Better PM, Bill Shorten, tony abbott
Q. Who do you think would make the better Prime Minister out of Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Vote other/ indep-endent |
22 Oct 2013 |
12 Nov |
10 Dec |
14 Jan 2014 |
11 Feb |
Tony Abbott |
39% |
6% |
83% |
12% |
28% |
41% |
42% |
43% |
42% |
40% |
Bill Shorten |
33% |
67% |
2% |
58% |
30% |
22% |
27% |
33% |
31% |
30% |
Don’t know |
28% |
27% |
15% |
29% |
42% |
37% |
31% |
24% |
27% |
31% |
39% (down 1%) think Tony Abbott would make the better Prime Minister and 33% (up 3%) favour Bill Shorten. 28% could not make a choice.
Tony Abbott is favoured 41%/35% among men and 36%/31% among women.
Q. Compared to two or three years ago is your household paying more or less for the following – (Feb 2013)
Paying a lot more |
Paying a little more |
Paying about the same |
Paying a little less |
Paying a lot less |
Don’t know |
Feb 2013 Paying a lot more |
Petrol |
56% |
27% |
9% |
2% |
1% |
4% |
50% |
Fresh food – fruit, vegetables, meat |
36% |
39% |
20% |
2% |
1% |
3% |
36% |
Packaged food |
26% |
37% |
28% |
4% |
1% |
4% |
28% |
Electricity and gas |
62% |
23% |
9% |
2% |
2% |
3% |
70% |
Housing – mortgage or rent |
24% |
20% |
32% |
8% |
4% |
13% |
24% |
Insurance |
36% |
36% |
18% |
3% |
1% |
6% |
43% |
Water |
40% |
32% |
20% |
1% |
1% |
7% |
47% |
Clothing |
17% |
28% |
42% |
9% |
2% |
2% |
21% |
Education |
21% |
15% |
28% |
3% |
6% |
27% |
24% |
Medical, dental |
32% |
32% |
28% |
3% |
2% |
5% |
33% |
Items which respondents said they were “paying a lot more” for were electricity and gas (62%), petrol (56%) and water (40%).
Since this question was asked 12 months ago, the main changes have been for electricity and gas (down 8%), insurance (down 7%), water (down 7%) and petrol (up 6%),
Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the Government’s intention to allow majority foreign ownership of Qantas domestic operations?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Vote other/ indep-endent |
Total approve |
36% |
29% |
52% |
27% |
25% |
Total disapprove |
48% |
54% |
35% |
61% |
67% |
Strongly approve |
9% |
6% |
15% |
6% |
4% |
Approve |
27% |
23% |
37% |
21% |
21% |
Disapprove |
25% |
23% |
23% |
33% |
33% |
Strongly disapprove |
23% |
31% |
12% |
28% |
34% |
Don’t know |
15% |
17% |
13% |
12% |
9% |
36% approve of the Government’s intention to allow majority foreign ownership of Qantas domestic operations and 48% disapprove.
Those most likely to approve were Liberal/National voters (52%), men (46%) and those with university education (45%).
Those most likely to disapprove were Labor voters (54%), Greens voters (61%), women (54%) and those on lower incomes (53% of people earning less than $1,000pw)
Q. Do you think allowing majority foreign ownership of Qantas domestic operations will be good or bad for –
Total good |
Total bad |
Very good |
Good |
Make no difference |
Bad |
Very bad |
Don’t know |
Australian jobs |
16% |
59% |
4% |
12% |
19% |
28% |
31% |
6% |
Air travellers |
30% |
25% |
8% |
22% |
36% |
15% |
10% |
10% |
Qantas profits |
48% |
19% |
9% |
39% |
20% |
11% |
8% |
13% |
The Australian economy |
24% |
46% |
6% |
18% |
20% |
26% |
19% |
10% |
Overall, respondents thought that majority foreign ownership of Qantas would be good for Qantas profits (48%) but bad for Australian jobs (59%) and the economy (46%). They were divided over the impact on air travellers (30% good/25% bad/36% no difference).
64% of Labor voters and 49% of Liberal/National voters thought it would be bad for jobs.
41% of those with university education and 44% of people aged 25-34 thought it would be good for air travellers.
56% of university educated, 59% of those aged 25-34 and 55% of Liberal/National voters thought it would be good for Qantas profits.
