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  • Jun, 2021

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    Preferred Prime Minister

    Q. Who do you think would make the better Prime Minister out of Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese?

      Jun’21 May’21 Apr’21 Mar’21 Feb’21 Jan’21 Dec’20 Nov’20 Oct’20 Sep’20 Aug’20 Jul’20
    Scott Morrison 48% 50% 47% 52% 52% 51% 50% 53% 50% 49% 52% 50%
    Anthony Albanese 28% 24% 28% 26% 24% 25% 24% 24% 25% 26% 22% 27%
    Don’t know 24% 26% 25% 22% 24% 25% 26% 24% 25% 25% 26% 23%
    Base (n) 1,104 1,092 1,368 1,124 1,109 1,084 1,071 1,010 1,082 1,076 1,010 1,054
    • Just under half (48%) of participants believe that Scott Morrison would make a better PM than Anthony Albanese (50% last month).
    • 28% think the opposition leader would make the better Prime Minister (24% in May). 24% of participants don’t know who would make the better PM.
  • May, 2021

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    Performance of Anthony Albanese

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Anthony Albanese is doing as Opposition Leader?

    May’21 Apr’21 Mar’21 Feb’21 Jan’21 Dec’20 Nov’20 Oct’20 Sep’20 Aug’20 Jul’20 Jun’20
    TOTAL: Approve 39% 39% 41% 40% 42% 43% 40% 44% 44% 44% 44% 43%
    TOTAL: Disapprove 35% 34% 32% 33% 33% 29% 33% 29% 29% 30% 28% 30%
    Don’t know 25% 27% 27% 27% 25% 28% 27% 27% 27% 25% 28% 26%
    Base (n) 1,092 1,368 1,124 1,109 1,084 1,071 1,010 1,082 1,076 1,010 1,054 1,059


      Total Federal Voting Intention
    Labor Coalition Greens TOTAL: Other
    Strongly approve 9% 13% 8% 5% 11%
    Approve 30% 45% 21% 42% 27%
    Disapprove 24% 17% 32% 21% 22%
    Strongly disapprove 12% 2% 22% 5% 22%
    Don’t know 25% 22% 17% 27% 18%
    TOTAL: Approve 39% 59% 29% 47% 38%
    TOTAL: Disapprove 35% 20% 54% 26% 44%
    Base (n) 1,092 371 400 109 111
    • The Opposition Leader’s approval rating is now at 39%, consistent with the level last month (39%).
    • Approval of the Opposition Leader has risen to 59% among Labor voters (from 55% in April) and is at 29% among Coalition voters (33% in April).
  • May, 2021

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    Preferred Prime Minister

    Q. Who do you think would make the better Prime Minister out of Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese?

      May’21 Apr’21 Mar’21 Feb’21 Jan’21 Dec’20 Nov’20 Oct’20 Sep’20 Aug’20 Jul’20 Jun’20
    Scott Morrison 50% 47% 52% 52% 51% 50% 53% 50% 49% 52% 50% 53%
    Anthony Albanese 24% 28% 26% 24% 25% 24% 24% 25% 26% 22% 27% 23%
    Don’t know 26% 25% 22% 24% 25% 26% 24% 25% 25% 26% 23% 24%
    Base (n) 1,092 1,368 1,124 1,109 1,084 1,071 1,010 1,082 1,076 1,010 1,054 1,059


    Men May’21 Apr’21 Mar’21 Feb’21 Jan’21 Dec’20 Nov’20 Oct’20
    Scott Morrison 54% 53% 52% 54% 53% 54% 54% 52%
    Anthony Albanese 26% 29% 30% 28% 28% 29% 28% 29%
    Don’t know 20% 18% 19% 19% 19% 17% 19% 19%
    Scott Morrison 47% 42% 53% 51% 48% 47% 51% 47%
    Anthony Albanese 22% 26% 23% 21% 22% 19% 20% 22%
    Don’t know 31% 32% 24% 29% 31% 34% 28% 31%


    May’21   Federal Voting Intention
    Total Labor Coalition Greens TOTAL: Other
    Scott Morrison 50% 32% 83% 29% 34%
    Anthony Albanese 24% 41% 7% 46% 22%
    Don’t know 26% 26% 9% 25% 44%
    Base (n) 1,092 371 400 109 111
    • Half (50%) of participants believe that Scott Morrison would make a better PM than Anthony Albanese (47% last month).
    • Just under a quarter (24%) would prefer the Opposition Leader (28% in April). Just over a quarter (26%) of participants don’t know who would make the better PM.
    • Preference for Morrison has increased among women to 47% (from 42% last month). Preference is unchanged among men (54% and 53%).
    • 41% of Labor voters believe Albanese would make the better PM, a notable drop from levels last month (50%). Just over a third (32%) now think Morrison would make the better leader (27% last month) and about a quarter (26%) don’t know.
  • Apr, 2021


    Performance of Anthony Albanese

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Anthony Albanese is doing as Opposition Leader?

