Q. Who would you trust most to handle Australia’s economy – The Treasurer Joe Hockey or the Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen?
Total |
Vote Labor |
Vote Lib/Nat |
Vote Greens |
Vote other |
Joe Hockey |
33% |
6% |
73% |
1% |
21% |
Chris Bowen |
27% |
53% |
5% |
42% |
22% |
Don’t know |
41% |
41% |
22% |
57% |
57% |
33% of Australians most trust Joe Hockey to handle Australia’s economy. 27% most trust Chris Bowen. The largest proportion of Australian’s selected ‘don’t know’ (41%).
Although Labor voters were more likely to select Chris Bowen (53%), 41% still selected ‘don’t know’.
Lib/Nat voters were more likely to select Joe Hockey (73%), but 22% still picked ‘don’t know’.
Green voters were more likely to select Chris Bowen, with the majority (57%) selecting don’t know.