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    Search Results for: trust

  • Aug 8, 2011

    Trust to Handle Economy

    Q. Which party would you trust most to handle the economy if there was another Global Financial Crisis (GFC)? Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens The Labor Party 27% 77% 3% […] Read more

  • Aug 1, 2011

    Trust in organisations to handle personal information

    Q. Thinking about your personal information that you sometimes have to give to organisations and companies, how much trust do you have in following organisations to handle your personal information appropriately? A […] Read more

  • Jul 25, 2011

    Trust in Media

    Q. How much trust do you have in what you read or hear in the following media? Total a lot/some 15 Mar 10 Total a lot /some A lot of trust Some […] Read more

  • Jul 25, 2011

    Trust in Newspapers

    Q. How much trust do you have in what you read in the following newspapers? A lot of trust Some trust Not much trust No trust at all Don’t know The Australian […] Read more

  • Jun 6, 2011

    Party trusted to handle important election issues

    Q. And which party would you trust most to handle the following issues? Labor Liberal Greens Don’t know Management of the economy 29% 47% 3% 22% Ensuring a quality education for all […] Read more

  • May 2, 2011

    Trust in Media

    Q. How much would you say you trust each of the following media sources to provide you with the news and information you want about Australian politics? A lot/some trust Total a […] Read more

  • Apr 11, 2011

    Party Trust to Handle Benefits/pensions

    Q. Which party would you trust more to handle welfare issues like unemployment benefits and disability pensions? Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Labor Party 34% 75% 6% 53% Liberal Party […] Read more

  • Feb 21, 2011

    Trust in Federal Leaders

    Q. Who do you trust most to deliver good policies for Australia’s future? (Question commissioned by Network Ten) Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Julia Gillard 40% 81% 5% 62% Tony […] Read more

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