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Statements about joining groups

22 Nov 2016

Q. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Total agree Total dis-agree   Strongly agree Agree Dis-agree Strongly disagree Don’t know
I just don’t like joining groups 46% 44%   9% 37% 38% 6% 10%
I find it impossible to give my time to things outside of work and home 51% 43%   11% 40% 36% 7% 7%
I can’t commit to groups because if don’t work regular hours 37% 52%   8% 29% 43% 9% 10%
There are fewer people available to be part of local groups 47% 31%   8% 39% 27% 4% 23%
The decline in membership of organisations is not a positive development 64% 12%   12% 52% 11% 1% 23%
People just aren’t interested in joining things anymore 60% 21%   10% 50% 19% 2% 19%

64% agreed that the decline in membership of groups is not a positive thing and 60% agreed that people aren’t interested in joining groups.

Nearly half agreed that they don’t like joining groups and half also agreed that it was impossible to find the time.
