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  • Sep, 2016

    Political donations

    Q. Should political parties be allowed to receive donations from each of the following?

      Should be allowed Should not be allowed Don’t know   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
    Property developers 16% 69% 15%   12% 25% 13% 13%
    Foreign companies 12% 74% 13%   9% 17% 10% 13%
    Australian companies 32% 51% 17%   29% 41% 23% 36%
    Mining companies 19% 68% 14%   15% 28% 12% 18%
    Energy companies 18% 67% 15%   13% 28% 14% 16%
    Casinos 14% 71% 15%   10% 21% 11% 16%
    Unions 20% 64% 15%   25% 18% 19% 22%
    Professional associations 29% 52% 18%   28% 38% 23% 31%
    Individual Australian voters 50% 35% 15%   48% 57% 50% 54%

    A majority of respondents were opposed to all forms of donations to political parties except for donations from individual Australian voters (50% should be allowed).

    They were most strongly opposed to donations from foreign companies (74%), casinos (71%), property developers (69%), mining companies (68%) and energy companies (67%).

    Liberal/National voters were more likely than Labor voters to think donations from different groups should be allowed (with the exception of unions).

  • Sep, 2016

    Racial Discrimination Act

     Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the proposal to change the Racial Discrimination Act so that it is no longer unlawful to “offend or insult” someone because of their race or ethnicity? It will still be unlawful to  “humiliate or intimidate” someone because of their race or ethnicity.

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
    Total approve 45%   39% 56% 29% 48%
    Total disapprove 35%   42% 27% 60% 32%
    Strongly approve 16% 13% 19% 6% 21%
    Approve 29% 26% 37% 23% 27%
    Disapprove 18% 21% 15% 23% 19%
    Strongly disapprove 17% 21% 12% 37% 13%
    Don’t know 21% 18% 17% 11% 19%

    45% approve of changing the Racial Discrimination Act so that it is no longer unlawful to “offend or insult” someone because of their race or ethnicity and 35% disapprove. 56% of Liberal/National voters approve of changing the Act while 60% of Greens voters disapproved. Labor voters were split 39% approve/42% disapprove.

  • Sep, 2016

    Forms of intolerance

    Q. For each of the following forms of intolerance, please indicate to what extent you think it is a problem in Australia. 

      Total large/ moderate   A large problem Moderate problem Small


    Not a problem at all Don’t know   Sep 12

    Total large/ moderate

    Jun 13

    Total large/ moderate

    Feb 14

    Total large/ moderate

    Aug 15

    Total large/ moderate

    Racism against people from other countries 62%   25% 37% 27% 7% 5% 71% 69% 64% 60%
    Racism against indigenous Australians 58%   25% 33% 28% 8% 5% 54%
    Sexism 57%   21% 36% 30% 8% 5% 45% 52% 51% 47%
    Religious intolerance 57% 24% 34% 27% 9% 5% 65% 54% 51% 53%
    Homophobia 53% 20% 33% 32% 10% 5% 50% 51% 47% 47%
    Ageism 49% 17% 32% 30% 14% 8% 44% 46% 49% 48%

    57% think that sexism is a major/moderate problem in Australia – up 10% since August last year – and 53% think homophobia is a major/moderate problem in Australia (up 6%).

    62% (up 2%) think that racism against people from other countries is a major/moderate problem in Australia – and 58% (up 4%) think racism against indigenous Australians is a major/moderate problem.

  • Sep, 2016

    Illegal drugs

    Q. Thinking about the issue of illegal drugs in Australia, please indicate which position is closer to your view:

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
    We should decriminalise all illegal drugs (including production and trafficking within Australia) to reduce the unregulated black market trade in these substances. 11%   12% 11% 14% 7%
    We should decriminalise small scale illegal drug use and possession, but maintain criminal prohibitions on production and trafficking. 31%   37% 24% 48% 33%
    We should prohibit all activities related to illegal drugs in Australia, including production, trafficking, large and small-scale production and use. 48%   45% 55% 26% 51%
    None of the above 11%   7% 10% 12% 9%

    42% think that all or some drug use should be decriminalised and 48% think that all drug activities should be prohibited.

    62% of Greens voters and 49% of Labor voters think at least some use of illegal drugs should be decriminalised. 46% of those aged under 35 and 47% of those with university education think that all or some drug use should be decriminalised

  • Sep, 2016

    Decriminalisation of drugs

    Q. Would you support decriminalisation of any of the following illegal drugs in Australia:

      Yes No Don’t know   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
    Cannabis 47% 39% 13%   52% 43% 63% 49%
    Ecstasy 12% 81% 7%   12% 11% 16% 14%
    Amphetamines (such as speed or ice) 10% 83% 7%   10% 8% 15% 10%
    Cocaine 12% 82% 6%   10% 12% 16% 12%
    Heroin 11% 82% 7%   11% 10% 14% 10%

     There was strong opposition (over 80%) to decriminalising all drugs except cannabis.

    47% thought that cannabis should be decriminalised. Those most in favour of decriminalising cannabis were Greens voters (63%), Labor voters (52%), and aged 18-24 (53%).

  • Sep, 2016

    Federal voting intention

    Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward? If don’t know – Well which party are you currently leaning to?

      Total   Last week


    2 weeks ago


    4 weeks ago


      Election 2 Jul 16
    Liberal 36%   37% 36% 37%    
    National 3%   3% 3% 2%    
    Total Liberal/National 39%   40% 39% 40%   42.0%
    Labor 37%   37% 36% 37%   34.7%
    Greens 10%   10% 10% 10%   10.2%
    Nick Xenophon Team 3%   4% 4% 4%    
    Pauline Hanson’s One Nation 5%            
    Other/Independent 6%   10% 12% 10%   13.1%
    2 party preferred              
    Liberal National 48%   49% 49% 48%   50.4%
    Labor 52%   51% 51% 52%   49.6%
    1. Sample = 1,834. The data in the above tables comprise 2-week averages derived from the first preference/leaning to voting questions. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2013 election.
  • Sep, 2016

    Early Election

    Q. Do you expect the Coalition Government will run its full term until 2019 when the next Federal election is due or do you think there will be an early election?

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
    Will run full term 35% 29% 50% 28% 21%
    Will be an early election 38% 52% 26% 43% 49%
    Don’t know 27% 19% 24% 30% 29%

    35% think that the Coalition Government will run its full term and 38% think there will be an early election.

    50% of Liberal/National voters think the Government will run its full term but 52% of Labor voters and 43% of Greens voters think there will be an early election.


  • Sep, 2016

    Expectation of Turnbull Government

    Q. Do you expect Malcolm Turnbull’s Government will achieve more or less for the nation than the previous Government?

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
    Will achieve more 18%   10% 35% 4% 14%
    Will achieve less 30%   47% 17% 37% 37%
    No difference 37%   36% 37% 46% 37%
    Don’t know 14%   7% 12% 14% 12%

    Only 18% think Malcolm Turnbull’s Government will achieve more for the nation than the previous Government and 30% think they will achieve less.

    35% of Liberal/National voters think they will achieve more and 46% of Greens voters think there will be no difference.
