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Support for Government initiatives for volunteers

25 Feb 2020

Q. People have suggested a number of things the government could do to encourage people to volunteer more. How strongly do you support or oppose each of the following?

  NET: Support NET: Oppose Strongly support Somewhat support Neither support nor oppose Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose
Allow volunteers to claim travel and other expenses from volunteering as tax deductions 69% 10% 29% 40% 21% 6% 4%
The government reimburses volunteers directly for any out of pocket expenses from volunteering 60% 14% 25% 35% 25% 9% 5%
Give companies tax breaks when they allow their staff to take time off to do volunteer work 58% 11% 20% 38% 31% 7% 4%
  • 69% of participants support allowing volunteers to claim travel and other expenses from volunteering as tax deductions, 60% support the government directly reimbursing volunteers for any out of pocket expenses from volunteering and 58% support giving companies tax breaks when they allow their staff to take time off to do volunteer work.
  • Greens voters are most likely to support giving companies tax breaks when they allow their staff to take time off to do volunteer work (70%) whereas, independent/other party voters are least likely to support that suggestion (47%).