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Trust in organisations to handle personal information

1 Aug 2011

Q. Thinking about your personal information that you sometimes have to give to organisations and companies, how much trust do you have in following organisations to handle your personal information appropriately?

A lot of trust Some trust Little trust No trust Don’t know
The medical profession 39% 40% 12% 7% 2%
Banks 19% 40% 27% 13% 2%
Governments 12% 38% 28% 20% 2%
Australian companies 6% 43% 35% 13% 2%
On-line companies 2% 25% 41% 29% 3%
Political parties 2% 20% 34% 40% 4%
Foreign companies 1% 18% 36% 41% 4%
The media 2% 14% 35% 47% 2%

Of the organisations measured, the medical profession is the most trusted to handle personal information (79% a lot/some trust). Banks (59%) are trusted more that Governments (50%) or Australian companies (49%).

The media are the least trusted with 82% saying they have little or no trust in them.

People aged under 35 tend to be more trustful with their personal information – especially with Governments (58% a lot/some trust), banks (69%) and on-line companies (35%).
