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Trust in institutions to ensure work is a safe place for women

2 Mar 2021

Q.  How much would you trust the following institutions to ensure work is a safe place for women?




Don’t trust

Have a lot of trust Have some trust Have little trust Have no trust at all Unsure
Public service 50% 42% 14% 37% 30% 11% 8%
Private companies 48% 42% 11% 37% 31% 12% 9%
Political offices 34% 59% 10% 24% 33% 26% 7%
Sporting clubs 40% 51% 10% 29% 35% 17% 9%
Entertainment industry 36% 55% 11% 25% 36% 20% 8%
  • Overall, trust in institutions to ensure work is a safe place for women is lacking. However, there is the least trust in political offices – 59% don’t trust political offices to ensure this, and of this, nearly a third (26%) have no trust at all.
  • The entertainment industry tracks only slightly ahead of political offices with 55% not trusting it to ensure work is a safe place for women.
  • About half trust the public service and private companies (50% and 48% respectively) to ensure this, however of this the majority only have some trust – only 14% and 11% have a lot of trust in public service and private companies respectively.