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  • Sep, 2020

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    Attitudes to latest Victorian restrictions (VICTORIA ONLY)

    Q. On 6 September, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced the state’s roadmap for easing Covid-19 lockdown restrictions.

    To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the updated restrictions?

    TOTAL: AGREE 21/09 10/08
    I have a good understanding of what I am and am not allowed to do under the current restrictions 74% 80%
    The restrictions affecting my area seem appropriate 60% 67%
    The restrictions affecting my area will be effective at stopping the spread of Covid-19 64% 63%
    State & federal governments are doing enough to help people and businesses that are negatively affected by the restrictions 40% 54%
    The changes won’t have much impact on my own lifestyle 45% 46%




    TOTAL: Disagree Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree, nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree
    I have a good understanding of what I am and am not allowed to do under the current restrictions 74% 6% 43% 31% 20% 2% 4%
    The restrictions affecting my area seem appropriate 60% 19% 29% 31% 21% 9% 9%
    The restrictions affecting my area will be effective at stopping the spread of Covid-19 64% 10% 29% 35% 26% 5% 5%
    State & federal governments are doing enough to help people and businesses that are negatively affected by the restrictions 40% 24% 15% 26% 36% 16% 8%
    The changes won’t have much impact on my own lifestyle 45% 32% 20% 25% 23% 18% 15%
    •  74% of Victorians agree they have a good understanding of what they are (and are not) allowed to do under the current restrictions, this hasn’t changed significantly from the 80% who agreed earlier the lockdowns. 60% agree that the restrictions are appropriate and 64% agree that the restrictions are effective at stopping the spread of the virus.
    • 40% agree that enough is being done to help people and businesses that are negatively affected by the restrictions, this is lower that the 54% who agreed last month.
  • Sep, 2020

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    Expected restriction levels

    Q. In response to the Covid-19 outbreak, what do you expect will happen to the restriction levels in your local area over the next two months?

      07/09 24/08
    I expect restrictions will become tighter 15% 39%
    I expect no change to the restrictions 43% 39%
    I expect restrictions will have eased 42% 22%
    Base (n) 1,076 1,058


      Total NSW VIC QLD SA WA
    I expect restrictions will become tighter 15% 19% 9% 20% 10% 9%
    I expect no change to the restrictions 43% 46% 31% 48% 42% 53%
    I expect restrictions will have eased 42% 35% 60% 32% 48% 38%
    Base (n) 1,076 352 275 215 88 99
    • A general expectation of an easing of restrictions in the next two months suggests Australians feel the worst effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have passed. Just 15% think tighter restrictions will be required in the next two months and 42% expect an easing of restrictions.
    • The expectation of easing restrictions is highest in Victoria (60%), as this state currently has the strictest requirements. The majority of this survey was completed before the announcement of the lock-down extension in Victoria on Sunday 6th
  • Aug, 2020

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    VIC: Attitudes to latest Victorian restrictions

    Q. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has announced new restrictions for the state designed to stop the spread of Covid-19. To what extent do you agree or disagree that with the following statements about the new restrictions?

    VICTORIA ONLY TOTAL: Agree TOTAL: Disagree Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree
    I have a good understanding of what I am and am not allowed to do under the current restrictions 79% 7% 46% 34% 13% 5% 2%
    The restrictions affecting my area seem appropriate 67% 15% 35% 32% 18% 9% 7%
    The restrictions affecting my area will be effective at stopping the spread of Covid-19 60% 13% 25% 35% 27% 8% 5%
    State & federal governments are doing enough to help people and businesses that are negatively affected by the restrictions 55% 19% 18% 37% 26% 14% 5%
    The changes won’t have much impact on my own lifestyle 43% 38% 15% 28% 19% 19% 19%
    [THOSE IN PAID WORK] The restrictions will have a negative effect on my work 41% 32% 16% 25% 27% 19% 13%


    • 79% of Victorians agree they have a good understanding of what they are (and are not) allowed to do under the current restrictions, while 67% agree that the restrictions are appropriate and 60% agree they will be effective at stopping the spread of Covid-19.
    • Only 43% of Victorians agree that the changes won’t have much impact on their lifestyle, while 41% of those in paid work agree that the restrictions will have a negative effect on their work.



    VICTORIA ONLY AND NET: AGREE   Gender Age group Location
    Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Capital Non-Capital
    I have a good understanding of what I am and am not allowed to do under the current restrictions 79% 76% 82% 64% 81% 89% 78% 83%
    The restrictions affecting my area seem appropriate 67% 67% 67% 57% 67% 74% 68% 64%
    The restrictions affecting my area will be effective at stopping the spread of Covid-19 60% 61% 59% 56% 62% 61% 61% 57%
    State & federal governments are doing enough to help people and businesses that are negatively affected by the restrictions 55% 52% 57% 39% 63% 60% 54% 57%
    The changes won’t have much impact on my own lifestyle 43% 44% 42% 43% 38% 46% 42% 45%
    [IN PAID WORK] The restrictions will have a negative effect on my work 41% 43% 40% 41% 41% 44% 44% 30%
    Base (n) 499 238 261 149 154 196 388 111


    • Victorians over 55 are more likely to agree that they have a good understanding of the restrictions (89%) and the restrictions are appropriate (74%), than those aged 18-34 years old (64% and 57%).
    • 18-34 year olds are least likely to agree that state & federal governments are doing enough to help people and businesses that are negatively affected by the restrictions (39%).
    • Melbourne residents are more likely than non-Melbourne residents to agree that the restrictions will have a negative effect on my work (44%, compared to 30%).
  • Aug, 2020

