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  • Sep, 2021


    Support for nuclear energy in Australia

    Q. To what extent do you support or oppose Australia developing nuclear power plants for the generation of electricity?

    Total Gender Age Group Federal Voting Intention
    Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Labor TOTAL: Coalition Greens TOTAL: Other
    Strongly support 20% 29% 10% 14% 19% 25% 16% 30% 12% 20%
    Somewhat support 30% 30% 30% 33% 27% 31% 26% 35% 26% 27%
    Somewhat oppose 15% 14% 16% 19% 14% 13% 19% 12% 13% 13%
    Strongly oppose 17% 16% 17% 14% 21% 16% 20% 8% 37% 24%
    Unsure 18% 10% 27% 21% 18% 16% 19% 15% 11% 15%
    TOTAL: Support 50% 59% 41% 47% 47% 55% 42% 65% 38% 47%
    TOTAL: Oppose 32% 31% 33% 32% 35% 28% 39% 20% 50% 37%
    Base (n) 1,094 539 555 341 368 385 366 397 101 130
    • Half of Australians say they would support Australia developing nuclear power-plants, but a third would oppose. The issue is divisive, with similar proportion of people strongly supporting (20%) and strongly opposing (17%) nuclear power in Australia.
    • Support for nuclear power is highest among men (59%), those aged over 55 (55%) and Coalition voters (65%).
  • Sep, 2021

    Support for uses of nuclear technology

    Q. To what extent would you support or oppose using nuclear energy sources for the following?

      TOTAL: Support TOTAL: Oppose Strongly support Somewhat support Neither support nor oppose Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose
    To power a submarine fleet for the Royal Australian Navy 47% 21% 22% 24% 32% 11% 10%
    To establish Australia’s nuclear weapon capabilities 29% 38% 11% 19% 33% 16% 22%
    To supply power to Australian households and businesses 48% 24% 22% 26% 29% 10% 13%


    TOTAL: Support Total Gender Age Group Federal Voting Intention
    Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Labor TOTAL: Coalition Greens TOTAL: Other
    To power a submarine fleet for the Royal Australian Navy 47% 56% 38% 38% 43% 58% 39% 66% 29% 45%
    To establish Australia’s nuclear weapon capabilities 29% 37% 22% 32% 30% 26% 26% 38% 25% 32%
    To supply power to Australian households and businesses 48% 57% 38% 44% 47% 51% 41% 63% 34% 47%
    Base (n) 1,094 539 555 341 368 385 366 397 101 130
    • Following the AUKUS submarine partnership announcement last week, 47% say they support the use of nuclear power to fuel vessels for the Royal Australian Navy. A similar proportion support the introduction of nuclear power generation (47%).
    • There is less enthusiasm for nuclear weapons, with less than a third (29%) supporting this, and higher opposition to the idea of Australia developing nuclear weapons (37%).
    • Those most likely to be supportive of all forms of nuclear technology are men and Coalition voters. Older people are more supportive than younger people of nuclear submarines and power generation.
  • Mar, 2020

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    Government spending on energy sources

    Q To what extent would you support or oppose the Government spending taxpayers’ money to research the following energy sources?

      NET: Support NET: Oppose Strongly support Somewhat support Neither support nor oppose Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose
    Renewables (such as large-scale solar or wind farms) 71% 12% 45% 27% 16% 7% 5%
    Hydrogen technology 57% 10% 24% 33% 32% 7% 3%
    Clean coal 50% 23% 20% 29% 28% 11% 11%
    Nuclear 38% 35% 17% 21% 27% 15% 20%


        Gender Age Group Federal Voting Intention Location
    NET: Support Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Labor Coalition Greens NET: Other Capital City Non-Capital City
    Renewables (such as large-

    scale solar or wind farms)

    71% 71% 72% 74% 69% 72% 78% 66% 95% 63% 74% 67%
    Hydrogen technology 57% 65% 51% 53% 52% 66% 58% 61% 63% 54% 59% 53%
    Clean coal 50% 50% 50% 49% 44% 56% 43% 64% 28% 48% 51% 47%
    Nuclear 38% 47% 30% 32% 34% 47% 34% 50% 25% 37% 39% 36%
    • 71% of participants support the Government spending taxpayers’ money to research renewables, compared to 50% support for clean coal.
    • Support for research into renewables is higher in capital cities (74%) than non-capital cities (67%), and higher among Greens voters (95%) than all other voters (63%).
    • Coalition voters are most likely to support research into clean coal (64%) and nuclear power (50%) whereas Greens voters are least likely to support those energy sources (28% and 25% respectively).
    • Men tend to support research into hydrogen technology (65%) and nuclear (47%) more than women (51% and 30% respectively).
    • Participants over 55 years are more likely to support research into hydrogen technology (66%), clean coal (56%) or nuclear (47%) than those aged 18-54 (52%, 46% and 33% respectively).
  • Sep, 2014

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    Energy sources

    Q. Do you think Australia should put more emphasis, less emphasis or about the same emphasis as it does now on producing domestic energy from the following sources?



    More emphasis

    Same emphasis

    Less emphasis

    Don’t know

    Solar power




















    Nuclear power










    70% think Australia should put more emphasis on producing domestic energy from solar power and 60% think there should be more emphasis on wind power. A majority (53%) think there should be less emphasis on producing energy from coal.

