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Priorities for next Government

5 Jul 2016

Q. Which ever party wins the election, what should be the main priorities for the new Government? (up to 3)

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
Invest more in hospitals and health services 45%   54% 38% 39% 49%
Invest more in education 26% 32% 21% 30% 24%
Cut spending to reduce the deficit 24% 10% 46% 5% 16%
Ensuring big businesses pay their fair share of tax 22%   25% 19% 18% 32%
Do more to address unemployment 18%   22% 13% 18% 21%
Legalise same sex marriage 15%   17% 10% 36% 15%
Invest more in infrastructure e.g. rail and roads 14%   9% 22% 8% 11%
Invest more in renewable energy 13%   12% 10% 36% 15%
Do more to address climate change 12%   14% 6% 35% 8%
Build the NBN 12%   15% 11% 12% 10%
Do more to assist first home buyers 9%   10% 8% 10% 13%
More support for local industries 9% 6% 13% 3% 9%

The main priorities for the new Government are investing in hospitals and health, investing in education and cutting the deficit.

Liberal/National voters are more likely to want the Government to cut the deficit (46%), invest in health and hospitals (38%) and invest in infrastructure (22%).

Labor voters are more likely to want the Government to invest in health and hospitals (54%), invest in education (32%) and ensure big businesses pay their share of tax (25%).
