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  • Jun, 2020

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    Perceptions of trade unions

    Q. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the role of unions in the workplace?

      TOTAL: Agree TOTAL: Disagree Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Unsure
    Unions provide essential services to their members to ensure they are paid appropriately and have safe working environments 74% 11% 34% 40% 8% 3% 15%
    A union gives workers more power with employers through a collective voice 74% 12% 34% 40% 9% 3% 15%
    Unions provide advice and services to which members would otherwise not have access 70% 13% 30% 40% 10% 3% 17%
    Unions are vital to stop businesses taking advantage of their employees 67% 16% 34% 33% 12% 5% 16%
    Unions that insist on minimum qualifications and training create a highly-skilled workforce 64% 15% 27% 38% 11% 4% 20%
    Unions are too politically biased 62% 19% 30% 31% 12% 7% 19%
    Union protection makes it difficult for employers to discipline, terminate or even promote employees 58% 24% 25% 33% 18% 6% 18%
    Unions add an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy for businesses 49% 33% 21% 28% 22% 11% 18%
    Unions are corrupt 47% 30% 19% 28% 18% 12% 23%
    Employment law and regulations mean unions are no longer needed 41% 40% 16% 26% 25% 15% 19%
    • There was higher agreement with statements pertaining to positive perceptions of unions than negative. 74% agreed that ‘Unions provide essential services to their members to ensure they are paid appropriately and have safe working environments’ and ‘A union gives workers more power with employers through a collective voice’.
    • 62% agreed that ‘Unions are too politically biased’ and over half (58%) agreed that ‘Union protection makes it difficult for employers to discipline, terminate or even promote employees’.
  • May, 2011

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    Perceptions of Welfare

    Q. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

    Total agree Total disagree Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know
    Households earning more than $150,000 a year don’t need help through family payments 67% 27% 29% 38% 20% 7% 6%
    Households on high incomes pay high taxes so should get family payments for bringing up children 33% 61% 7% 26% 41% 20% 7%
    Welfare payments should only go to those on low incomes 66% 29% 23% 43% 23% 6% 5%
    All taxpayers, regardless of their income, should be eligible for some form of Government payment 35% 57% 8% 27% 36% 21% 8%
    Family payments aren’t really welfare – they just provide assistance for families raising children. 60% 32% 14% 46% 23% 9% 7%
    Welfare payments should be reduced for those who have been on them long term. 41% 48% 15% 26% 33% 15% 12%
    Welfare and family payments should be lower to encourage people to be more self-reliant and not rely so much on the Government 40% 50% 12% 28% 35% 15% 9%
    People on low incomes receiving welfare should have to justify how they spend it 47% 46% 13% 34% 31% 15% 6%
    Welfare for low-income families is different from family payments to middle-income families 61% 22% 14% 47% 18% 4% 17%
    The purpose of welfare payments is to reduce the difference in income between people with higher incomes and those with lower incomes 40% 49% 8% 32% 36% 13% 11%

    About two-thirds of respondents agreed that “Households earning more than $150,000 a year don’t need help through family payments” (67%) and “Welfare payments should only go to those on low incomes” (66%).  Although these statements were more strongly supported by Labor and Greens voters, 61% of Liberal/National voters agree that “Households earning more than $150,000 a year don’t need help through family payments”.

    For households earning under $100K, 77% agree “Households earning more than $150,000 a year don’t need help through family payments” and 73% agree “Welfare payments should only go to those on low incomes”.

    However, of households earning $150K+, 62% disagree that “Households earning more than $150,000 a year don’t need help through family payments” and 50% disagree that “Welfare payments should only go to those on low incomes”.

    Although most respondents (60%) think that family payments are different from welfare benefits, only 33% agree that “Households on high incomes pay high taxes so should get family payments for bringing up children”.

    Opinions are divided over issues regarding the obligations of people receiving welfare. 47% agree that “People on low incomes receiving welfare should have to justify how they spend it” and 46% disagree – 58% of Liberal/National voters agree but 55% of Labor voters disagree.

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