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Protecting manufacturing

29 Nov 2016

Q. Do you believe protecting local industries and Australian manufacturing jobs will lead to higher costs for Australian consumers and businesses?


  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
Will lead to much higher costs 17%   15% 23% 12% 12%
Will lead to slightly higher costs 47%   48% 49% 58% 46%
Will not lead to higher costs 13%   15% 10% 10% 22%
Don’t know 22%   22% 17% 20% 21%

64% think that protecting local industries and Australian manufacturing jobs will lead to higher costs for Australian consumers and businesses. Only 13% think it will not lead to higher costs. However, only 17% think it will lead to much higher costs while 47% think it will lead to slightly higher costs.

Liberal voters were more likely to think it will lead to much higher costs (23%) and Greens voters more likely to think it will lead to slightly higher costs (58%).

There were no substantial differences across demographics.
