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  • Sep, 2015



    Q. Would you support or oppose cutting income tax and raising the GST to 15%?



      Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
    Total support 27% 18% 41% 17% 29%
    Total oppose 52% 63% 43% 64% 53%
    Strongly support 7% 4% 13% 2% 3%
    Support 20% 14% 28% 15% 26%
    Oppose 26% 25% 28% 29% 26%
    Strongly oppose 26% 38% 15% 35% 27%
    Don’t know 21% 19% 16% 19% 18%

    The majority (52%) of Australians are opposed to cutting income tax and raising the GST to 15%. 27% support this policy.

    Although more likely than the average to support this policy (41%), in total a slightly larger proportion of Liberal/National voters oppose it (43%).

    Labor (63%) and Greens (64%) voters were more likely to oppose this policy.

    Males (33%) were more likely than females (20%) to support this policy. Likewise females (51%) were more likely than males (43%) to oppose it.

    Opposition was high across the three largest states with 49% in NSW, 47% in QLD and 45% in VIC opposing this policy. 25% in NSW, 29% in QLD and 28% in VIC support the policy.

  • Jul, 2015


    Increasing GST with income tax reductions

    Q. Would you support or oppose increasing the GST if income taxes were reduced at the same time?

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote Other
    Total support 38% 30% 52% 32% 39%
    Total oppose 42% 52% 33% 57% 43%
    Strongly support 10% 7% 17% 5% 6%
    Support 28% 23% 35% 27% 33%
    Oppose 23% 26% 21% 23% 25%
    Strongly oppose 19% 26% 12% 24% 18%
    Don’t know 20% 18% 15% 20% 18%

    38% support increasing the GST if income taxes were reduced at the same time and 42% oppose.

    A majority (52%) of Liberal/National voters support increasing GST and a majority of Labor (52%) and Greens voters (57%) oppose.

    For those on higher incomes ($1,600+ pw), 50% support and 32% oppose.

  • Oct, 2014

    Income tax

    Q. Do you consider that the amount of income tax you pay is too high, too low or about right? 





    Vote Labor

    Vote Lib/Nat

    Vote Greens

    Vote other

    Too high






    About right






    Too low






    Not sure






    42% think that the amount of income tax they pay is too high and 40% think it is about right.

    Those more likely to think it is too high were full-time workers (52%), aged 35-54 (52%) and incomes over $1,600 pw (49%).

    Those more likely to think it is about right were aged 55+ (53%) and incomes $1,000-$1,600 pw (47%).

  • Oct, 2011

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    Tax reform by Voting Intention

    Q.  For each of the following proposals around tax reform, please indicate whether you strongly support, support, oppose or strongly oppose the suggestion.

    Total Support Total Support – Labor Total Support – Lib/Nat Total Support – Greens
    Decreasing income tax for low income earners 81% 85% 81% 81%
    Improving tax breaks for small-medium business 76% 74% 85% 71%
    Increasing the mining tax 47% 67% 35% 72%
    Abolishing negative gearing on new property purchases 33% 37% 33% 38%
    Cutting the company tax rate 32% 24% 43% 25%
    Repealing the fringe benefits tax 30% 25% 40% 22%
    Increasing the carbon tax 19% 29% 8% 60%
    Introducing an inheritance tax 10% 14% 10% 18%
    Increasing the goods and services tax (GST) 9% 7% 12% 12%

    Labor voters are far more likely to support increasing the mining tax (47% total support) and increasing the carbon tax (29% total support).

    Coalition voters are more likely to support improving tax breaks for small-medium business (85% total support), cutting the company tax rate (43% total support), repealing the fringe benefits tax (40% total support) and increasing the GST (12% total support).

    Greens voters are the most likely to support increasing the mining tax (72%) and by far the most likely to support increasing the carbon tax (60% total support).  They are also more likely to support introducing an inheritance tax (18% total support) and increasing the GST (12% total support).

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