The Essential Report Archive Read the latest report

  • Apr, 2020

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    Managing Physical Isolation

    Q. How are you managing with the physical isolation rules imposed due to the Covid-19 outbreak?

        Gender Age Group
    Total Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+
    I have no concerns about reduced physical contact with friends and family 26% 27% 25% 17% 29% 31%
    I’m coping with seeing less of friends and family, but may start to miss them in the future 26% 26% 25% 31% 25% 21%
    I’m missing seeing friends and family, but am able to continue with day-to-day-life 37% 35% 38% 34% 33% 42%
    I’m feeling isolated or struggling to maintain my daily routines 12% 12% 12% 18% 13% 6%
    Base (n) 1,068 537 531 343 340 385
    • Over one-in-ten people are already struggling with the physical isolation restrictions (12%). They are most likely to be people aged 18-34 (18%) and people not in paid employment (18%)
    • Those aged 55 and over are most likely to say they have no concerns about the physical isolation restrictions (31%).