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US politician favourability

17 Nov 2020

Q. How favourable or unfavourable do you feel towards each of the US politicians?

TOTAL: Favourable After US election


Before US election


Donald Trump 21% 28%
Joe Biden 59% 43%
Base (n) 1,010 1,063


TOTAL: Favourable TOTAL: Unfavourable Very favourable Somewhat favourable Somewhat unfavourable Very unfavourable Unsure Never heard of them
Donald Trump 21% 72% 8% 12% 14% 58% 7% 1%
Joe Biden 59% 24% 21% 38% 13% 11% 15% 2%
  • Since the US election, favourability of Donald Trump has fallen from 28% to 21%, while Joe Biden’s has increased from 43% to 59%.