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    Search Results for: Prime Minister

  • Nov 25, 2014

    Prime Minister’s performance at G20

    Q. How would you rate the Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s performance at the G20?   Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote Other Total good 31% 11% 67% 4% 15% […] Read more

  • Jan 29, 2020

    Ministerial Conduct

    Q. Over the past few weeks the Opposition has been raising concern about the conduct of Deputy Nationals leader Bridget McKenzie. It is claimed she allocated $100million to sporting organisations in marginal […] Read more

  • Mar 13, 2019

    Preferred Prime Minster

    Q. Who do you think would make the better Prime Minister out of Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten?   Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other   Jan 2019 […] Read more

  • Feb 27, 2018

    Bans on Ministers

    Q. Which statement is closest to your view?   Total   Vote Labor Vote LNP Vote Greens Vote other The Prime Minister is right to ban sexual relationships between ministers and their […] Read more

  • Dec 6, 2016

    Approval of Government Ministers

    Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job the following people are doing as Government Ministers?   Total approve Total dis-approve   Strongly approve Approve Dis-approve Strongly dis-approve Don’t know   […] Read more

  • Mar 22, 2010

    Better Prime Minster – Rudd or Hockey

    Q. And who do you think would be the best Prime Minister out of Kevin Rudd and Joe Hockey?   % Kevin Rudd 53% Joe Hockey 27% Don’t know 20% In a […] Read more

  • May 24, 2016

    Leader attributes – Malcolm Turnbull

    Which of the following describe your opinion of the Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull? Read more

  • Oct 6, 2015

    Approval of Malcolm Turnbull

    47% of respondents approve of the job Malcolm Turnbull is doing as Prime Minister and 17% disapprove – a net approval rating of +30. Read more

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