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VIC: Support for Victorian restrictions

11 Aug 2020

Q. How strongly do you support or oppose the following restrictions currently in place in Melbourne?

VICTORIA ONLY TOTAL: Support TOTAL: Oppose Strongly support Somewhat support Neither support nor oppose Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose
Impose curfew between 8pm & 5am 72% 12% 51% 21% 15% 6% 6%
Allow only 1 person at a time per household to leave and buy groceries 71% 16% 47% 26% 13% 8% 8%
Require most shops close, and restrict the operations of many other businesses 70% 15% 42% 28% 15% 7% 8%
Ban people from travelling more than 5km from their house 70% 15% 47% 23% 15% 7% 8%


VICTORIA ONLY AND NET: SUPPORT   Gender Age group Location
Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Capital Non-Capital
Impose curfew between 8pm & 5am 72% 71% 74% 60% 73% 82% 72% 74%
Allow only 1 person at a time per household to leave and buy groceries 71% 70% 72% 61% 73% 77% 69% 78%
Require most shops close, and restrict the operations of many other businesses 70% 68% 72% 62% 72% 76% 70% 71%
Ban people from travelling more than 5km from their house 70% 69% 72% 59% 75% 75% 68% 78%
Base (n) 499 238 261 149 154 196 388 111


  • Victorians overwhelmingly support all the current restrictions – and support is strongest among those over 55 years old.