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The Past Year – Personal

12 Dec 2011

Q. Has it been a good or bad year for each of the following?

Total good

(Dec 10)

Total bad

(Dec 10)

Total good Total bad Very good Good Neither good nor bad Bad Very bad Don’t know
Your personal financial situation 28% 28% 30% 32% 5% 25% 37% 22% 10% 1%
Your workplace * 43% 21% 43% 23% 8% 35% 33% 18% 5% 2%
You and your family overall 43% 19% 44% 20% 8% 36% 34% 15% 5% 1%

* based on working people

Respondents were evenly divided over whether it has been a good or bad year financially. Those most likely to say it was a good year were full-time workers (38% good/28% bad), aged under 35 (37%/28%) and incomes over $1,600pw (41%/25%).

Respondents were more positive about their workplace (43%/23%) and overall for themselves and their family (44%/20%). Younger respondents were a little more positive about themselves and their family– those aged under 35 split 50% good/15% bad.

On these measures 2011 was considered very similar to 2010.
