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  • Jun, 2016

    Attributes of the Labor Party

    Q. Here is a list of things both favourable and unfavourable that have been said about various political parties. Which statements do you feel fit the Labor Party?

      Total Change   Jul 2009 April 2011 Aug 2013 Nov 2015 Mar 2016
    Will promise to do anything to win votes 64% +2   57% 72% 65% 64% 62%
    Looks after the interests of working people 56% +6     39% 53% 55% 50%
    Moderate 54% +7   65% 51% 48% 56% 47%
    Divided 49% -5   30% 66% 66% 58% 54%
    Understands the problems facing Australia 49% +6   62% 40% 50% 48% 43%
    Have a vision for the future 48% +8     43% 49% 42% 40%
    Out of touch with ordinary people 46% -7   44% 61% 51% 52% 53%
    Have good policies 46% +8       46% 42% 38%
    Trust to manage a fair superannuation system 45%              
    Clear about what they stand for 43% +8     28% 38% 37% 35%
    Has a good team of leaders 39% +9   60% 34% 36% 33% 30%
    Too close to the big corporate and financial interests 35%     46% 31% 37% 35%
    Trustworthy 33% +4       30% 34% 29%
    Keeps its promises 31% +3   44% 20% 27% 29% 28%
    Extreme 30% -5   25% 38% 34% 30% 35%

    The Labor Party’s main attributes were – will promise anything to win votes (64%), looks after the interests of working people (56%) and moderate (54%).

    Since this question was asked in March, the main changes have been for has a good team of leaders (up 9%), have a vision for the future (up 8%), have good policies (up 8%) and clear about what they stand for (up 8%).

  • Jun, 2016

    Attributes of the Liberal Party

    Q. And which statements do you feel fit the Liberal Party?

      Total Change   Jul 2009 April 2011 Aug 2013 Nov 2015 Mar 2016
    Too close to the big corporate and financial interests 66% +4     60% 60% 67% 62%
    Will promise to do anything to win votes 65% +2   67% 65% 65% 68% 63%
    Out of touch with ordinary people 63% +5   62% 54% 58% 62% 58%
    Divided 52% -9   74% 49% 31% 56% 61%
    Have a vision for the future 51% +5     48% 51% 54% 46%
    Moderate 47%   50% 55% 48% 51% 47%
    Clear about what they stand for 46% +7     44% 45% 46% 39%
    Understands the problems facing Australia 44% +3   44% 51% 48% 46% 41%
    Has a good team of leaders 42% +1   29% 40% 36% 48% 41%
    Have good policies 41% +2       38% 43% 39%
    Trust to manage a fair superannuation system 39%              
    Extreme 38% +2   36% 36% 39% 39% 36%
    Looks after the interests of working people 31%     38% 36% 32% 31%
    Trustworthy 30% +2       30% 29% 28%
    Keeps its promises 30% +3   28% 33% 32% 25% 27%

    The Liberal Party’s main attributes were – too close to the big corporate and financial interest (66%), will promise anything to win votes (65%) and out of touch with ordinary people (63%).

    Main changes since March were – divided (down 9%) and clear about what they stand for (up 7%).

  • Jun, 2016

    Party Attributes Comparison – Labor vs Liberal

      Liberal Labor   Difference
    Too close to the big corporate and financial interests 66% 35%   +31
    Out of touch with ordinary people 63% 46%   +17
    Extreme 38% 30%   +8
    Has a good team of leaders 42% 39%   +3
    Divided 52% 49%   +3
    Have a vision for the future 51% 48%   +3
    Clear about what they stand for 46% 43%   +3
    Will promise to do anything to win votes 65% 64%   +1
    Keeps its promises 30% 31%   -1
    Trustworthy 30% 33%   -3
    Have good policies 41% 46%   -5
    Understands the problems facing Australia 44% 49%   -5
    Trust to manage a fair superannuation system 39% 45%   -6
    Moderate 47% 54%   -7
    Looks after the interests of working people 31% 56%   -25

    The Labor Party is viewed more favourably in terms of looking after the interest of working people (-25) and not being too close to the big corporate and financial interests (+31) or out of touch with ordinary people (+17).

  • Jun, 2016

    Changes to superannuation

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the changes to superannuation made in the Budget, which includes capping tax concessions for those with more than $1.6 million in superannuation?