    There were few significant differences across demographic groups. Those aged 55+ were a little more likely to want more emphasis on solar (74%) and less emphasis on coal (64%).

  • Nov, 2012

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    Nuclear power

    Q. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?


    Total agree

    Total disagree

    Strongly agree



    Strongly disagree

    Don’t know

    Nuclear power is a good way to reduce greenhouse emissions








    We should develop renewable energy options before nuclear








    Nuclear power is too risky because of the risk of serious accidents








    Nuclear power isn’t worth it because of the need to manage radioactive waste








    Establishing a nuclear industry would be too expensive








    We have our own uranium supplies so it’s logical we should develop nuclear power.








    There was strong majority agreement with the statements  “We should develop renewable energy options before nuclear” (77%), “Nuclear power isn’t worth it because of the need to manage radioactive waste “ (63%) and “Nuclear power is too risky because of the risk of serious accidents “ (62%).

    However, respondents were approximately evenly split over “Nuclear power is a good way to reduce greenhouse emissions” (40% agree/35% disagree) and “We have our own uranium supplies so it’s logical we should develop nuclear power” (37%/40%).

  • Nov, 2011

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    Nuclear Power Plants

    Q. Do you support or oppose Australia developing nuclear power plants for the generation of electricity?

    27 Jan 2009 20 Dec 2010 21 Mar 2011 Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    Total support 43% 43% 35% 39% 31% 50% 27%
    Total oppose 35% 37% 53% 45% 53% 37% 68%
    Strongly support 14% 16% 12% 13% 7% 20% 9%
    Support 29% 27% 23% 26% 24% 30% 18%
    Oppose 21% 21% 21% 22% 27% 18% 25%
    Strongly oppose 14% 16% 32% 23% 26% 19% 43%
    Don’t know 22% 19% 13% 16% 16% 13% 6%

    45% oppose Australia developing nuclear power plants for the generation of electricity and 39% support. This is a considerable shift in opinion since this question was last asked in March following the problems with the nuclear power plants in Japan after the tsunami. However, there remains net opposition to nuclear power plants – compared to net support in surveys conducted in 2009 and 2010.

    Those that intend to vote Lib/Nat were more likely to support (50%) than oppose (37%) Australia developing nuclear power plants for the generation of electricity.

    There was majority opposition from Labor (53% oppose or strongly oppose) and the Greens (68% oppose or strongly oppose).

    There is a considerable difference between the attitudes of males and females towards nuclear power plants – 56% of males, compared to just 24% of females support or strongly support Australia developing nuclear power plants for the generation of electricity.

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  • Mar, 2011

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    Nuclear boosters now in meltdown

    First published on The Drum: 22/03/2011

    Beyond its gob-smacking human tragedy and the looming economic catastrophe, the Japanese tsunami has thrown a radioactive wildcard into the global debate over climate change.

    The fallout from the meltdown of Japanese nuclear reactors will undermine the until-now successful attempts by the nuclear industry to reposition itself as part of the global warming solution.

    As this week’s Essential Report shows, the public had been coming around to the idea that developing nuclear power in Australia was acceptable. This has changed dramatically over the past seven days with one quarter of all Australians changing their position.

    Q. Do you support or oppose Australia developing nuclear power plants for the generation of electricity?

    27 Jan 09 20 Dec 10 Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    Total support 43% 43% 35% 29% 46% 18%
    Total oppose 35% 37% 53% 58% 43% 78%
    Strongly support 14% 16% 12% 10% 17% 7%
    Support 29% 27% 23% 19% 29% 11%
    Oppose 21% 21% 21% 23% 22% 15%
    Strongly oppose 14% 16% 32% 35% 21% 63%
    Don’t know 22% 19% 13% 13% 11% 5%

    Comments »

  • Mar, 2011

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    Nuclear Power Plants

    Q. Do you support or oppose Australia developing nuclear power plants for the generation of electricity?

    27 Jan 09 20 Dec 10 Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    Total support 43% 43% 35% 29% 46% 18%
    Total oppose 35% 37% 53% 58% 43% 78%
    Strongly support 14% 16% 12% 10% 17% 7%
    Support 29% 27% 23% 19% 29% 11%
    Oppose 21% 21% 21% 23% 22% 15%
    Strongly oppose 14% 16% 32% 35% 21% 63%
    Don’t know 22% 19% 13% 13% 11% 5%

    53% oppose Australia developing nuclear power plants for the generation of electricity and 35% support. This is a considerable shift in opinion since this question was last asked in December 2010.

    Those that intend to vote Lib/Nat were more likely to support (46%) than oppose (43%)  Australia developing nuclear power plants for the generation of electricity.

    There was strong opposition from Labor (58% oppose or strongly oppose) and the Greens (78% oppose or strongly oppose).

    There is a considerable difference between the attitudes of males and females towards nuclear power plants – 49% of males, compared to just 20% of females support or strongly support Australia developing nuclear power plants for the generation of electricity.

    There was also strong support from those aged 65+, with 47% either supporting or strongly supporting Australia developing nuclear power plants for the generation of electricity.

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