Q. Which of the following economic issues are you personally most concerned about?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Vote other/ indep-endent |
2 Sep 13 |
Unemployment |
24% |
28% |
22% |
24% |
22% |
23% |
Interest rates |
16% |
11% |
23% |
11% |
15% |
9% |
Inflation |
16% |
13% |
19% |
8% |
19% |
13% |
Wealth disparity |
16% |
26% |
6% |
38% |
18% |
19% |
Tax levels |
13% |
12% |
15% |
7% |
12% |
15% |
Budget surplus |
4% |
1% |
7% |
1% |
7% |
11% |
None of them |
6% |
4% |
7% |
8% |
4% |
7% |
Don’t know |
4% |
6% |
1% |
2% |
3% |
3% |
24% were most concerned about unemployment, 16% about interest rates, 16% about inflation and 16% about wealth disparity. Only 4% were most concerned about a budget surplus.
Since this question was asked in September concern about the budget surplus has declined from 11% to 4% and concern about interest rates has increased from 9% to 16%.
Labor voters were most concerned about wealth disparity (26%) and unemployment (28%), while Liberal/National voters were most concerned about unemployment (22%), interest rates (23%) and inflation (19%).
Q. And which of these other issues are you personally most concerned about?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Vote other/ indep-endent |
2 Sep 13 |
Climate change |
22% |
31% |
8% |
57% |
14% |
16% |
Border security |
21% |
12% |
34% |
– |
23% |
30% |
Treatment of the aged |
18% |
18% |
22% |
6% |
23% |
17% |
Population growth |
14% |
11% |
16% |
12% |
17% |
12% |
Marriage equality |
9% |
13% |
4% |
14% |
12% |
9% |
Treatment of the disabled |
8% |
9% |
7% |
10% |
6% |
7% |
None of them |
4% |
2% |
6% |
1% |
4% |
5% |
Don’t know |
4% |
3% |
2% |
1% |
1% |
4% |
22% were most concerned about climate change, 21% were most concerned about border security, and 18% treatment of the aged.
Since this question was asked in September concern about border security has dropped from 30% to 21% and concern about climate change risen from 16% to 22%
Border security (34%) was the main issue of concern to Liberal/National voters and 57% of Greens voters and 31% of Labor voters nominated climate change.
Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward?
Q. If don’t know -Well which party are you currently leaning to?
Sample size = 1,945 respondents
First preference/leaning to |
Election 7 Sep 13 (current figures) |
4 weeks ago 15/10/13 |
2 weeks ago 29/10/13 |
Last week 5/11/13 |
This week 12/11/13 |
Liberal |
41% |
42% |
43% |
42% |
National |
2% |
3% |
2% |
3% |
Total Lib/Nat |
45.6% |
43% |
45% |
45% |
44% |
Labor |
33.4% |
35% |
35% |
36% |
35% |
Greens |
8.6% |
10% |
10% |
8% |
9% |
Other/Independent |
12.4% |
12% |
11% |
11% |
12% |
2 Party Preferred |
Election 7 Sep 13 |
4 weeks ago 15/10/13 |
2 weeks ago 29/10/13 |
Last week 5/11/13 |
This week 12/11/13 |
Liberal National |
53.4% |
52% |
53% |
53% |
53% |
Labor |
46.6% |
48% |
47% |
47% |
47% |
NB. The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived from the first preference/leaning to voting questions. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2010 election.
Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Tony Abbott is doing as Prime Minister?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Vote other/ indep-endent |
Tony Abbott as Opp Leader 11 |
11 Jun |
2 Sep |
Tony Abbott as 24 Sep |
22 |
Total approve |
45% |
14% |
88% |
9% |
23% |
37% |
40% |
40% |
41% |
46% |
Total disapprove |
40% |
72% |
4% |
79% |
56% |
51% |
49% |
49% |
36% |
35% |
Strongly approve |
14% |
4% |
31% |
2% |
1% |
7% |
10% |
13% |
14% |
16% |
Approve |
31% |
10% |
57% |
7% |
22% |
30% |
30% |
29% |
27% |
30% |
Disapprove |
19% |
30% |
3% |
28% |
40% |
22% |
17% |
19% |
13% |
15% |
Strongly disapprove |
21% |
42% |
1% |
51% |
16% |
29% |
32% |
30% |
23% |
20% |
Don’t know |
16% |
15% |
8% |
12% |
21% |
12% |
11% |
10% |
23% |
19% |
45% (down 1%) approve of the job Tony Abbott is doing as Prime Minister and 40% (up 5%) disapprove. This represents a decline on his rating as Prime Minister over the last three weeks from net +11 to net +5.
By gender – 50% (down 2%) of men approve and 38% (up 6%) disapprove; 39% (no change) of women approve and 42% (up 3%) disapprove.
Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Bill Shorten is doing as Opposition Leader?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Vote other/ Indep-endent |
Total approve |
31% |
48% |
23% |
31% |
18% |
Total disapprove |
27% |
16% |
38% |
21% |
31% |
Strongly approve |
5% |
11% |
2% |
1% |
1% |
Approve |
26% |
37% |
21% |
30% |
17% |
Disapprove |
17% |
13% |
21% |
17% |
18% |
Strongly disapprove |
10% |
3% |
17% |
4% |
13% |
Don’t know |
43% |
36% |
39% |
49% |
51% |
31% approve of the job Bill Shorten is doing as Opposition Leader and 27% disapprove. 43% could not give an opinion.
By gender – 34% of men approve and 33% disapprove; 27% of women approve and 21% disapprove.
Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Hockey is doing as Treasurer?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Vote other/ Indep-endent |
Total approve |
45% |
22% |
79% |
17% |
31% |
Total disapprove |
28% |
50% |
5% |
50% |
41% |
Strongly approve |
13% |
3% |
28% |
– |
5% |
Approve |
32% |
19% |
51% |
17% |
26% |
Disapprove |
15% |
26% |
5% |
13% |
27% |
Strongly disapprove |
13% |
24% |
* |
37% |
14% |
Don’t know |
27% |
28% |
16% |
33% |
28% |
45% approve of the job Joe Hockey is doing as Treasury and 28% disapprove. 27% could not give an opinion.
By gender – 52% of men approve and 31% disapprove; 38% of women approve and 25% disapprove.
Q. Who do you think would make the better Prime Minister out of Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Vote other/ indep-endent |
22 Oct |
Tony Abbott |
42% |
9% |
83% |
7% |
31% |
41% |
Bill Shorten |
27% |
56% |
2% |
57% |
21% |
22% |
Don’t know |
31% |
35% |
15% |
36% |
48% |
37% |
42% (up 1%) think Tony Abbott would make the better Prime Minister and 27% (up 5%) favour Bill Shorten. 31% (down 6%) could not make a choice.
Tony Abbott is favoured 48%/26% among men and 35%/28% among women.
Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the Labor Party’s decision to support the dumping of the carbon tax if it is replaced with an emissions trading scheme?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Vote other/ Indep-endent |
Total approve |
48% |
58% |
44% |
41% |
53% |
Total disapprove |
26% |
17% |
34% |
34% |
23% |
Strongly approve |
14% |
15% |
13% |
17% |
12% |
Approve |
34% |
43% |
31% |
24% |
41% |
Disapprove |
15% |
11% |
18% |
18% |
14% |
Strongly disapprove |
11% |
6% |
16% |
16% |
9% |
Don’t know |
27% |
25% |
21% |
24% |
23% |
48% approve of the Labor Party’s decision to support the dumping of the carbon tax if it is replaced with an emissions trading scheme and 26% disapprove.
Highest approval came from Labor voters (58%) and men (52%).
Highest disapproval came from Liberal/National voters (34%), Greens voters (34%) and people aged 65+ (39%).