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    Search Results for: Prime Minister

  • May 27, 2013

    Carbon tax and mining tax

    Q. In his reply to the budget Tony Abbott said he would dump the carbon tax and the mining tax but still retain the Labor Government’s compensation payments to households. If he […] Read more

  • May 13, 2013

    Approval of Julia Gillard

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Julia Gillard is doing as Prime Minister?   19 Jul 2010 20 Dec 14 June 2011 12 Dec 12 Jun 2012 10 Dec […] Read more

  • Apr 15, 2013

    Approval of Julia Gillard

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Julia Gillard is doing as Prime Minister?   19 Jul 10 20 Dec 14 June 12 Dec 12 Mar 12 12 Jun 10 […] Read more

  • Apr 8, 2013

    Reasons Government is unpopular

    Q. Although Australia’s economy is doing very well, according to opinion polls the Government is very unpopular. What do you think is the main reason for this? *   28 May 12 Total […] Read more

  • Apr 2, 2013

    Leader attributes – Julia Gillard

    Q. Which of the following describe your opinion of the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard?   5 Jul 10 4 Oct 10 7 Feb 11 27 Jun 11 2 Apr 12 17 Sept […] Read more

  • Mar 25, 2013

    Main reason for voting Labor

    Q. Which of the following is the main reason you would vote for the Labor Party if there was an election today? I always vote for the Labor Party 28% The Labor […] Read more

  • Mar 25, 2013

    Main reason for voting Liberal/National

    Q. Which of the following is the main reason you would vote for the Liberal or National Party if there was an election today? I always vote for the Liberal or National […] Read more

  • Mar 11, 2013

    Approval of Julia Gillard

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Julia Gillard is doing as Prime Minister?   19 Jul 10 20 Dec 14 Mar 11 14 Jun 12 Sep 12 Dec 12 […] Read more

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