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  • Jun, 2016

    Securing jobs

    Q. How important are each of the following for ensuring Australia grows local jobs?

      Total important   Very important Somewhat important Not so important Not at all important Don’t know
    Local jobs and local content rules for Government funded infrastructure projects 83%   48% 35% 5% 1% 11%
    Better funding of TAFE programs to give people the skills to get jobs of the future 83%   43% 40% 8% 1% 8%
    Government support for local manufacturing industries like the steel industry 80%   42% 38% 9% 2% 9%
    More investment in renewable energy 76%   43% 33% 10% 4% 10%
    Opening up investment for foreign companies so they bring the technology and skills to Australia 47%   15% 32% 27% 13% 13%
    Tax cuts for large companies 29%   10% 19% 28% 30% 13%

    The most important factors in ensuring Australia grows local jobs were “local jobs and local content rules for Government funded infrastructure projects” (83%), “better funding of TAFE programs to give people the skills to get jobs of the future” (83%) and “Government support for local manufacturing industries like the steel industry” (80%).

    Only 29% think “tax cuts for large companies” is important – 58% think it is not important.

  • Jun, 2016

    Brexit vote

    Q. Next week the United Kingdom will hold a referendum to decide whether to leave or stay in the European Union. Do you think the United Kingdom should leave or stay in the European Union?

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
    Stay in the EU 38%   41% 42% 46% 31%
    Leave the EU 22%   23% 23% 18% 26%
    Don’t know 40%   37% 34% 37% 44%

    38% think the United Kingdom should stay in the EU and 22% think they should leave. 40% don’t know. There was little difference between Liberal and Labor voters.

  • Jun, 2016

    US Presidential election

    Q. If you had a vote in the US Presidential election, would you vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
    Hillary Clinton 71%   77% 70% 88% 66%
    Donald Trump 15%   12% 19% 6% 20%
    Don’t know 14%   11% 12% 6% 14%

    71% would vote for Hillary Clinton for US President and 15% would vote for Donald Trump. All voter groups would strongly vote for Hillary Clinton.

  • Jun, 2016

    Spending promises

    Q. Thinking about the Federal election campaign, as far as you are aware, which party seems to be making the most spending promises?

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
    Labor 39%   45% 48% 29% 32%
    Liberal 13%   10% 21% 8% 10%
    No difference 29%   29% 17% 40% 46%
    Don’t know 20%   16% 13% 24% 11%

     39% think that Labor has made the most spending promises during the election campaign and 13% think the Liberals have made the most.

    There was little difference between Labor and Liberal voters in their views about the Labor Party but 21% of Liberal voters thought the Liberal Party had made the most spending promises.

  • Jun, 2016

    Federal voting intention

    Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward? If don’t know -Well which party are you currently leaning to?

      Total   Last week


    2 weeks ago


    4 weeks ago


      Election 7 Sep 13
    Liberal 37%   37% 38% 39%    
    National 4%   4% 3% 3%    
    Total Liberal/National 41%   41% 41% 42%   45.6%
    Labor 37%   36% 35% 38%   33.4%
    Greens 10%   10% 9% 9%   8.6%
    Nick Xenophon Team 4%   4% 4% 3%  
    Other/Independent 9%   10% 10% 8%   12.4%
    2 party preferred              
    Liberal National 49%   50% 51% 49%   53.5%
    Labor 51%   50% 49% 51%   46.5%

    NB. Sample = 1,787. The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived from the first preference/leaning to voting questions. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2013 election.

  • Jun, 2016

    Approval of Malcolm Turnbull

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Malcolm Turnbull is doing as Prime Minister?

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other   Oct 2015 Dec 2015 Jan 2016 Feb 2016 Mar 2016 Apr 2016 17 May 2016 31 May 2016
    Total approve 38%   20% 72% 14% 25%   47% 56% 51% 51% 45% 39% 40% 41%
    Total disapprove 40%   63% 19% 60% 59%   17% 23% 25% 27% 35% 39% 42% 39%
    Strongly approve 6%   3% 13% 1% 1%   11% 13% 9% 8% 6% 7% 7% 9%
    Approve 32%   17% 59% 13% 24%   36% 43% 42% 43% 39% 32% 33% 32%
    Disapprove 24%   36% 16% 26% 33%   11% 16% 16% 18% 24% 23% 26% 22%
    Strongly disapprove 16%   27% 3% 34% 26%   6% 7% 9% 9% 11% 16% 16% 17%
    Don’t know 21%   17% 10% 26% 17%   35% 21% 23% 21% 21% 22% 17% 19%

    38% (down 3% from 2 weeks ago) of respondents approve of the job Malcolm Turnbull is doing as Prime Minister and 40% (up 1%) disapprove – a net approval rating of -2 (down 4).

    72% (down 7%) of Liberal/National voters approve of Malcolm Turnbull’s performance with 19% (up 10%) disapproving. 20% (down 2%) of Labor voters and 14% (down 3%) of Greens voters approve of Malcolm Turnbull’s performance.

    By gender, men were 43% approve/42% disapprove and women 34% approve/39% disapprove.

  • Jun, 2016

    Approval of Bill Shorten

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Bill Shorten is doing as Opposition Leader?

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other   Nov 2013 Dec 2014 Dec 2015 Jan 2016 Feb 2016 Mar 2016 Apr 2016 17 May 2016 31 May 2016
    Total approve 34%   61% 22% 28% 20%   31% 35% 27% 27% 27% 27% 30% 34% 34%
    Total disapprove 40%   17% 62% 41% 60%   27% 39% 47% 47% 48% 47% 44% 43% 44%
    Strongly approve 7%   18% 1% 6% 1%   5% 7% 4% 4% 5% 3% 5% 6% 7%
    Approve 27%   43% 21% 22% 19%   26% 28% 23% 23% 22% 24% 25% 28% 27%
    Disapprove 22%   15% 27% 28% 34%   17% 23% 26% 28% 26% 29% 22% 26% 26%
    Strongly disapprove 18%   2% 35% 13% 26%   10% 16% 21% 19% 22% 18% 22% 17% 18%
    Don’t know 25%   21% 16% 31% 20%   43% 26% 25% 26% 25% 26% 25% 23% 23%

    34% (no change in last 2 weeks) of respondents approve of the job Bill Shorten is doing as opposition leader and 40% (down 4%) disapprove – a change in his net rating from -10 to -6.

    61% (down 5%) of Labor voters approve of the job Bill Shorten is doing and 17% (down 1%) disapprove.

    36% of men and 33% of women approve of Bill Shorten. 44% of men and 37% of women disapprove.

  • Jun, 2016

    Better Prime Minister

    Q. Who do you think would make the better Prime Minister out of Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten?

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other   Sep 2015 Dec 2015 Jan 2016 Feb 2016 Mar 2016 Apr 2016 17 May 2016 31 May 2016
    Malcolm Turnbull 40% 12% 79% 17% 33% 53% 54% 51% 52% 48% 44% 43% 40%
    Bill Shorten 29% 59% 10% 31% 15% 17% 15% 18% 15% 19% 22% 28% 27%
    Don’t know 32% 28% 11% 52% 52% 30% 31% 31% 33% 33% 34% 29% 33%

    40% (no change) of respondents think Malcolm Turnbull would make the better Prime Minister and 29% (up 2%) think Bill Shorten would make the better Prime Minister.

    43% of men prefer Malcolm Turnbull and 31% prefer Bill Shorten.

    37% of women prefer Malcolm Turnbull and 26% prefer Bill Shorten.
