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Statements about State Government

16 Jul 2018

Q. Thinking about your state Government, do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 

  Total agree Total disagree   Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know
I find it easy to get the State government services I need 47% 32% 8% 39% 24% 8% 21%
I feed it easy to access/receive funds from the State government 31% 37% 7% 24% 27% 10% 31%
I feel that my voice is heard by State government 30% 54% 5% 25% 36% 18% 16%
I feel my interests are served by State government 36% 50% 6% 30% 32% 18% 14%
I feel I receive value for money from the taxes and charges I pay to State government 34% 48% 5% 29% 30% 18% 18%
The internet has made it easier to access State government services 62% 22%   12% 50% 16% 6% 16%
The size of State government workforce should be expanded to provide more services 43% 39%   12% 31% 27% 12% 18%
The size of State government workforce should be reduced to reduce taxes and charges 44% 37% 12% 32% 27% 10% 19%


There was majority agreement that the internet has made it easier to access State government services (62%) and majority disagreement that my voice is heard by State government (54%) and my interests are served by State government (50%).
