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National Broadband Network

27 Sep 2010

Q. From what you’ve heard, do you favour or oppose the planned national broadband network, or don’t you know enough about it to have an opinion one way or the other?

Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens

Total favour 56% 81% 31% 72%
Total oppose 18% 3% 38% 4%
Strongly favour 27% 50% 7% 41%
Favour 29% 31% 24% 31%
Oppose 12% 2% 25% 4%
Strongly oppose 6% 1% 13% *
Don’t know 26% 15% 30% 24%

56% of people favour the national broadband network.

81% of Labor voters, compared with 31% of Lib/Nat voters favour the planned national broadband network.

65% of males, compared with 47% of females favour the planned national broadband network.

38% of females, compared with 13% of males don’t know enough about it to have an opinion one way or the other.

Support for the planned national broadband network is highest in the 45-54 years age category (64% favour). Support is lowest in the 65+ yeas age category (47% favour).

63% of Victorian favour the planned national broadband network.
