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  • Mar, 2011

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    Form of Compensation Preferred

    Q. The Federal Government says that the funds raised from the carbon tax will be used to compensate those affected by price increases. Which of the following forms of compensation do you favour?

    Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    A direct payment to households 39% 44% 37% 50%
    An income tax cut 33% 36% 34% 26%
    A cut to the GST rate 13% 11% 17% 8%
    Cuts to corporate taxes 2% 1% 2% 1%
    Don’t know 13% 8% 10% 14%

    39% favour compensation as a direct payment to households and 33% favour income tax cuts. Greens voters (50%) and Labor voters (44%) are most likely to favour a direct payment while Coalition voters split 37% direct payment/34% tax cut.

    Older people strongly favour a direct payment  – among those aged 55+, 51% favour direct payment and 21% a tax cut, while for those aged 18-44, 39% favour a tax cut and 33% favour a direct payment.

    Comments »

  • Mar, 2011

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    Balance of Power

    Q. Do you think the independents and Greens holding the balance of power in Parliament has been good or bad for Australia?

    Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    Total good 27% 33% 12% 83%
    Total bad 41% 25% 66% 2%
    Very good 7% 8% 1% 34%
    Good 20% 25% 11% 49%
    Neither good nor bad 33% 41% 22% 15%
    Bad 22% 18% 29% 2%
    Very bad 19% 7% 37%

    27% think that the independents and Greens holding the balance of power in Parliament has been good for Australia and 41% think it has been bad.

    Greens voters overwhelmingly think it has been good (83%) while two-thirds of Coalition voters think it has been bad. Labor voters are somewhat split – 33% good/25% bad/41% neither. Older respondents were more likely to think it was bad – those aged under 35 split 32% good/29% bad while those aged 55+ split 21% good/52% bad.

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  • Jan, 2011

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    Performance of Groups/Organisations

    Q. And from what you have seen and heard, how would you rate each of the following in terms of how they have responded to the floods?

    Total good Total poor Very good Good Average Poor Very poor Don’t know
    The Federal Labor Government 48% 15% 15% 33% 26% 7% 8% 11%
    The Federal Coalition Opposition 29% 19% 6% 23% 37% 12% 7% 15%
    The Queensland State Government 78% 3% 48% 30% 10% 1% 2% 9%
    The Queensland State Government (Qld only) 79% 3% 51% 28% 11% 1% 2% 7%
    The Victorian State Government 48% 4% 14% 34% 22% 3% 1% 26%
    The Victorian State Government (Vic only) 53% 8% 13% 40% 23% 6% 2% 16%
    The NSW State Government 33% 12% 8% 25% 27% 8% 4% 27%
    The NSW State Government (NSW only) 26% 22% 5% 21% 33% 13% 9% 20%
    The Australian military 78% 2% 49% 29% 8% 1% 1% 10%
    State emergency services 88% 2% 71% 17% 4% 1% 1% 7%
    The media 61% 9% 26% 35% 23% 5% 4% 7%
    The banks 22% 26% 6% 16% 30% 17% 9% 23%
    The insurance industry 10% 53% 2% 8% 22% 25% 28% 14%
    Australian businesses overall 48% 8% 13% 35% 30% 6% 2% 14%
    The Australian people overall 85% 2% 56% 29% 7% 1% 1% 6%

    Groups with highest ratings for their response to the floods were state emergency services (88% good), the Australian people overall (85%), the Queensland State Government (78%) and the Australian military (78%).

    The Federal Government’s response was rated 48% good/15% poor/26% average while the Federal Opposition was rated 29% good/19% poor/37% average.

    The only groups with overall negative ratings were the insurance industry (53% poor/10% good) and the banks (26% poor/22% good).

    Comments »

  • Nov, 2010

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    Importance of NBN

    Q. The Federal Government plans to build a National Broadband Network over the next few years. How important do you think it is for Australia to build a National Broadband Network?


    Nov 10

    Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Nov 09
    Total important 69% 87% 54% 84% 65%
    Total not important 25% 9% 42% 12% 26%
    Very Important 35% 55% 17% 55% 30%
    Quite Important 34% 32% 37% 29% 35%
    Not so important 14% 6% 21% 10% 20%
    Not at all important 11% 3% 21% 2% 6%
    Don’t know 6% 4% 4% 3% 8%

    69% think that it is important for Australia to build a National Broadband Network and 25% think it is not important. This represents an increase in support (net +5%) for the NBN since this question was last asked in November 2009.