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    VIC: Support for Victorian restrictions

    Q. How strongly do you support or oppose the following restrictions currently in place in Melbourne?

    VICTORIA ONLY TOTAL: Support TOTAL: Oppose Strongly support Somewhat support Neither support nor oppose Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose
    Impose curfew between 8pm & 5am 72% 12% 51% 21% 15% 6% 6%
    Allow only 1 person at a time per household to leave and buy groceries 71% 16% 47% 26% 13% 8% 8%
    Require most shops close, and restrict the operations of many other businesses 70% 15% 42% 28% 15% 7% 8%
    Ban people from travelling more than 5km from their house 70% 15% 47% 23% 15% 7% 8%


    VICTORIA ONLY AND NET: SUPPORT   Gender Age group Location
    Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Capital Non-Capital
    Impose curfew between 8pm & 5am 72% 71% 74% 60% 73% 82% 72% 74%
    Allow only 1 person at a time per household to leave and buy groceries 71% 70% 72% 61% 73% 77% 69% 78%
    Require most shops close, and restrict the operations of many other businesses 70% 68% 72% 62% 72% 76% 70% 71%
    Ban people from travelling more than 5km from their house 70% 69% 72% 59% 75% 75% 68% 78%
    Base (n) 499 238 261 149 154 196 388 111


    • Victorians overwhelmingly support all the current restrictions – and support is strongest among those over 55 years old.
  • Jul, 2020

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    Expected restriction levels

    Q. In response to the Covid-19 outbreak, what do you expect will happen to the restriction levels in your local area over the next two months?

        Gender State
      Total Male Female NSW VIC QLD SA WA
    I expect restrictions will become tighter 39% 35% 43% 53% 38% 37% 25% 16%
    I expect no change to the restrictions 39% 42% 37% 35% 40% 39% 44% 51%
    I expect restrictions will have eased 22% 23% 20% 12% 22% 24% 31% 33%
    Base (n) 1,058 538 520 352 239 220 88 110


    • Australians are preparing for a continuation, or tightening of restrictions over the next few months. 39% expect tighter restrictions in their local area and the same number do not expect any change to the current rules and guidelines. About one in five (22%) believe that restrictions will ease.
    • Women (43%) and residents of New South Wales (53%) are most likely to expect restrictions to become tighter; while men (35%) and Western Australia residents (16%) are less likely to expect this.
  • Mar, 2020

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    Support for restrictions to reduce the spread of Covid-19

    Q. To what extent do you support or oppose the following the following measures which have been implemented or suggested, to reduce the spread and transmission of Covid-19?

      NET: Support NET: Oppose Strongly support Somewhat support Neither support nor oppose Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose
    Closing Australia’s borders to other countries 88% 5% 74% 13% 7% 3% 2%
    Making direct payments to people who have lost work due to Covid-19 82% 5% 57% 25% 13% 3% 2%
    Closing pubs, clubs, restaurants and cafes 81% 8% 57% 24% 11% 5% 3%
    Closing borders between Australia’s states and territories 80% 9% 55% 24% 11% 6% 3%
    Making direct payments to small and medium business who have lost income due to Covid-19 80% 7% 51% 29% 14% 4% 3%
    Closing schools 69% 13% 43% 26% 18% 8% 4%
    • More than 80% of participants support five of the six implemented or suggested measures to stop the spread of Covid-19 – closing schools is the only measure with lower support (69% support).
    NET: SUPPORT   Gender Age Group Location
    Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Capital Non-Capital
    Closing Australia’s borders to other countries 88% 82% 93% 77% 88% 96% 86% 91%
    Making direct payments to people who have lost work due to Covid-19 82% 79% 85% 74% 82% 90% 81% 84%
    Closing pubs, clubs, restaurants and cafes 81% 76% 87% 73% 80% 90% 81% 82%
    Closing borders between Australia’s states and territories 80% 73% 86% 74% 78% 86% 79% 81%
    Making direct payments to small and medium business who have lost income due to Covid-19 80% 75% 84% 71% 78% 89% 78% 84%
    Closing schools 69% 63% 75% 71% 69% 67% 69% 70%
    Base (n) 1,086 539 547 341 362 383 727 359
    • Women and participants over 55 years olds are more supportive of all the listed measures than men or participants 18-34 years old.
    NET: SUPPORT Total Have dependent children Do not have dependent children
    Closing Australia’s borders to other countries 88% 85% 89%
    Making direct payments to people who have lost work due to Covid-19 82% 78% 84%
    Closing pubs, clubs, restaurants and cafes 81% 79% 83%
    Closing borders between Australia’s states and territories 80% 80% 80%
    Making direct payments to small and medium business who have lost income due to Covid-19 80% 76% 82%
    Closing schools 69% 69% 69%
    Base (n) 1,086 713 373
    • There is no difference in support for closing schools between participants with dependent child and those without (both 69%).
  • Mar, 2020

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    New Covid-19 restrictions

    Q. You may be aware, on Tuesday 24 March Scott Morrison announced that from midnight Wednesday 25 March new restrictions will apply to a range of services including funerals, weddings, open houses, auctions, galleries and libraries. Although some states have decided to bring school holidays forward, Scott Morrison’s announcement said that schools should stay open.

    Which of the following best describes how you feel about these new restrictions to reduce the spread of Covid-19?

        Gender Age Group
    Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+
    The new restrictions go too far 10% 13% 7% 12% 11% 6%
    The new restrictions are just right 54% 55% 53% 56% 49% 56%
    The new restrictions don’t go far enough 36% 32% 40% 32% 39% 38%
    Base (n) 1,086 539 547 341 362 383