25 February 2013, 250213, blue collar workers, industry package, manufacturing
Q. The Federal Government has announced a $1 billion package to support Australian jobs in blue-collar industries like manufacturing. Do you support this plan?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Support |
48% |
69% |
39% |
45% |
Oppose |
10% |
1% |
17% |
10% |
Haven’t heard of it |
34% |
24% |
34% |
40% |
Don’t know |
9% |
6% |
10% |
5% |
48% support the Government’s $1 billion package to support Australian jobs in blue-collar industries like manufacturing and 10% oppose. 34% said they hadn’t heard of it.
Strongest support was shown by Labor voters (69%), aged 35-44 (57%) and those earning $1,000-$1,600pw (56%).
25 February 2013, 250213, free to pursue cheapest option, local companies, major mining projects, support for local jobs
Q. This package requires major mining projects to give local firms the opportunity to tender for work, like supplying equipment. Which is closer to your view?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Local Australian companies should be given the opportunity to tender for work on big mining companies |
48% |
49% |
52% |
51% |
Big mining companies should be forced to buy products from Australian businesses, to support local jobs |
34% |
39% |
29% |
36% |
Mining companies operating in Australia should be free to pursue the cheapest option, including sourcing equipment from overseas |
6% |
4% |
10% |
3% |
Don’t know |
11% |
9% |
8% |
11% |
48% think that Australian companies should be given the opportunity to tender for work on big mining companies and 34% think big mining companies should be forced to buy products from Australian businesses. Only 6% think mining companies operating in Australia should be free to pursue the cheapest option, including sourcing equipment from overseas.
Strongest support for forcing mining companies to buy products from Australian businesses came from Labor voters (39%), aged 25-34 (42%) and those earning $1,000-$1,600pw (39%).
25 February 2013, 250213, blue collar workers, Greens, Labor, Liberal
Q. Which is the party that best represents the interests of blue-collar workers?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Labor |
34% |
67% |
18% |
32% |
Liberal |
21% |
5% |
39% |
2% |
Greens |
2% |
1% |
1% |
20% |
No difference |
15% |
7% |
19% |
16% |
None of them |
10% |
6% |
10% |
17% |
Don’t know |
18% |
13% |
14% |
13% |
34% think that the Labor Party best represents the interests of blue-collar workers and 21% think the Liberal Party does.
43% said none, no difference of did not know.
67% of Labor voters nominated the Labor Party and 39% of Liberal/National voters nominated the Liberal Party.
20 February 2013, 200213, Greens, Independents, katter party, Labor, Liberal, senate voting intention
Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote in the Senate? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward for the Senate?
If don’t know –
Q. Well which party are you currently leaning to for the Senate?
Total Australia |
Queensland |
Victoria |
SA |
WA |
Sample |
3,755 |
1,282 |
744 |
974 |
307 |
352 |
Labor |
33% |
32% |
32% |
37% |
31% |
31% |
Liberal/National |
47% |
48% |
44% |
43% |
39% |
55% |
Greens |
11% |
10% |
10% |
12% |
11% |
10% |
Katter Party |
2% |
1% |
7% |
1% |
1% |
* |
Others/independents |
8% |
9% |
7% |
7% |
18% |
4% |
* Based on Interviewing conducted across 4 weeks of Essential Report – 24 January-17 February.
190213, Essential Report, Jackie Woods, peter lewis
Lewis and Woods talk through this week’s polling numbers: voting intention, performance enhancing drugs, sports betting and more…
18 February 2013, 180213, 2PP, Labor Party, Liberal Party, two party preferred, Voting intention
Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward?
Q. If don’t know -Well which party are you currently leaning to?
Sample size = 1,882 respondents
First preference/leaning to |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 21/1/13 |
2 weeks ago 5/2/13 |
Last week 11/2/13 |
This week 18/2/13 |
Liberal |
44% |
45% |
45% |
44% |
National |
4% |
3% |
3% |
3% |
Total Lib/Nat |
43.6% |
48% |
48% |
48% |
47% |
Labor |
38.0% |
36% |
34% |
34% |
35% |
Greens |
11.8% |
9% |
10% |
9% |
9% |
Other/Independent |
6.6% |
8% |
8% |
9% |
8% |
2PP |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago |
2 weeks ago |
Last week
This week |
Total Lib/Nat |
49.9% |
54% |
54% |
55% |
54% |
Labor |
50.1% |
46% |
46% |
45% |
46% |
NB. The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived from the first preference/leaning to voting questions. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2010 election. These estimates have a confidence interval of approx. plus or minus 2-3%.
18 February 2013, 180213, AFL, athletics, basketball, Cricket, cycling, NRL, performance enhancing drugs, soccer, tennis
Q. How much of a problem do you think taking performance enhancing drugs is in these sports?
A major problem |
A moderate problem |
A minor problem |
Not a problem at all |
Don’t know |
AFL football |
39% |
23% |
18% |
5% |
16% |
NRL rugby league |
37% |
26% |
16% |
4% |
18% |
Cricket |
16% |
9% |
26% |
25% |
23% |
Tennis |
18% |
12% |
24% |
22% |
24% |
Soccer |
22% |
19% |
23% |
10% |
26% |
Basketball |
18% |
18% |
22% |
14% |
30% |
Cycling |
56% |
20% |
8% |
3% |
14% |
Athletics |
41% |
26% |
11% |
4% |
17% |
56% of respondents think taking performance enhancing drugs is a major problem in cycling, 41% think it is a major problem in athletics, 39% in AFL football and 37% in NRL rugby league.
38% of AFL football followers think it is a major problem in their sport and 26% of NRL followers think it is a major problem in their sport. 40% of AFL followers think it is a major problem in NRL.
46% of Victorian respondents think performance enhancing drugs is a major problem in the AFL.
18 February 2013, 180213, AFL, athletics, basketball, Cricket, cycling, NRL, soccer, sports betting problem, tennis
Q. How much of a problem do you think betting on games and results is in these sports?
A major problem |
A moderate problem |
A minor problem |
Not a problem at all |
Don’t know |
AFL football |
34% |
22% |
14% |
10% |
19% |
NRL rugby league |
33% |
22% |
15% |
11% |
20% |
Cricket |
30% |
22% |
17% |
10% |
20% |
Tennis |
21% |
18% |
20% |
18% |
23% |
Soccer |
30% |
22% |
15% |
11% |
23% |
Basketball |
23% |
18% |
19% |
15% |
25% |
Cycling |
25% |
18% |
17% |
14% |
25% |
Athletics |
23% |
18% |
20% |
14% |
25% |
34% of respondents think betting is a major problem in AFL football, 33% think it is a major problem in NRL, 30% in soccer and 30% in cricket.
36% of those who mostly follow cricket think it is a major problem in their sport, compared to 32% of AFL followers and 28% of NRL followers.