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  • May, 2015

    Handling of the Federal Budget

    Q. Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way the Liberal-National Coalition government is handling the federal budget?



      Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other   May 2014
    Total approve 34% 12% 75% 5% 19% 30%
    Total disapprove 33% 55% 5% 71% 42% 52%
    Strongly approve 8% 3% 19% 10%
    Approve 26% 9% 56% 5% 19% 20%
    Neither approve nor disapprove 26% 28% 18% 19% 34% 14%
    Disapprove 19% 30% 4% 35% 29% 19%
    Strongly disapprove 14% 25% 1% 36% 13% 33%
    Don’t know 8% 4% 2% 5% 6% 4%

    About one third (34%) of respondents approve of the way the Liberal/National Coalition government is handling the federal budget – up 4% compared to last year’s budget. 33% disapprove (down 19%) and 26% neither approve nor disapprove (up 12%).

    Labor (55%) and Greens (71%) voters were far more likely to disapprove. Liberal/National voters were more likely to approve (75%).

    Those on higher incomes ($1,600+ pw) were more likely to approve (42% approve/28% disapprove).
