03 June 2013, 030613, childcare enrolments, non-vaccinated children
Q. Do you support or oppose childcare centres having the right to refuse to enrol children who have not been vaccinated?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Total support |
78% |
80% |
82% |
71% |
Total oppose |
11% |
9% |
11% |
18% |
Strongly support |
45% |
47% |
47% |
41% |
Support |
33% |
33% |
35% |
30% |
Oppose |
7% |
6% |
6% |
12% |
Strongly oppose |
4% |
3% |
5% |
6% |
Don’t know |
10% |
11% |
7% |
11% |
78% support childcare centres having the right to refuse to enrol children who have not been vaccinated and 11% oppose. Support was over 70% for all demographic groups and highest for respondents aged 65+ (88%) and NSW residents (82%).
03 June 2013, 030613, ABC, privatisation, SBS
Q. Would you support or oppose the privatisation of the ABC and SBS?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Total support |
15% |
11% |
21% |
3% |
Total oppose |
57% |
68% |
51% |
75% |
Strongly support |
4% |
3% |
6% |
– |
Support |
11% |
8% |
15% |
3% |
Oppose |
25% |
24% |
28% |
22% |
Strongly oppose |
32% |
44% |
23% |
53% |
Don’t know |
28% |
21% |
28% |
22% |
15% support the privatisation of the ABC and SBS and 57% oppose. 28% did not give an opinion.
Strongest opposition came from men (61%), people aged 55+ (74%) and those on incomes under $1,000pw (68%).
03 June 2013, 030613, sports betting
Q. Would you support or oppose banning all advertising of sports betting during TV and radio sports broadcasts?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Total support |
78% |
78% |
77% |
85% |
Total oppose |
12% |
11% |
15% |
8% |
Strongly support |
51% |
53% |
47% |
62% |
Support |
27% |
25% |
30% |
23% |
Oppose |
9% |
8% |
12% |
8% |
Strongly oppose |
3% |
3% |
3% |
– |
Don’t know |
10% |
11% |
7% |
8% |
78% support banning all advertising of sports betting during TV and radio sports broadcasts and 12% oppose.
Strongest support came from those aged 55+ (84%) and Greens voters (85%).
03 June 2013, 030613, Australian manufacturing, car industry
Q. Thinking about the Australian manufacturing industry, which of the following statements is closest to your view?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Aug 2012 |
With Government support, Australia can have a successful manufacturing industry |
61% |
70% |
56% |
60% |
63% |
There is no future for manufacturing in Australia and Government support would be a waste of money |
22% |
13% |
31% |
23% |
17% |
Don’t know |
17% |
17% |
13% |
18% |
21% |
61% agree that “With Government support, Australia can have a successful manufacturing industry” and 22% agree “There is no future for manufacturing in Australia and Government support would be a waste of money”. Those who think that “Australia can have a successful manufacturing industry” has dropped 2% and those thinking “There is no future for manufacturing in Australia” has increased 5% since this question was last asked in August.
Those most likely to agree that “Australia can have a successful manufacturing industry” were aged 35+ (65%), Labor voters (70%) and people on income of $600-$1,000pw (67%).
Those most likely to agree that “There is no future for manufacturing in Australia” were men (28%), Liberal/National voters (31%) and people on incomes over $1,600pw (29%).
03 June 2013, 030613, car manufacturing
Q. How important is it that Australia has a car manufacturing industry, even if it costs hundreds of millions of dollars each year in Government support and subsidies?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Total important |
52% |
58% |
51% |
36% |
Total not important |
35% |
31% |
40% |
46% |
Very important |
19% |
23% |
17% |
6% |
Somewhat important |
33% |
35% |
34% |
30% |
Not very important |
24% |
20% |
29% |
30% |
Not at all important |
11% |
11% |
11% |
16% |
Don’t know |
12% |
11% |
9% |
17% |
52% think that it is very or somewhat important that Australia has a car manufacturing industry, even if it costs hundreds of millions of dollars each year in Government support and subsidies. 35% think it is not very or not at all important.
Those most likely to think it was important were Labor voters (58%) and people on incomes under $600pw (59%).
40% of Liberal/National voters, 46% of Greens voters and 42% of people on incomes over $1,600pw thought it not important.
27 May 2013, 270513, 2PP, Labor Party, Liberal Party, two party preferred, Voting intention
Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward?
Q. If don’t know -Well which party are you currently leaning to?
Sample size = 1,906 respondents
First preference/leaning to |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago 29/4/13 |
2 weeks ago 13/5/13 |
Last week 20/5/13 |
This week 27/5/13 |
Liberal |
45% |
44% |
45% |
45% |
National |
3% |
3% |
3% |
3% |
Total Lib/Nat |
43.6% |
48% |
48% |
48% |
48% |
Labor |
38.0% |
34% |
34% |
35% |
34% |
Greens |
11.8% |
9% |
9% |
8% |
8% |
Other/Independent |
6.6% |
9% |
10% |
9% |
10% |
2PP |
Election 21 Aug 10 |
4 weeks ago |
2 weeks ago |
Last week
This week |
Total Lib/Nat |
49.9% |
55% |
55% |
55% |
55% |
Labor |
50.1% |
44% |
45% |
45% |
45% |
NB. The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived from the first preference/leaning to voting questions. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2010 election. These estimates have a confidence interval of approx. plus or minus 2-3%.
27 May 2013, 270513, economy, Joe Hockey, trust to handle economy, Wayne Swan
Q. Who would you trust most to handle Australia’s economy – The Treasurer Wayne Swan or the Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey?
6 May 2013 |
Total 27 May |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Wayne Swan |
32% |
28% |
64% |
7% |
39% |
Joe Hockey |
35% |
37% |
7% |
70% |
14% |
Don’t know |
32% |
34% |
29% |
23% |
47% |
Trust in Joe Hockey to handle the economy has increased since the Federal Budget and trust in Wayne Swan has fallen. 28% (down 4%) trust Wayne Swan more to handle Australia’s economy and 37% (up 2%) trust Joe Hockey more.
Those on incomes under $1,000pw trust Joe Hockey 34%/31% while those earning over $1,000pw trust Joe Hockey 42%/29%.
27 May 2013, 270513, budget reply, Carbon Tax, dump carbon tax, dump mining tax, Mining tax, tony abbott
Q. In his reply to the budget Tony Abbott said he would dump the carbon tax and the mining tax but still retain the Labor Government’s compensation payments to households. If he is elected at the next election what do you think he is most likely to do?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Dump the carbon tax and mining tax and keep the compensation to households |
26% |
9% |
47% |
6% |
Dump the carbon tax and mining tax but will not keep the compensation to households |
29% |
35% |
27% |
35% |
He won’t dump the carbon tax and mining tax |
28% |
40% |
14% |
38% |
Don’t know |
17% |
15% |
11% |
20% |
Only 26% think that if Tony Abbott becomes Prime Minister at the next election, he will dump the carbon tax and the mining tax but still retain the Labor Government’s compensation payments to households. 29% think he will dump the taxes but will not keep the compensation to households and 28% think he won’t dump the taxes.
Only 47% of Liberal/National voters believe he will dump the taxes and keep the compensation.