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    Search Results for: trust

  • Dec 13, 2010

    Trust in News Sources

    Q. Please rate your level of trust in the news and information from each source.   Total always/usually trustworthy Always trustworthy Usually trustworthy Seldom trustworthy I do not trust it at all […] Read more

  • Nov 15, 2010

    Trust to Handle Banking Issues

    Q. Who would you trust most to deal with issues affecting the Australian banking industry – the Treasurer Wayne Swan and the Labor Party or the shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey and the […] Read more

  • Nov 1, 2010

    Trust in TV News and Current Affairs

    Q. How much trust do you have in the news and current affairs on the following TV channels?   A lot of trust Some trust Not much trust Don’t know ABC 42% […] Read more

  • Oct 25, 2010

    Leader and Party most trusted to handle the war in Afghanistan

    Q. Which leader and party would you trust most to handle our involvement in the war in Afghanistan? Julia Gillard and the Labor Party 33% Tony Abbott and the Liberal Party 32% […] Read more

  • Oct 25, 2010

    Party trust to handle Asylum Seeker issue

    Q. Which party would you trust most to handle the issue of asylum seekers? Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens The Labor Party 25% 57% 2% 38% The Liberal Party 37% […] Read more

  • Jul 12, 2010

    Party Trust to Handle Asylum Seeker Issue

    Q. Which party would you trust most to handle the issue of asylum seekers?   12 July 10 4 April 10 The Labor Party 24% 23% The Liberal Party 31% 34% No […] Read more

  • Jun 15, 2010

    Trust in Groups

    Q. And how much trust do you have in the following groups to represent the interests of people like you? Total a lot/some trust A lot of trust Some trust A little […] Read more

  • May 24, 2010

    Trustworthiness of Leaders

    Q. Do you think the Opposition leader Tony Abbott is more or less trustworthy than the average Australian political leader?Q. And do you think the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is more or […] Read more

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