    Apr’21 Mar’21 Feb’21 Jan’21 Dec’20 Nov’20 Oct’20 Sep’20 Aug’20 Jul’20 Jun’20 May’20
    TOTAL: Approve 39% 41% 40% 42% 43% 40% 44% 44% 44% 44% 43% 42%
    TOTAL: Disapprove 34% 32% 33% 33% 29% 33% 29% 29% 30% 28% 30% 27%
    Don’t know 27% 27% 27% 25% 28% 27% 27% 27% 25% 28% 26% 31%
    Base (n) 1,368 1,124 1,109 1,084 1,071 1,010 1,082 1,076 1,010 1,054 1,059 1,093


    Total Federal Voting Intention
    Labor Coalition Greens TOTAL: Other
    Strongly approve 9% 12% 9% 11% 9%
    Approve 29% 44% 24% 30% 17%
    Disapprove 23% 21% 28% 21% 23%
    Strongly disapprove 12% 1% 21% 5% 22%
    Don’t know 27% 22% 17% 32% 29%
    TOTAL: Approve 39% 55% 33% 41% 26%
    TOTAL: Disapprove 34% 22% 49% 27% 45%
    Base (n) 1,368 483 471 123 165
    • The Opposition Leader’s approval rating is now at 39%, a slight dip from last month’s level (41%).
    • Approval of the Opposition Leader has fallen to 55% among Labor voters (from 60% in March) and is 33% among Coalition voters (30% in March.
  • Apr, 2021

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    Preferred Prime Minister

    Q. Who do you think would make the better Prime Minister out of Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese?

      Apr’21 Mar’21 Feb’21 Jan’21 Dec’20 Nov’20 Oct’20 Sep’20 Aug’20 Jul’20 Jun’20 May’20
    Scott Morrison 47% 52% 52% 51% 50% 53% 50% 49% 52% 50% 53% 50%
    Anthony Albanese 28% 26% 24% 25% 24% 24% 25% 26% 22% 27% 23% 25%
    Don’t know 25% 22% 24% 25% 26% 24% 25% 25% 26% 23% 24% 25%
    Base (n) 1,368 1,124 1,109 1,084 1,071 1,010 1,082 1,076 1,010 1,054 1,059 1,093


    Men Apr’21 Mar’21 Feb’21 Jan’21 Dec’20 Nov’20 Oct’20
    Scott Morrison 53% 52% 54% 53% 54% 54% 52%
    Anthony Albanese 29% 30% 28% 28% 29% 28% 29%
    Don’t know 18% 19% 19% 19% 17% 19% 19%
    Scott Morrison 42% 53% 51% 48% 47% 51% 47%
    Anthony Albanese 26% 23% 21% 22% 19% 20% 22%
    Don’t know 32% 24% 29% 31% 34% 28% 31%


    Apr’21   Federal Voting Intention
    Total Labor Coalition Greens TOTAL: Other
    Scott Morrison 47% 27% 80% 28% 41%
    Anthony Albanese 28% 50% 10% 45% 20%
    Don’t know 25% 24% 9% 26% 39%
    Base (n) 1,368 483 471 123 165
    • Just under half (47%) of participants believe that Scott Morrison would make a better PM than Anthony Albanese, a drop since last month (52%) and the lowest figure seen in the last 12 months.
    • 28% would prefer the Opposition Leader (no change from 26% in March). A quarter (25%) of participants don’t know who would make the better PM.
    • Preference for Morrison has dropped among women from 53% last month to 42% in April. Preference is unchanged among men (52% and 53%).
    • Half (50%) of Labor voters believe Albanese would make the better PM, consistent with levels last month (49%). Just under a third (27%) think Morrison would make the better leader and about a quarter (24%) don’t know.
  • Apr, 2021


    Confidence in Labor government handling of Covid-19 pandemic

    Q. If a Labor government under Anthony Albanese had been in power, how confident are you that they would have done a good job at dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic?