    Labor (87%) and Greens voters (84%) and more likely to think the NBN is important. A majority of Liberal/National voters (54%) think it is important although a sizable minority (42%) think it is not important.

    A majority of all age groups believe the NBN is important, although support tends to decrease with increasing age – of those aged 65+, 54% think it is important and 45% not important.

    Comments »

  • Nov, 2010

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    Benefit of NBN

    Q. Thinking about the Government’s plan to build a national broadband network, how much benefit will a national broadband network be to-

    Total benefit Great


    Some benefit Little benefit Don’t know Total benefit

    April 09

    Australian businesses 84% 55% 29% 8% 8% 80%
    Schools 78% 48% 30% 14% 8% na
    The general public overall 78% 44% 34% 15% 8% 76%
    Children 72% 39% 33% 19% 9% na
    The Australian economy 71% 39% 32% 18% 11% 65%
    You personally 65% 33% 32% 27% 8% 66%
    The economy of your local community 65% 32% 33% 24% 12% na

    The NBN is thought to be of most benefit to Australian business (84%), schools (78%) and the general public overall (78%). Since this question was last asked in April 2009, perceptions of benefit have increased for Australian business (+4%) and the Australian economy (+6%).

    65% think they will personally benefit from the NBN. Those most likely to think they will benefit personally are aged under 35 (74%) Labor voters (83%), Greens voters (80%) and full-time workers (71%).

    Comments »

  • Oct, 2010

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    Moving children out of detention centres

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the Federal Government’s decision to move children and their families out of immigration detention centres and allow them to live in the community while their cases are being processed?

    Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    Total approve 33% 42% 24% 63%
    Total disapprove 53% 45% 67% 28%
    Strongly approve 11% 15% 4% 39%
    Approve 22% 27% 20% 24%
    Disapprove 24% 22% 29% 12%
    Strongly disapprove 29% 23% 38% 16%
    Don’t know 13% 13% 9% 8%

    53% disapproved the Federal Government’s decision to move children and their families out of immigration detention centres and allow them to live in the community while their cases are being processed and 33% approved.

    63% of Greens voters approved, 67% of Liberal/National voters disapproved and Labor voters were split 42% approve/45% disapprove.

    By gender – men 38% approve/50% disapprove, women 28% approve/57% disapprove.

    Comments »

  • Apr, 2010

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    Government Support

    Q7. During their term in office, do you think the Rudd Government has given too much support, not enough support or just about the right amount of support to the following –

      Given too much support Given enough support Not given enough support Don’t know
    Pensioners 3% 27% 57% 12%
    Poor families 3% 28% 54% 16%
    Country Australia 2% 31% 46% 21%
    Small businesses 2% 37% 39% 22%
    Working people 2% 47% 37% 13%
    Unemployed workers 10% 37% 34% 19%
    Recent immigrants 41% 26% 17% 17%
    Large businesses 26% 37% 14% 23%
    Unions 19% 42% 13% 26%
    The banks and other large financial institutions 43% 33% 5% 19%

    About half the respondents think that the Rudd Government has not given enough support to pensioners (57%), poor families (54%) and country Australia (46%). A sizable proportion think that too much support has been given to the banks and other large financial institutions (43%) and recent immigrants (41%). 47% think the Rudd Government has given enough support to working people and 42% think they have given enough support to unions.

    Among Labor voters, 50% think the Government has not given enough support to pensioners and 54% think they have not given enough support to poor families. Comments »

  • Apr, 2010

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    Federal takeover of hospitals and health services

     Q. Do you think the State Governments should or should not agree to the Federal Government’s health plan to take control of funding hospitals and health services?

      Total Vote Labor Vote Liberal/National Vote Greens
    Should agree to health plan 56% 73% 40% 65%
    Should not agree to health plan 26% 11% 45% 21%
    Don’t know 18% 16% 15% 14%

     A majority (56%) think the State Governments should agree to the Federal Government’s health plan to take control of funding hospitals and health services – 26% think they should not agree.

     States most likely to agree are South Australia (75%) and Queensland (64%). 55% of NSW respondents agree and 45% of Victorians agree (32% of Victorians disagree). Comments »
