Q. Overall, do you think the Government’s carbon pricing scheme will be good or bad for Australia’s future?
Total | Vote Labor | Vote Lib/Nat | Vote Greens | |
Total good | 34% | 67% | 11% | 76% |
Total bad | 46% | 13% | 73% | 16% |
Very good | 11% | 26% | 1% | 31% |
Good | 23% | 41% | 10% | 45% |
Bad | 20% | 9% | 29% | 9% |
Very bad | 26% | 4% | 44% | 7% |
It will make no difference | 8% | 8% | 10% | – |
Don’t know | 12% | 13% | 7% | 7% |
34% think the carbon pricing scheme will be good for Australia and 46% think it will be bad.
By age, those aged under 35 split 42% good/36% bad, and those aged 55+ split 31% good/52% bad.
For those who consider themselves very well or somewhat informed about the carbon pricing scheme, 42% think it will be good for Australia and 48% bad.