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Vote in Parliament

20 Sep 2016

Q. If the legislation required to conduct a same-sex marriage plebiscite is blocked by the Senate, should there be a vote in Parliament on same-sex marriage?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other   Vote yes Vote no
Should be a vote in Parliament 53%   60% 46% 82% 53%   74% 22%
Should not be a vote in Parliament 29%   23% 38% 11% 32%   14% 61%
Don’t know 18%   17% 16% 7% 14%   13% 17%

53% agree that if the legislation required to conduct a same-sex marriage plebiscite is blocked by the Senate, should there be a vote in Parliament on same-sex marriage and 29% think there should not be a vote.

Those most likely to favour a vote were Labor voters (60%), Greens voters (82%) and aged 18-24 (61%).

74% of those who would vote yes to same sex marriage in a national vote think there should be a vote in Parliament if the plebiscite is blocked by the Senate and 61% of those who would vote no think their should not be a vote in Parliament.
