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21 Mar 2011

Q.  Are you in favour or against Australia becoming a republic?

Jan 2010 Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens
In favour 41% 39% 55% 27% 63%
Against 32% 34% 20% 53% 15%
No opinion 27% 27% 25% 21% 22%

39% of respondents are in favour of Australia becoming a republic, 34% are against and 27% hold no opinion.

There has been little shift in attitudes from the Jan 2010 poll.

Labor (55%) and Green (63%) voters are more likely to be in favour of a republic. Lib/Nat voters (53%) are more likely to be against Australia becoming a republic.

Males (46%) were more likely than females (33%) to be in favour of Australia becoming a republic. However this did not translate to large numbers of females being against Australia becoming a republic (36% of females compared to 31%) of males, but rather more females (31%) than males (23%) stating that they have no opinion.

Those aged 45-54 were the most likely to be in favour of a republic (48%), but there were also surprisingly high level of support for a republic from older age groups – 41% of those aged 55-64 and 42% of those aged 65+ stated that they were in favour of Australia becoming a republic.
