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  • Sep, 2018

    Attributes of Scott Morrison

    Q. Which of the following describe your opinion of the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison?

      Total Apr 2018 Turnbull   Change
    Intelligent 66% 74%   -8
    Hard-working 60% 60%  
    A capable leader 54% 53%   +1
    Out of touch with ordinary people 51% 63%   -12
    Understands the problems facing Australia 51% 45%   +6
    Good in a crisis 44% 47%   -3
    Superficial 43% 51%   -8
    Narrow-minded 41% 44%   -3
    Trustworthy 41% 38%   +3
    Visionary 39% 34%   +5
    Arrogant 38% 51%   -13
    More honest than most politicians 38% 36%   +2
    Intolerant 36% 34%   +2
    Aggressive 34% 30%   +4
    Erratic 29% 34%   -5

    Scott Morrison’s key attributes were intelligent (66%, but down 8% on Malcolm Turnbull’s last figures), hard working (60%, no change) and a capable leader (54%, up 1%).


    Main changes from Malcolm Turnbull’s ratings are for arrogant (down 13%), out of touch with ordinary people (down 12%), intelligent (down 8%) and superficial (down 8%).

  • Sep, 2018

    Leader attributes – Bill Shorten

    Q. Which of the following describe your opinion of the Opposition Leader, Bill Shorten?

      Total Apr 2018   Change
    Hard working 58% 60%   -2
    Intelligent 55% 59%   -4
    Out of touch with ordinary people 50% 50%  
    Superficial 50% 47%   +3
    Arrogant 50% 43%   +7
    Understands the problems facing Australia 48% 47%   +1
    Narrow-minded 44% 44%  
    A capable leader 43% 44%   -1
    Erratic 41% 40%   +1
    Good in a crisis 39% 40%   -1
    Intolerant 39% 36%   +3
    Aggressive 38% 36%   +2
    Visionary 34% 33%   +1
    Trustworthy 33% 33%  
    More honest than most politicians 29% 30%   -1

    Bill Shorten’s key attributes were hard working (58%, down 2% since April), intelligent (55%, down 4%), out of touch with ordinary people (50%, no change), superficial (50%, up 3%) and arrogant (50%, up 7%).


    The main changes since April have been for arrogant (up 7%) and intelligent (down 4%).

  • Sep, 2018

    Leader attributes – comparisons

      Scott Morrison Bill Shorten   Difference
    Intelligent 66% 55%   +11
    A capable leader 54% 43%   +11
    More honest than most politicians 38% 29%   +9
    Trustworthy 41% 33%   +8
    Good in a crisis 44% 39%   +5
    Visionary 39% 34%   +5
    Understands the problems facing Australia 51% 48%   +3
    Hard-working 60% 58%   +2
    Out of touch with ordinary people 51% 50%   +1
    Narrow-minded 41% 44%   -3
    Intolerant 36% 39%   -3
    Aggressive 34% 38%   -4
    Superficial 43% 50%   -7
    Arrogant 38% 50%   -12
    Erratic 29% 41%   -12


    Compared to Bill Shorten, Scott Morrison is more likely to be considered intelligent (+11), a capable leader (+11), more honest than most politicians (+9) and trustworthy (+8).


    Bill Shorten is more likely to be considered erratic (+12), arrogant (+12) and superficial (+7).

  • Sep, 2018

    Reducing carbon emissions

    Q. How important is it for the Federal Government to agree to a policy for reducing carbon emissions to address climate change?

      Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote Other
    Total important 69%   80% 62% 95% 57%
    Total not important 23%   14% 32% 1% 36%
    Very important 33%   43% 21% 63% 28%
    Quite important 36%   37% 41% 32% 29%
    Not very important 15%   11% 21% 1% 20%
    Not at all important 8%   3% 11% 16%
    Don’t know 9%   6% 6% 4% 8%


    69% think it is important for the Federal Government to agree to a policy for reducing carbon emissions to address climate change ands 23% think it is not important.

    A majority of all voter groups think it is important – including 80% of Labor voters and 62% of LNP voters.



