16 October 2012, 161012, Abbott vs Gillard, aggression, Australia's interest, challenges facing women, embarrassing, Julia Gillard, religious beliefs, temperament, tony abbott
Tony Abbott |
Julia |
Has the right temperament to be Prime Minister |
42% |
58% |
Has the right temperament to be Prime Minister |
Would be embarrassing as Prime Minister of Australia |
50% |
43% |
Is embarrassing as Prime Minister of Australia |
Is someone that can effectively represent Australia’s interests |
43% |
46% |
Is someone that can effectively represent Australia’s interests |
Will serve my interests as Prime Minister |
39% |
36% |
Serves my interests as Prime Minister |
Is too influenced by their religious beliefs |
40% |
16% |
Is too influenced by their religious beliefs |
Is the best person to lead their party |
33% |
36% |
Is the best person to lead their party |
Is someone that understands the challenges facing Australian women |
39% |
62% |
Is someone that understands the challenges facing Australian women |
Has good parental leave policies |
44% |
53% |
Has good parental leave policies |
Has difficulty controlling their aggression |
44% |
25% |
Has difficulty controlling their aggression |
The major perceived differences between the Prime Minister Julia Gillard and the Opposition Leader Tony Abbott were that Julia Gillard was more likely to be someone that “understands the challenges facing Australian women” (+23%), “has the right temperament to be Prime Minister” (+16%) and has “good parental leave policies” (+9%).
Tony Abbott was more likely to be associated with “too influenced by their religious beliefs” (+24%), “has difficulty controlling their aggression” (+19%) and “would be embarrassing as Prime Minister of Australia” (+7%).
2PP, first preference vote, Greens, Julia Gillard, Labor, Labor Party, Liberal Party, two party preferred, Voting intention
Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward?
Q. If don’t know -Well which party are you currently leaning to?
Sample size = 1,924 respondents
First preference/leaning to |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 17/9/12 |
2 weeks ago 1/10/12 |
Last week 8/10/12 |
This week 15/10/12 |
Liberal |
45% |
44% |
44% |
44% |
National |
3% |
3% |
3% |
3% |
Total Lib/Nat |
43.6% |
48% |
47% |
47% |
47% |
Labor |
38.0% |
34% |
36% |
37% |
36% |
Greens |
11.8% |
9% |
9% |
9% |
9% |
Other/Independent |
6.6% |
9% |
7% |
7% |
8% |
2PP |
Election |
4 weeks ago |
2 weeks ago |
Last week |
This week |
Total Lib/Nat |
49.9% |
55% |
53% |
53% |
53% |
Labor |
50.1% |
45% |
47% |
47% |
47% |
NB. The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived from the first preference/leaning to voting questions. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2010 election. These estimates have a confidence interval of approx. plus or minus 2-3%.
15 October 2012, 151012, Approval of Julia Gillard, Julia Gillard
Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Julia Gillard is doing as Prime Minister?
19 Jul 10 |
20 Dec |
14 Mar |
14 Jun |
12 Sep |
12 Dec |
12 Mar 12 |
12 Jun |
16 |
13 Aug |
10 Sep |
15 Oct |
Total approve |
52% |
43% |
41% |
34% |
28% |
34% |
32% |
32% |
32% |
31% |
35% |
41% |
Total disapprove |
30% |
40% |
46% |
54% |
64% |
54% |
61% |
56% |
58% |
57% |
54% |
51% |
Strongly approve |
11% |
10% |
7% |
6% |
5% |
6% |
8% |
6% |
5% |
7% |
7% |
9% |
Approve |
41% |
33% |
34% |
28% |
23% |
28% |
24% |
26% |
27% |
24% |
28% |
32% |
Disapprove |
17% |
24% |
22% |
29% |
28% |
25% |
29% |
22% |
26% |
25% |
27% |
24% |
Strongly disapprove |
13% |
16% |
24% |
25% |
36% |
29% |
32% |
34% |
32% |
32% |
27% |
27% |
Don’t know |
18% |
17% |
13% |
13% |
8% |
11% |
7% |
12% |
10% |
13% |
11% |
8% |
Julia Gillard’s approval rating has improved since last month. 41% (up 6%) approve of the job Julia Gillard is doing as Prime Minister and 51% (down 3%) disapprove – a 9 point change in net rating from -19 to -10. This is Julia Gillard’s best approval rating since May 2011.
87% of Labor voters approve (up 6%) and 9% disapprove (down 2%).
By gender – men 40% approve/54% disapprove, women 43% approve/47% disapprove. In net terms this represents an improvement with men from -29 to -14 and with women from -7 to -4.
15 October 2012, 151012, Approval of Tony Abbott, Opposition leader, tony abbott
Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Tony Abbott is doing as Opposition Leader?
