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Tax cuts better for the economy

30 Mar 2016

Q. Which do you think would be better for the Australian economy – company tax cuts or income tax cuts?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
Company tax cuts 19%   18% 27% 7% 15%
Income tax cuts 61%   64% 58% 72% 71%
Don’t know 20%   18% 15% 22% 14%

61% think income tax cuts would be better for the Australian economy and 19% think company tax cuts would be better.

Those most likely to think income tax cuts would be better for the economy were Greens voters (72%), other party voters (71%) and those aged 35-64 (67%).

58% of Liberal/National voters think income tax cuts would be better for the economy and 27% think company tax cuts would be better.
