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  • Nov, 2010

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    Benefit of NBN

    Q. Thinking about the Government’s plan to build a national broadband network, how much benefit will a national broadband network be to-

    Total benefit Great


    Some benefit Little benefit Don’t know Total benefit

    April 09

    Australian businesses 84% 55% 29% 8% 8% 80%
    Schools 78% 48% 30% 14% 8% na
    The general public overall 78% 44% 34% 15% 8% 76%
    Children 72% 39% 33% 19% 9% na
    The Australian economy 71% 39% 32% 18% 11% 65%
    You personally 65% 33% 32% 27% 8% 66%
    The economy of your local community 65% 32% 33% 24% 12% na

    The NBN is thought to be of most benefit to Australian business (84%), schools (78%) and the general public overall (78%). Since this question was last asked in April 2009, perceptions of benefit have increased for Australian business (+4%) and the Australian economy (+6%).

    65% think they will personally benefit from the NBN. Those most likely to think they will benefit personally are aged under 35 (74%) Labor voters (83%), Greens voters (80%) and full-time workers (71%).

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  • Sep, 2010

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    The Punch: 10 reasons why the Liberals are right about the interweb

    First Published on The Punch 28/9/2010

    It’s time to put an end to all this partisan negativity. At a time when people are looking to our leaders for vision, it is great to see a political party step up with a long-term vision for the nation.

    I am referring of course to the Coalition’s decision to destroy the National Broadband Network and all who promote it and instead uphold Australian values by promoting a more leisurely pace of download.

    While the public may be firmly behind the NBN as detailed in today’s Essential Report, I wonder how many have really thought through the implications of faster efficient broadband on their already busy and cluttered lives.

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  • Sep, 2010

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    National Broadband Network

    Q. From what you’ve heard, do you favour or oppose the planned national broadband network, or don’t you know enough about it to have an opinion one way or the other?

    Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens

    Total favour 56% 81% 31% 72%
    Total oppose 18% 3% 38% 4%
    Strongly favour 27% 50% 7% 41%
    Favour 29% 31% 24% 31%
    Oppose 12% 2% 25% 4%
    Strongly oppose 6% 1% 13% *
    Don’t know 26% 15% 30% 24%

    56% of people favour the national broadband network.

    81% of Labor voters, compared with 31% of Lib/Nat voters favour the planned national broadband network.

    65% of males, compared with 47% of females favour the planned national broadband network.

    38% of females, compared with 13% of males don’t know enough about it to have an opinion one way or the other.

    Support for the planned national broadband network is highest in the 45-54 years age category (64% favour). Support is lowest in the 65+ yeas age category (47% favour).

    63% of Victorian favour the planned national broadband network.

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  • Nov, 2009

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    Importance of the National Broadband Network

    Q. The Federal Government plans to build a National Broadband Network over the next few years. How important do you think it is for Australia to build a National Broadband Network?

    Over half (65%) of people surveyed think that the National Broadband Network (NBN) is very/quite important for Australia, 26% think it is not so important/not at all important and 8% don’t know.

    Labor voters were more likely to think it is very/quite important (75%) while Coalition voters were more likely to think it is not so important/not at all important (36%).  60% of Coalition voters think the NBN is very/quite important for Australia.

    People living in capital cities were slightly more likely than those living in regional areas to think the NBN is very/quite important for Australia (66% v 63%).

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  • Nov, 2009


    National Broadband Network

    Q. Who do you think will run the National Broadband Network?  And who do you think should run the National Broadband Network?

    32% of people surveyed don’t know who will run the National Broadband Network (NBN), 27% think the Federal Government will run it and 26% think Telstra will.   Labor voters were more likely to think the NBN will be run by the Federal Government (38%), while Coalition voters were more likely to think it will be run by Telstra (34%).

    40% think the Federal Government and 16% think Telstra should run the NBN.  Labor voters were more likely to think the Federal Government should run the NBN (54%), while Coalition voters were more likely to think it should be run by Telstra (27%).

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