      Total Gender Age Group Federal Voting Intention
    Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Labor TOTAL: Coalition Greens TOTAL: Other  
    Very confident 15% 21% 10% 13% 21% 12% 24% 10% 19% 14%  
    Fairly confident 29% 27% 30% 33% 30% 24% 42% 22% 32% 22%  
    Not that confident 24% 25% 23% 25% 21% 25% 18% 30% 25% 20%  
    Not confident at all 14% 14% 13% 7% 10% 23% 3% 25% 5% 23%  
    Unsure 18% 12% 24% 22% 18% 16% 13% 12% 20% 21%  
    TOTAL:  Confident 44% 49% 40% 46% 51% 36% 65% 32% 50% 35%  
    TOTAL:  Not Confident 37% 39% 36% 32% 31% 48% 21% 56% 29% 44%  
    Base (n) 1,368 669 699 426 460 482 483 471 123 165  
    • 44% of Australians are confident that if a Labor government under Anthony Albanese had been in power, they would have done a good job at dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. 37% are not confident about this and 18% are unsure.
    • Labor voters are the most confident about this compared to other voters (65%). They are followed by Greens voters (50%). Coalition voters and minor and independent party voters are the least likely to be confident in this (32% and 35% respectively).
    • Those aged 18-34 and 35-43 are more confident that a Labor government would have done a good job a dealing with Covid-19 than those over 55 (46% and 51% to 36% respectively).
  • Mar, 2021


    Performance of Anthony Albanese

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Anthony Albanese is doing as Opposition Leader?

    Mar’21 Feb’21 Jan’21 Dec’20 Nov’20 Oct’20 Sep’20 Aug’20 Jul’20 Jun’20 May’20 Apr’20
    TOTAL: Approve 41% 40% 42% 43% 40% 44% 44% 44% 44% 43% 42% 44%
    TOTAL: Disapprove 32% 33% 33% 29% 33% 29% 29% 30% 28% 30% 27% 29%
    Don’t know 27% 27% 25% 28% 27% 27% 27% 25% 28% 26% 31% 27%
    Base (n) 1,124 1,109 1,084 1,071 1,010 1,082 1,076 1,010 1,054 1,059 1,093 1,069


      Total Federal Voting Intention
    Labor Coalition Greens TOTAL: Other
    Strongly approve 9% 11% 7% 6% 17%
    Approve 32% 50% 23% 38% 19%
    Disapprove 22% 15% 31% 21% 24%
    Strongly disapprove 11% 2% 20% 4% 13%
    Don’t know 27% 23% 19% 31% 25%
    TOTAL: Approve 41% 60% 30% 44% 37%
    TOTAL: Disapprove 32% 16% 50% 25% 38%
    Base (n) 1,124 375 410 98 142
    • The Opposition Leader’s approval rating is now at 41%, consistent with the level last month.
    • Approval of the Opposition Leader has risen to 60% among Labor voters (from 58% in February) and is consistent at 30% among Coalition voters (31% in February).
  • Feb, 2021

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    Performance of Anthony Albanese

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Anthony Albanese is doing as Opposition Leader?

    Feb’21 Jan’21 Dec’20 Nov’20 Oct’20 Sep’20 Aug’20 Jul’20 Jun’20 May’20 Apr’20 Mar’20
    TOTAL: Approve 40% 42% 43% 40% 44% 44% 44% 44% 43% 42% 44% 41%
    TOTAL: Disapprove 33% 33% 29% 33% 29% 29% 30% 28% 30% 27% 29% 33%
    Don’t know 27% 25% 28% 27% 27% 27% 25% 28% 26% 31% 27% 26%
    Base (n) 1,109 1,084 1,071 1,010 1,082 1,076 1,010 1,054 1,059 1,093 1,069 1,096


      Total Federal Voting Intention
    Labor Coalition Greens TOTAL: Other
    Strongly approve 10% 13% 10% 6% 10%
    Approve 30% 45% 21% 28% 27%
    Disapprove 22% 13% 30% 28% 25%
    Strongly disapprove 11% 4% 18% 4% 16%
    Don’t know 27% 25% 21% 33% 22%
    TOTAL: Approve 40% 58% 31% 35% 37%
    TOTAL: Disapprove 33% 17% 48% 32% 42%
    Base (n) 1,109 359 428 101 131
    • The Opposition Leader’s approval rating is now at 40%, down from 42% last month and the lowest rating since last November.
    • Approval of the Opposition Leader has fallen to 58% among Labor voters (from 63% in January) and 31% among Coalition voters (down from 35% in January).