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  • Feb, 2011

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    Impact of Healthcare Agreement

    Q. Do you think this funding agreement will result in a better or a worse healthcare system or will it make no difference?

    Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
    Total better 49% 67% 39% 65%
    Total worse/no difference 34% 20% 49% 20%
    A lot better 8% 16% 4% 8%
    A little better 41% 51% 35% 57%
    Make no difference 28% 19% 38% 18%
    A little worse 3% 1% 5% 1%
    A lot worse 3% * 6% 1%
    Don’t know 16% 13% 12% 16%

    About half the respondents thought the agreement will result in a better healthcare system. Two thirds of Labor and Greens voters thought it would result in a better system but Liberal/National voters were more likely to think it would make no difference or be worse.

    Although showing higher approval of the agreement, older people were more likely to think it would make no difference or be worse – those aged 45+ were split 49% better/40% no difference or worse compared to aged 18-44 at 50% better/29% no difference or worse.

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