In terms of the economy, Labor voters split 18% good/52% bad compared to Liberal/National voters 37% good/33% bad.
Q. Would you approve or disapprove of Qantas jobs being sent offshore if it improves the profitability and long-term success of Qantas?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Vote other/ indep-endent |
Total approve |
25% |
19% |
38% |
18% |
16% |
Total disapprove |
62% |
68% |
50% |
67% |
72% |
Strongly approve |
5% |
3% |
9% |
4% |
1% |
Approve |
20% |
16% |
29% |
14% |
15% |
Disapprove |
31% |
28% |
28% |
38% |
36% |
Strongly disapprove |
31% |
40% |
22% |
29% |
36% |
Don’t know |
14% |
13% |
13% |
17% |
12% |
62% would disapprove of Qantas jobs being sent offshore if it improves the profitability and long-term success of Qantas and 25% would approve. A majority of all voter groups disapproved.
2PP, Labor Party, Liberal Party, two party preferred, Voting intention
Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward?
Q. If don’t know -Well which party are you currently leaning to?
Sample size = 1,842 respondents
First preference/leaning to |
Election 7 Sep 13 |
4 weeks ago 4/2/14 |
2 weeks ago 18/2/14 |
Last week 25/2/14 |
This week 4/3/14 |
Liberal |
40% |
38% |
39% |
41% |
National |
3% |
3% |
3% |
3% |
Total Lib/Nat |
45.6% |
43% |
41% |
42% |
44% |
Labor |
33.4% |
39% |
40% |
39% |
38% |
Greens |
8.6% |
8% |
8% |
9% |
8% |
Palmer United Party |
5.5% |
3% |
4% |
4% |
3% |
Other/Independent |
6.9% |
7% |
8% |
7% |
7% |
2 Party Preferred |
Election 7 Sep 13 |
4 weeks ago 4/2/14 |
2 weeks ago 18/2/14 |
Last week 25/2/14 |
This week 4/3/14 |
Liberal National |
53.5% |
50% |
49% |
49% |
51% |
Labor |
46.5% |
50% |
51% |
51% |
49% |
NB. The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived from the first preference/leaning to voting questions. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2013 election.
Q. Overall, would you say that the performance of Tony Abbott and the Coalition Government has been better or worse than you expected or has it been about what you expected?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Vote other |
Nov 13 |
Total better |
20% |
7% |
39% |
2% |
9% |
18% |
Total worse |
40% |
66% |
10% |
81% |
48% |
27% |
Much better than expected |
9% |
4% |
18% |
– |
1% |
6% |
Somewhat better than expected |
11% |
3% |
21% |
2% |
8% |
12% |
About what expected |
36% |
24% |
50% |
14% |
39% |
47% |
Somewhat worse than expected |
17% |
21% |
9% |
36% |
23% |
14% |
Much worse than expected |
23% |
45% |
1% |
45% |
25% |
13% |
Don’t know |
5% |
3% |
1% |
3% |
5% |
8% |
20% think that the performance of Tony Abbott and the Coalition Government has been better than expected, 40% say it has been worse than expected and 36% think it has been about what they expected.
This is a substantial increase in those who think the Government’s performance has been worse than expected since this was measured in November last year – from 27% to 40%. Those who think the Government’s performance has been about what expected has dropped from 47% to 36%.
Q. Do you think the Government should raise taxes or cut spending to reduce the national debt or should they do neither?
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Vote Other |
6 May 13
13 Aug 13 |
Raise taxes |
6% |
8% |
4% |
14% |
8% |
13% |
6% |
Reduce spending |
47% |
36% |
61% |
25% |
39% |
55% |
45% |
Both |
19% |
15% |
22% |
21% |
22% |
na |
21% |
Neither |
20% |
30% |
10% |
31% |
23% |
20% |
18% |
Don’t know |
8% |
11% |
3% |
10% |
7% |
12% |
10% |
In order to reduce debt, 47% think the Government should reduce spending, 6% think they should raise taxes and 19% think they should do both. 20% think they should do neither.
61% of Liberal/National voters think the Government should reduce spending compared to 36% of Labor voters and 25% of Greens voters.
These results are very similar to those when this question was previously asked in August last year.