments »

  • Apr, 2010

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    Federal Health Agreement

    Q4. Do you approve or disapprove of the agreement over health funding between the Federal Government and the State Governments?

    Total approve 48%
    Total disapprove 25%
    Strongly approve 13%
    Approve 35%
    Disapprove 16%
    Strongly disapprove 9%
    Don’t know 27%

    48% of respondents approved of the agreement over health funding between the Federal Government and the State Governments and 25% disapproved. 71% of Labor voters approved and 7% disapproved. Liberal/National voters split 36% approve/46% disapprove.

    Respondents from NSW and Queensland were more likely to approve than respondents from Victoria – NSW 50% approve/22% disapprove, Queensland 48%/20%, Victoria 45%/28%. Comments »

  • Apr, 2010

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    Effect of Health Agreement on Health Services

    Q5. From what you have heard, do you think that as a result of this agreement, health services in your state will get better or worse?

    Total better 43%
    Total worse 15%
    Get a lot better 10%
    Get a little better 34%
    Get a little worse 6%
    Get a lot worse 9%
    Stay much the same 25%
    Don’t know 17%

    43% think that as a result of this agreement, health services in their state will get better – 15% think they will get worse and 25% think they will stay much the same. 65% of Labor voters think health services will get better and 6% worse. Liberal/National voters split 28% better/24% worse/40% stay the same.

    There were no significant differences between the states in terms of whether health services will get better or worse. Comments »

  • Apr, 2010

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    Government Performance

    Q6. How would you rate the Federal Government’s performance in handling the following issues?

      Total good Total poor Very good Good Poor Very poor   Not sure
    Stimulating the economy to address the economic crisis 63% 29% 21% 42% 19% 10% 8%
    Handling the economy in such a way as to minimize job losses during the recent economic crisis 59% 29% 15% 44% 18% 11% 12%
    Trying to find ways to improve the health care system 50% 39% 10% 39% 24% 15% 12%
    Replacing the Workchoices industrial laws 44% 36% 13% 31% 22% 14% 20%
    Standing up for Australian working families 43% 45% 9% 34% 24% 21% 13%
    Balancing the interests of business and Australian workers 39% 43% 5% 34% 25% 18% 18%
    The school buildings program 31% 56% 5% 25% 29% 27% 14%
    Introducing an emissions trading scheme 28% 57% 3% 25% 28% 29% 15%
    Handling the issue of asylum seekers 18% 72% 3% 15% 28% 43% 10%

     A majority of respondents rated the Government’s performance good or very good for  “Stimulating the economy to address the economic crisis” (63%), “Handling the economy in such a way as to minimize job losses during the recent economic crisis” (59%) and “Trying to find ways to improve the health care system” (50%).

     A majority rated the Government’s performance poor or very poor for “Handling the issue of asylum seekers” (72%), “Introducing an emissions trading scheme” (57%) and “The school buildings program” (56%).

     The only issue on which less than half Labor voters rated the Government performance as good/very good was “Handling the issue of asylum seekers” (34% good/58% poor). Comments »

  • Apr, 2010

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    Government Support

    Q7. During their term in office, do you think the Rudd Government has given too much support, not enough support or just about the right amount of support to the following –

      Given too much support Given enough support Not given enough support Don’t know
    Pensioners 3% 27% 57% 12%
    Poor families 3% 28% 54% 16%
    Country Australia 2% 31% 46% 21%
    Small businesses 2% 37% 39% 22%
    Working people 2% 47% 37% 13%
    Unemployed workers 10% 37% 34% 19%
    Recent immigrants 41% 26% 17% 17%
    Large businesses 26% 37% 14% 23%
    Unions 19% 42% 13% 26%
    The banks and other large financial institutions 43% 33% 5% 19%

    About half the respondents think that the Rudd Government has not given enough support to pensioners (57%), poor families (54%) and country Australia (46%). A sizable proportion think that too much support has been given to the banks and other large financial institutions (43%) and recent immigrants (41%). 47% think the Rudd Government has given enough support to working people and 42% think they have given enough support to unions.

    Among Labor voters, 50% think the Government has not given enough support to pensioners and 54% think they have not given enough support to poor families. Comments »

  • Apr, 2010



    Q8. Do you think Australians pay –

    Too much tax 61%
    Too little tax 4%
    About the right amount 28%
    Don’t know 7%

    61% think Australians pay too much tax and 28% think Australians pay about the right amount.

    72% of full-time workers think we pay too much tax but there were no significant differences by income level.

    Labor and Liberal/National voters also gave similar responses. Comments »

  • Apr, 2010



    Q9. Would you be prepared to pay more GST if it was:

      Yes No Don’t know
    Directly invested in hospitals and health services 42% 48% 10%
    Invested in aged pensions 38% 50% 12%
    Directly invested in vital infrastructure like roads and railways 28% 59% 12%
    Paid off all our national debt 20% 66% 13%
    Created a fund for Australia to invest in other countries (like China does) 11% 74% 15%

    Respondents were most likely to support an increase in GST if it was directly invested in hospitals and health services (42%) and invested in aged pensions (38%).

    However, those opposed to increasing the GST outnumbered those in favour for all options. Increasing GST to pay off national debt was strongly rejected (66%).

    Labor voters were a little more supportive of paying more GST to invest in infrastructure (36%) and hospitals and health services (45%). Liberal/National voters were more likely to support increasing GST for investing in aged pensions (44%). Comments »
