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  • Feb, 2011

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    The great rock ‘n’ coal swindle

    First published on The Drum: 22/02/2011

    If there is any silver lining from the mining industry’s 20,800 per cent return on investment for knocking over the Rudd Government’s Resource Rent Tax, it’s that the punters are beginning to wise up.

    As interest groups around the nation hone their scare campaigns in expectation of a price on carbon, this week’s Essential Report suggests the mining industry has dealt themselves out of any credible role in the debate.

    With record profits the size of many sovereign nation’s GDPs and ongoing plans to extract even more of the national wealth, a majority of the public say they support forcing the mining industry to pay a greater share of their profits in tax.

    Q: Would you approve or disapprove of higher taxes on the profits of large mining companies?

    Total Vote
    Total approve 56% 75% 36% 83%
    Total disapprove 27% 13% 49% 6%
    Strongly approve 21% 32% 6% 46%
    Approve 35% 43% 30% 37%
    Disapprove 20% 11% 35% 4%
    Strongly disapprove 7% 2% 14% 2%
    Don’t know 17% 13% 15% 11%

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  • Feb, 2011

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    Taxing Mining Company Profits

    Q. Would you approve or disapprove of higher taxes on the profits of large mining companies?

    Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    Total approve 56% 75% 36% 83%
    Total disapprove 27% 13% 49% 6%
    Strongly approve 21% 32% 6% 46%
    Approve 35% 43% 30% 37%
    Disapprove 20% 11% 35% 4%
    Strongly disapprove 7% 2% 14% 2%
    Don’t know 17% 13% 15% 11%

    There was majority approval of higher taxes on the profits of large mining companies – 56% approved and 27% disapproved. Labor and Greens voters showed very high approval while Liberal/National voters split 36% approve/49% disapprove.

    There were no significant differences by demographic groupings (age/income/work status).

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  • Feb, 2011

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    Taxing Mining Company Profits

    Q. Would you approve or disapprove of higher taxes on the profits of large mining companies if the funds raised were used to provide higher superannuation for all workers?

    Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    Total approve 56% 68% 44% 84%
    Total disapprove 24% 14% 39% 8%
    Strongly approve 20% 33% 8% 37%
    Approve 36% 35% 36% 47%
    Disapprove 16% 11% 25% 4%
    Strongly disapprove 8% 3% 14% 4%
    Don’t know 20% 18% 17% 8%

    When asked whether they approved of higher taxes on the profits of large mining companies if the funds raised were used to provide higher superannuation for all workers, 56% approved (no change) and 24% disapproved (down 3%).

    Labor voters were slightly less supportive if the funds were tied to super increases (approval down 7%) while Liberal/National voters were more supportive (approval up 8% and disapproval down 10%).

    Full-time workers split 58% approve/27% disapprove, part-time workers 57% approve/17% disapprove and those not working 53% approve/25% disapprove. Highest disapproval was shown by workers earning over $1,600 per week – 56% approved but 32% disapproved.

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