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World leaders

19 Jun 2018

Q. Do you hold favourable or unfavourable views of the following world leaders?

  Favourable Unfavourable Don’t know   Favour-able Vote Labor Favour-able Vote Lib/Nat Favour-able Vote Greens Favour-able Vote other Favour-able July 2017
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern 54% 11% 34%   61% 56% 72% 48% na
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau 54% 14% 32%   59% 61% 65% 41% 51%
German Chancellor Angela Merkel 43% 18% 39%   47% 48% 49% 35% 43%
French President Emmanuel Macron 42% 15% 43%   41% 51% 48% 33% 41%
UK Prime Minister Theresa May 42% 19% 40%   42% 55% 34% 34% 33%
US President Donald Trump 22% 64% 14%   18% 30% 6% 38% 16%
Russian President Vladimir Putin 19% 56% 25%   21% 18% 18% 24% 16%
North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-Un 9% 68% 23%   9% 11% 4% 12% 6%

More than half the respondents had a favourable view of Jacinda Ardern (54%) and Justin Trudeau (54%).

Liberal/National voters were more likely than average to have a favourable view of Theresa May (55%), Emmanuel Macron (51%), and Donald Trump (30%).

Labor voters did not differ much from the average – except for their high rating of Jacinda Ardern (61% favourable).

Main changes since this question was asked in July last year were increased favourabi8lity for Theresa May (up 9%) and Donald Trump (up 6%).