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other   Super no payments Super

    pre-tax payments

    Super after tax payments No super
    Total approve 47%   48% 57% 50% 40%   46% 51% 60% 53%
    Total disapprove 22%   24% 20% 22% 28%   23% 28% 28% 14%
    Strongly approve 13%   15% 14% 24% 10%   14% 17% 14% 14%
    Approve 34%   33% 43% 26% 30%   32% 34% 46% 39%
    Disapprove 15%   16% 16% 12% 17%   17% 15% 19% 9%
    Strongly disapprove 7%   8% 4% 10% 11%   6% 13% 95 5%
    Don’t know 31%   29% 22% 29% 32%   31% 21% 13% 33%

    47% approve of the changes to superannuation made in the Federal Budget and 22% disapprove.

    Those most likely to approve were Liberal/National voters (57%), full-time workers (53%), those earning $1,500-2,000 pw (57%) and those making after-tax super contributions (60%).

  • Jun, 2016


    Q. Thinking about the Federal election to be held on July 2, do you intend to vote at a polling booth on election day or will you be casting your vote before election day?

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other   Aged 18-34 Aged 35-54 Aged 55+
    Vote on election day 64% 70% 63% 69% 71% 63% 65% 65%
    Vote before election day 23% 22% 28% 17% 23% 19% 23% 27%
    Not sure 13% 8% 9% 14% 6% 18% 12% 8%

    64% say they will be voting at a polling booth on election day, 23% intend to cast their vote before the election and 13% are not sure. There were few differences across demographic groups.

  • Jun, 2016

    Federal voting intention

    Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward? If don’t know -Well which party are you currently leaning to?

      Total   Last week


    2 weeks ago


    4 weeks ago


      Election 7 Sep 13
    Liberal 37%   38% 38% 38%    
    National 4%   3% 3% 4%    
    Total Liberal/National 41%   41% 41% 42%   45.6%
    Labor 36%   35% 37% 38%   33.4%
    Greens 10%   9% 9% 10%   8.6%
    Nick Xenophon Team 4%   4% 3% na  
    Other/Independent 10%   10% 9% 10%   12.4%
    2 party preferred              
    Liberal National 50%   51% 49% 49%   53.5%
    Labor 50%   49% 51% 51%   46.5%

    NB: Sample = 1,772. The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived from the first preference/leaning to voting questions. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2013 election.

  • Jun, 2016

    Interest in election

    Q. Thinking about the Federal election campaign so far, how much interest have you been taking in news about the campaign and what the parties have been saying?

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other   Men Women Aged 18-34 Aged 35-54 Aged 55+
    A lot of interest 14%   18% 13% 14% 17%   18% 10% 11% 11% 21%
    Some interest 39%   41% 44% 46% 33%   40% 37% 34% 41% 40%
    Very little interest 27%   24% 29% 23% 28%   26% 27% 28% 28% 23%
    No interest at all 18%   15% 13% 17% 20%   13% 23% 22% 18% 15%
    Not sure 3%   1% 1% 1%   2% 3% 5% 2% 1%

    14% say they have taken a lot of interest in news about the election campaign and what the parties have been saying, and 39% have taken some interest. 45% have taken very little or no interest.

    45% of those aged 18-34 have a lot or some interest compared to 61% of those aged 55+.

  • Jun, 2016

    Contact with election campaign

    Q. Over the last few weeks which of the following types of contact have you had with the election campaign?

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
    Seen TV campaign ads 58%   57% 65% 49% 61%
    Received campaign materials in your letterbox 49%   48% 50% 54% 63%
    Watched one of the party leader debates on TV 22%   26% 22% 27% 24%
    Received an email about the election 17%   19% 19% 28% 12%
    Visited a website about election issues 13%   16% 12% 20% 13%
    Been surveyed on the phone 12%   14% 14% 7% 16%
    Had a phone call from a political party 11%   13% 11% 12% 11%
    Been approached in the street by party workers handing out material 9%   10% 12% 8% 6%
    Been door-knocked by a political party 5%   6% 7% 2% 4%
    Been door-knocked by another group (e.g. union, interest group) 4%   6% 4% 3% 3%

    58% say they have seen TV ads about the election campaign and 49% have received campaign materials in their letterbox. 22% say they have watched a leaders debate.

    Only 5% say they have been door-knocked by a political party and 9% have been approached by party workers in the street.