  • Sep, 2018

    Statements about the Government

    Q. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

      Total agree Total disagree   Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know
    I have lost trust in this government to function effectively and govern the country. Australia needs a new government. 63% 24%   34% 29% 16% 8% 13%
    The new Prime Minister was not elected by the people and has no legitimacy. He needs to go to an election as soon as possible. 60% 27%   31% 29% 17% 10% 13%
    Under Scott Morrison the Government will continue to put the interests of big business ahead of the interests of the broader community. 57% 23%   24% 33% 16% 7% 20%
    The Government has no long-term plan for Australia’s future 59% 27%   27% 32% 20% 7% 14%
    Tony Abbott and his conservative supporters are really running the country now 34% 41%   10% 24% 27% 14% 25%
    I’m sick of the major parties changing their leaders. I would consider voting for a third party to send a message to them both. 67% 20%   35% 32% 14% 6% 13%
    Labor is the alternative government and I want to hear from them what their policies are – not what is wrong with the Liberal Party 68% 20%   29% 39% 10% 10% 12%





    A majority agreed with all statements except for “Tony Abbott and his conservative supporters are really running the country now” (34% agree).

    There was highest agreement with the statements “Labor is the alternative government and I want to hear from them what their policies are – not what is wrong with the Liberal Party” (68% agree) and “I’m sick of the major parties changing their leaders. I would consider voting for a third party to send a message to them both” (67% agree).

  • Aug, 2018

    Federal voting intention

    Q. If a Federal Election was held today to which party will you probably give your first preference vote? If not sure, which party are you currently leaning toward? If don’t know – Well which party are you currently leaning to?

      Total   2 weeks ago


    4 weeks ago 31/7/18   Election  2 Jul 16
    Liberal 32% 36% 36%
    National 3% 3% 4%
    Total Liberal/National 35%   39% 41%   42.0%
    Labor 39%   37% 36%   34.7%
    Greens 10% 10% 10% 10.2%
    Nick Xenophon Team 2% 1% 1%
    Pauline Hanson’s One Nation 7% 6% 6%
    Other/Independent 7% 7% 6% 13.1%
    2 party preferred
    Liberal National 45%   48% 49%   50.4%
    Labor 55%   52% 51%   49.6%


    1. Respondents who select ‘don’t know’ are not included in the results. The two-party preferred estimate is calculated by distributing the votes of the other parties according to their preferences at the 2016 election.
  • Aug, 2018

    Attributes of the Liberal Party

    Q. Here is a list of things both favourable and unfavourable that have been said about various political parties. Which statements do you feel fit the Liberal Party?

      Total Change   Jul 2018
    Divided 79% +23   56%
    Out of touch with ordinary people 69% +5   64%
    Will promise to do anything to win votes 68% +4   64%
    Too close to the big corporate and financial interests 67%   67%
    Moderate 48% -8   56%
    Have a vision for the future 43% -9   52%
    Have good policies 40% -6   46%
    Understands the problems facing Australia 40% -2   42%
    Extreme 40% +6   34%
    Clear about what they stand for 33% -12   45%
    Looks after the interests of working people 32% -5   37%
    Has a good team of leaders 31% -14   45%
    Trustworthy 30% -4   34%
    Keeps its promises 28% -5   33%


    The Liberal Party’s main attributes were – divided (79%), out of touch with ordinary people (69%), will promise anything to win votes (68%) and too close to the big corporate and financial interest (67%).


    Main changes since last month were – divided (up 23%), has a good team of leaders (down 14%) and clear about what they stand for (down 12%).

  • Aug, 2018

    Attributes of the Labor Party

    Q. And which statements do you feel fit the Labor Party?

      Total Change   Jul 2018
    Will promise to do anything to win votes 70% +2   68%
    Looks after the interests of working people 55% -2   57%
    Out of touch with ordinary people 51% +3   48%
    Moderate 50% -3   53%
    Have a vision for the future 48% -2   50%
    Understands the problems facing Australia 48% -2   50%
    Clear about what they stand for 47% +1   46%
    Divided 46% -10   56%
    Have good policies 43% -2   45%
    Has a good team of leaders 39% +1   38%
    Too close to the big corporate and financial interests 36% -1   37%
    Extreme 36% +2   34%
    Trustworthy 34% +1   33%
    Keeps its promises 30% -4   34%


    The Labor Party’s main attributes were – will promise anything to win votes (70%), looks after the interests of working people (55%), out of touch with ordinary people (51%) and moderate (50%).

    Since this question was asked last month, the only substantial change has been for divided (down 10%).
