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  • Oct, 2021

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    Resignation of Berejiklian and need for ICAC

    Q. Thinking about Gladys Berejiklian’s resignation as NSW Premier, which is closer to your view?

      Total Gender Age Group Federal Voting Intention
      Male Female 18-34 35-54 55+ Labor TOTAL: Coalition Greens TOTAL: Other
    Gladys Berejiklian’s resignation as NSW Premier makes me more supportive of an independent federal anti-corruption body 47% 54% 40% 46% 44% 50% 59% 41% 56% 46%
    Gladys Berejiklian’s resignation as NSW Premier makes me less supportive of an independent federal anti-corruption body 21% 21% 21% 25% 21% 18% 16% 31% 14% 26%
    Unsure 32% 25% 39% 29% 35% 32% 25% 28% 30% 28%
    Base (n) 1,097 540 557 342 366 389 362 414 94 138
    • Overall, the resignation of Gladys Berejiklian has strengthened the support for a federal ICAC. 47% say they are now more supportive, with 21% less supportive and 32% unsure.
      Total State
      NSW All other states
    Gladys Berejiklian’s resignation as NSW Premier makes me more supportive of an independent federal anti-corruption body 47% 48% 45%
    Gladys Berejiklian’s resignation as NSW Premier makes me less supportive of an independent federal anti-corruption body 21% 29% 16%
    Unsure 32% 23% 38%
    Base (n) 1,097 352 691
    • While greater support for a federal ICAC due to Berejiklian’s resignation is consistent between NSW and other states (48% to 45%), opposition is higher in NSW (29% to 16%).