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16 Jan 2018

Q. Would you support or oppose Australia becoming a republic with an Australian head of state?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other   Jan 2017
Total support 44%   54% 45% 56% 32%   44%
Total oppose 29%   19% 37% 21% 46%   30%
Strongly support 18% 27% 13% 25% 14% 21%
Support 26% 27% 32% 31% 18% 23%
Oppose 14% 9% 18% 11% 23% 18%
Strongly oppose 15% 10% 19% 10% 23% 12%
No opinion 26% 27% 18% 23% 22%   26%


44% support Australia becoming a republic with an Australian head of state and 29% oppose. 26% have no opinion. These results are almost identical to when this question was asked 12 months ago.

Those most likely to support were Labor voters (54%), Greens voters (56%), men (51%) and university educated (52%).

Those most likely to oppose were Liberal/National voters (37%), other party voters (46%) and aged 65+ (44%).
