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  • Sep, 2011

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    Most Important Industries

    Q. And which of these industries are the three most important for Australia’s economic future?

    Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    Mining 67% 77% 67% 61%
    Agriculture 58% 57% 59% 58%
    Tourism 46% 47% 43% 56%
    Manufacturing 37% 30% 40% 36%
    Construction 25% 26% 26% 31%
    Finance 21% 18% 23% 17%
    Retail 17% 18% 17% 12%
    Telecommunications 14% 16% 11% 20%
    Hospitality 10% 10% 9% 6%
    Media 1% 1% 1% 1%
    Don’t know 4% * 4% 3%

    Australia’s most important industries are thought to be mining (67%), agriculture (58%), tourism (46%) and manufacturing (37%). Opinions are consistent across voter groups in terms of order of importance.

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  • Jul, 2011

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    Good or Bad for Australia

    Q. Overall, do you think the Government’s carbon pricing scheme will be good or bad for Australia’s future?

    Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    Total good 34% 67% 11% 76%
    Total bad 46% 13% 73% 16%
    Very good 11% 26% 1% 31%
    Good 23% 41% 10% 45%
    Bad 20% 9% 29% 9%
    Very bad 26% 4% 44% 7%
    It will make no difference 8% 8% 10%
    Don’t know 12% 13% 7% 7%

    34% think the carbon pricing scheme will be good for Australia and 46% think it will be bad.

    By age, those aged under 35 split 42% good/36% bad, and those aged 55+ split 31% good/52% bad.

    For those who consider themselves very well or somewhat informed about the carbon pricing scheme, 42% think it will be good for Australia and 48% bad.

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  • Jun, 2010

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    Party Best at

    Q. Which of the following parties – Labor, Liberal or Greens – do you think is the best party when it comes to –

    Labor Liberal Greens Don’t know
    Representing the interests of Australian working people 42% 27% 6% 25%
    Standing up to the big multinational corporations 32% 27% 13% 28%
    Handling the economy in a way that best protects working people in Australia 36% 35% 4% 25%
    Understanding the needs of the average Australian 29% 27% 9% 35%
    Representing the interests of you and people like you 32% 34% 10% 24%
    Having a vision for Australia’s future 29% 33% 9% 29%
    Taking Australia forward, not backwards 29% 34% 9% 28%
    Handling Australia’s relations with other countries 30% 38% 4% 27%
    Handling Australia’s economy 30% 42% 3% 25%
    Dealing with the issue of immigration 20% 41% 7% 32%
    Being honest and ethical 19% 21% 15% 45%
    Handling environmental and climate change issues 19% 19% 36% 27%

    The Labor Party was thought to be better than the Liberal Party at “representing the interests of Australian working people” (42% to 27%) and “standing up to the big multinational corporations “ (32%/27%).

    The Liberal Party was thought to be better than the Labor Party at “dealing with the issue of immigration “ (41% to 20%), “handling Australia’s economy” (42%/30%),  “handling Australia’s relations with other countries” (38%/30%),  “taking Australia forward, not backwards” (34%/29%) and “having a vision for Australia’s future” (33%/29%).

    There was little difference between the Liberal and Labor Parties in terms of “handling the economy in a way that best protects working people in Australia”,  “understanding the needs of the average Australian” and “representing the interests of you and people like you”.

    36% believed the Greens were best at “handling environmental and climate change issues” and 45% could not nominate a party best at “being honest and ethical”. Comments »