18 Jan |
5 Jul
20 Dec |
14 Mar |
14 Jun |
12 Sep |
12 Dec |
12 Mar 12 |
12 Jun |
16 Jul |
13 Aug |
10 Sep |
15 Oct |
Total approve |
37% |
37% |
39% |
38% |
38% |
39% |
32% |
36% |
32% |
35% |
36% |
32% |
37% |
Total disapprove |
37% |
47% |
39% |
47% |
48% |
50% |
53% |
52% |
54% |
53% |
51% |
55% |
54% |
Strongly approve |
5% |
8% |
9% |
7% |
6% |
8% |
6% |
7% |
6% |
7% |
8% |
6% |
9% |
Approve |
32% |
29% |
30% |
31% |
32% |
31% |
26% |
29% |
26% |
28% |
28% |
26% |
28% |
Disapprove |
20% |
23% |
21% |
24% |
25% |
23% |
25% |
23% |
24% |
23% |
22% |
26% |
23% |
Strongly disapprove |
17% |
24% |
18% |
23% |
23% |
27% |
28% |
29% |
30% |
30% |
29% |
29% |
31% |
Don’t know |
26% |
16% |
22% |
16% |
15% |
11% |
14% |
12% |
13% |
12% |
13% |
13% |
9% |
Tony Abbott’s approval rating has also improved over the last month. 37% (up 5%) approve of the job Tony Abbott is doing as Opposition Leader and 54% (down 1%) disapprove – a change in net rating from -23 to -17 over the last 5 weeks.
74% (up 11%) of Coalition voters approve and 22% (down 2%) disapprove.
By gender – men 39% approve/55% disapprove, women 35% approve/54% disapprove. In net terms this represents an improvement with men from -19 to -16 and with women from -26 to -19.
15 October 2012, 151012, Abbott, Better PM, Julia Gillard, Prime Minister, tony abbott
Q. Who do you think would make the better Prime Minister out of Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott?
5 Jul 10 |
14 Mar 11 |
14 Jun |
12 Sep |
12 Dec |
12 Mar 12 |
12 Jun |
16 Jul |
13 Aug |
10 Sep |
15 Oct |
Vote |
Vote Lib |
Vote Greens |
Julia Gillard |
53% |
44% |
41% |
36% |
39% |
40% |
37% |
37% |
36% |
40% |
43% |
89% |
5% |
77% |
Tony Abbott |
26% |
33% |
36% |
40% |
35% |
37% |
37% |
38% |
38% |
37% |
36% |
2% |
81% |
2% |
Don’t know |
21% |
23% |
24% |
24% |
26% |
23% |
26% |
26% |
26% |
24% |
20% |
9% |
14% |
21% |
43% (up 3%) believe Julia Gillard would make the better Prime Minister and 36% (down 1%) prefer Tony Abbott.
Men are evenly split (at 40% each) and women prefer Julia Gillard 47%/33%. Compared to last month’s figures, Julia Gillard’s margin over Tony Abbott has changed 8 points in her favour among men (from 36%/44%) but is unchanged among women (from 44%/30%).
15 October 2012, 151012, interest in US election, US politics, US presidential election 2012
Q. Thinking about United States politics, how much interest do you have in the US Presidential election?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
A lot of interest |
11% |
11% |
11% |
20% |
Some interest |
27% |
34% |
26% |
28% |
A little interest |
34% |
29% |
39% |
32% |
No interest at all |
27% |
25% |
23% |
19% |
Don’t know |
2% |
1% |
1% |
2% |
38% have some or a lot of interest in the US Presidential election.
Those with highest interest were men (42% some/a lot), Labor voters (45%) and Greens voters (48%). There were no substantial differences across age groups.
15 October 2012, 151012, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, preferred president, upcoming election, US election 2012
Q. Who would you prefer to see win the upcoming Presidential election in the United States?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Barack Obama |
63% |
78% |
53% |
85% |
Mitt Romney |
9% |
2% |
18% |
1% |
No difference |
17% |
13% |
17% |
3% |
Don’t know |
11% |
7% |
13% |
11% |
63% said they would prefer to see Barack Obama win the US Presidential election, 9% favour Mitt Romney and 17% think there is no difference.
All demographic and voter groups strongly favour Barack Obama.
15 October 2012, 151012, right direction, United States, USA, wrong direction
Q. Overall, do you think the United States is heading in the right direction/wrong direction?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Right direction |
39% |
46% |
37% |
45% |
Wrong direction |
23% |
18% |
29% |
19% |
Don’t know |
38% |
36% |
34% |
36% |
39% think the US is heading in the right direction, 23% in the wrong direction and 38% don’t know.
46% of Labor voters and 45% of Greens voters think the US is heading in the right direction, while 29% of Liberal/National voters think it is heading in the wrong direction.